Last edited by Zer0AcmE; 06-21-2018 at 12:49 PM.
I would love a feat that widened the ray spells. lining stuff up is crazy, even when it looks perfect it often just hits one mob
Cooldown too long and cost too high. Should be cooldown 15/12/10s with a cost of 25/20/15 sp
- NEW: Archon's Fury: (Requires Summon Archon) While this is toggled on, your Lantern Archon will add a stack of Archon's Fury on every shot. (Archon's Fury: 1d6 Fire damage every 2 seconds for 10 seconds, stacks up to 20 times. New stacks refresh the duration. This damage scales with 100% of Spell Power). While toggled on, every shot from your Archon costs 12 Spell Points.
12sp per shot is ridiculous. How about 5sp?
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Also I appreciate the combination of several 3/3 stuffus into a single tier box. And the 3/3 Evo focus is nice as well.
I'll miss the free sunbolt SLA core though I see sunbolt is an SLA later. But overall more power.
Significant spellpower increases in cores ( especially for the archon )
Nimbus of light SLA. Does the damage get high enough to matter?
Sunbolt SLA. well obviously as this is the Master of Light feat tree.
Cometfall SLA. not a spell I use right now but anything I can get metamagics for free on.
Archon's Fury: So 360 spellpoints per minute. Fire damage. 40 seconds to get to full damage. Basically only useful against high hp bosses that have no fire resistance. Anything less won't live long enough to build up enough fire stacks to be worth it or will take damage so reduced as to a waste of sp. A very narrow enough slice of enemydom which makes me question its value.
With full metamagics for free, Master of light feat, and a fairly short cooldown. It's not that weak. Also flame strike would suck. Too many immune/resistant enemies and at least for my favored soul fire is the fourth priority spellpower behind light, force, and positive.Anyway, I understand wanting to simplify it in a single SLA. But could not it be a SLA competitive in epics? Searing light is very weak. Why not a Flame strike SLA? It is not super powerful (ok for 0 sp, not need to be powerful), but viable in epics.
Last edited by elvesunited; 06-22-2018 at 10:27 AM.
I believe cleric has the highest available in the game. I don't think fvs needs to have the same potential # as they have other advantages - just reward + slas means significantly more ammunition for boss fights and dungeons in general. Fvs can choose between cha or wisdom and gets bonus hp or spell points. Fvs also gets +4 stat compared to +2 stat for cleric - so the main DC advantage clerics have is from domains which is working as intended.
If you give fvs the same DC potential as clerics with specific domains there is little reason to choose cleric over fvs.
People will go 18 fvs / 2 monk but it takes 3 feats to get +4 wisdom with monk so I don't think it's as obvious of a choice as you think. It's tough getting to the right save to take advantage of evasion without paladin levels and if you did it - you would probably go 15 fvs / 3 paladin / 2 monk light spammer, but you lose out on implosion. energy drain and 5 spell pen - huge losses for the dodge, defenses and saves. It's probably a decent entry level build, but 20 fvs is going to be superior to both of those builds for a vet.
I would definitely prefer sunbeam over searing light and if you compare the damage/cooldown of sunbeam to eld blast there is no problem there. My main concern with the capstone sla is that the cooldown is reasonable. Again whatever you put there isn't going to be better than eld blast so there isn't really much of a concern about higher level sla as long as the cooldown/damage doesn't make it better than warlock eld blast. I am even fine with upgrading but adding a small spell point cost.
A multiselector to choose searning light, command, invisibility, repair moderate or cure moderate slas would also be nice.
Worst case scenario I am ok with searing light with a short cooldown, but it's not so good at epic levels and you don't get it to 20, but truthfully I am more worried about fvs caster being op than other way around - so keeping it as is won't bother me. The devs don't need to play santa clause every class pass.
Last edited by slarden; 06-22-2018 at 07:31 AM.
And where is negative energy choice for Favored Souls? We have Fallen Aasimar, but no fallen favored souls?
Divines don't really have much offensive spellcasting options, so having a negative energy option would be a nice boost to that.
