Actually, why not just double down on the hybrid portion of Warpriest and call it a day?
Look at Swashbucker, Warchanter and Arcane Archer, bring the trees up to date and divine it up. Bam.
All cores:
Now give 3 melee or ranged power, core 6 gives 15. You lose this melee or ranged power if you don't have your favored weapon equipped.
Now give 6 fire and light spell power, core 6 gives 30 each.
Now give 2 DR based on what deity you have selected.
Still give 2 AC, but now also give 5 PRR each.
Part of core 1:
Blessed Blade/Tips: Your Favored Weapon deals 1d4 Fire and 1d4 Light damage on hit, scaling with spell power; taking "Righteous Weapons" improves this damage by an additional 1d4 Fire and 1d4 Light. In addition, your favored weapon gains the old disrupting effect.
Core 3:
Sanctuary is now: 20% damage reduction.
Part of core 4:
Smite Foe and Radiant Flourish now hit twice, and each have +1 to critical threat range.
Radiant Flourish: Scales with spell power alongside melee power.
Silence the Wicked: Attack scales 200% with melee power.
Wrathful Weapons: Scales with spell power alongside melee power.
Ameliorating Strike: In epics, the healing is improved by an additional 1d2 per character level, the lesser restoration effect is improved to a Restoration effect, and everyone effected by it is granted "Light Guard" for 12 seconds which is a 2d6 Fire/Light guard effect that scales 100% with spell power.
Double down on the hybridy thing, make it a bursty fire/light damage melee thats also a cleric.