You could have included a negative energy selector into either this tree or Beacon of Hope (Despair).
But we got neither. A crippled class...
If anyone wants to try out a simple light spamming/dc build on Lam
RACE: Aasimar
Starting Stats (I don't consider this split optimized yet)
Str: 8
Dex: 8
Wis: 20 (All level ups)
Con: 16
Int: 8
Char: 12
1) Maximize
3) Empower
6) Quicken
9) Heighten
12) Spell Focus Evocation
15) Spell Penetration
18) Greater Spell Penetration
21) Epic Spell Penetration
24) Burst of Glacial Wrath
26) Spellpower Light
27) Master of Light
28) Mass Frog
29) Arcane Pulse
30) Embolden
30) Scion of Air, Scion of Celestia (esp if you need hp) or Scion of plane of fire as DC will be good enough - any can be selected
ENHANCEMENTS AT LEVEL 30 (assuming at least 1 racial ap point or ap tome)
AASIMAR - 18 pts
Angel of Vengeance - 41 pts
Beacon of Hope - 22 pts
Epic Destiny Exalted Angel
Piercing Spellcraft
Empyrean Magic
Evocation Specialist
Interrogation or Cocoon or both if you have an extra twist
Healing Amp Potential (without paladin past lifes)
Competence Bonus from Legendary Drow Sage's Cowl: 80
Exceptional Bonus from Mysterious Cloak: 45
Equipment Bonus from Legendary Hands of House Jorasco: 40
Guild Bonus from Ship Buff: 20
Aasimar Enhancements: 60 (if you have enough racial points)
Beacon Hope: 30
Total Healing Amp Bonus: 275 (add 30 for past lifes)
HP Bonuses
Favored Soul: 300
Scion of Celstia (if you choose it): 150
Aasimar: 10% overall bonus
(Potentially add a boatload for past lifes/ reaper points)
Self Healing
Healing Hands
Cocoon (+150 temp hp)
Great for low skull - good for mid skull
Wisdom (without past lifes)
Start: 20
Level Ups: 7
Tome: 8
Enhancement Bonus: 19
Insightful Bonus: 9
Exceptional Bonus: 1
Quality Bonus: 4
Profane Bonus: 2
Artifact Bonus: 2
Augment Festive Bonus 2
Sentient Weapon Filigree: 4
Racial Enhancements: 2
Aov Enhancements: 2
AoV Capstone: 4
Beacon of Hop Enhancements: 2
Reaper: 4 (assumes 14 pts in casting tree)
Epic Destiny: 5
Ship Buffs: 2
Yugo Potions: 2
Remnant Potions: 2
Total Wisdom: 102 (add 6 for past lifes 2 for reaper hat bonus)
Evocation DC (without any past lifes)
Base: 10
Spell Level: 9 (Note this assumes heighten for all, but I use some spells without heighten because it's not needed or rarely needed)
Wisdom Bonus: 46
Evocation Focus Feat: 1
Embolden: 2
Scion of the Plane of Air: 4
Item- Enhancement Bonus: 7
Item- Insightful Bonus: 4
Item- Quality Bonus: 2
Item- Augment Bonus: 2
Item- Artifact Bonus (Slavers): 4
Item: Sentient Bonus (Eye of Beholder): 2
Enhancements - Angel of Vengeance: 1
Enhancements - Reaper: 3
Exalted Angel - Transcendental Magic: 3
Epic Destiny Twist - Evocation Focus: 3
Ship Buffs: 1
Total Evocation DC: 104 or 100 with scion of celestia or scion of fire (add 6 for past lifes, 1 for reaper stat bonus on hat, 1 for more reaper pts and even more for different choices)
Spell Penetration:
Favored Soul Levels: 20
Feat: Spell Penetration: 2
Feat: Greater Spell Penetration: 2
Feat: Epic Spell Penetration: 4
Item: Enhancement Bonus: 8
Item: Insightful Bonus: 4
Enhancement Tree: Angel of Vengeance: 3
Enhancement Tree: Aasimar: 3
Enhancement Tree: Reaper: 4
Epic Destiny Caster Levels: 5
Epic Destiny: 3
Epic Destiny Twists: 3
Eye of the Beholder: 1
Ship Buff: 1
Total: 63 (add 9 for past lifes)
CC and instakill
Mass Frog
Greater command (low will)
Burst of Glacial Wrath (will work on most except super high fort)
Cometfall (low reflex enemies- probably good every day spell with the sla)
Soundburst (reapers)
Last edited by slarden; 06-22-2018 at 08:21 AM.
I wanted passive wings for Aasimar with their tier 4 toggle, but there's a couple of reasons why that won't happen. First, the wings for FvS would have to be re-coded from Aasimar in order to match every race. Also, I think there are some fears that passive, permanent wings would undermine the value of Reaper wings. Personally I don't think so because those are different colors and can go on any class of character.
I would love passive wings for FvS, unfortunately I don't think it will happen. As a side note, in PnP FvS Leap of Faith wings are actually passive wings that grant your character flight.
Fvs need flyby attack wings with knockdown immunity so there at least on par with sorc wings
Have to disagree on bogw though been testing and i can land it on orthons and other high fort mobs
but i still cannot land it on any plants, constructs, and the only undead i've found it works on is death slaads
So it is not working on even half the mobs its supposed too it still needs a fix
Last edited by mr420247; 06-22-2018 at 09:04 AM.
Damonz Cannith
I think FvS should get a wings toggle at level 2. Turning it on allows you to see wings like the reaper wings or the Aasimar wings. We didn't have that tech back in 2009 when FvS came out. So we get a pile of feathers when you Leap of Faith. But now that the tech is out there it is lame that Aasimar get it and you don't go back and give it to FvS retroactively. The Wings on/off should be cosmetic and provide a Feather Fall effect at level 2. Turn them off if you don't want feather fall.
If you want, you could add in other features at level 6, 12 and 20 (with leap of faith still at 17) to enhance them. Maybe at level 6 you get a Jump bonus of +20. Maybe at level 12 you get immunity to slippery surfaces and knockdown. Maybe at level 20 you get a clicky Gust of Wind effect (as the spell) that costs some SP and has a cooldown or maybe limited charges per rest.
Nothing OP or anything. Just some cool flavor for an iconic class feature that is woefully unrepresented and the only feature gets handed out to most all divine casters (and most DC casters really) through the EA tree.
It would be cool if at level 6 or 12, when your wings are active you have a "hovering" effect like the warlock does when the aura is on. You float above the ground slightly. But not with the light effect under your feet. Because your wings are what is keeping you aloft.
There is a lot more you could do with the wings, but something like this would be really awesome and make the class unique in it's own way without making it power creep or affecting class balance all that much.
Asheras - Velania - Renvar - Ventarya - Officer of Lava Divers - Khyber
That all sounds pretty good make the class fun again
Damonz Cannith
Toggled wings would be a pretty cool looking effect but I don't think everyone who takes just two FvS levels should automatically get wings. I think maybe it would be best as a level 17 feat and when you use Leap of Faith, the wings from the active ability do not appear, only the wings you toggle on. Also, they would toggle off the appearance of any wings you may have as an Aasimar. Better yet, replace the old Leap of Faith wings with the new Aasimar wings and then have a toggle feat granted at level 17 as well that gives the wing effect. I'd love to have a Golden Dragonborn with feathery wings. At the same time, a FvS of Vol might have bat-like wings of the Fallen Aasimar.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
Effectively, nothing. They're a remnant of older development design meant for internal use.
We've been relying on modifying existing charts for these that were not originally meant for public viewing; this has caused enough confusion in this cycle where we'll be revisiting how we put these together for Lamannia/Forum posts in the future.
For the moment: The notes are canon. The chart is meant purely to help people understand where things are in the tree.
We don't only build for the builds that exist.
We don't only build for the builds that are good right now.
The fact that some changes are necessary is not diminished by the fact that other necessary changes have not happened yet.