lol. sure I'd take that.
It makes a lot of sense as the mechanic is the same as scourge/just reward so basically investing into 18 main class levels gives you a "better" scourge/just reward. Thing is though, we all know it's not hard to keep just reward ticks up, so this is *almost* a flatout 10-15% spell crit multi. Do I want that? Hell yeah. Did Steel sound like he'll give that out? Hell no. SO - this is kinda wishful thinking?
there is 2 variables here, one is the mechanic that builds stacks or triggers the ability, the other is the effective strength of the buffs.
In this suggestion the mechanic to get the buff is highly reliable, and the buff is very strong. No offense but sadly Steel sounded a bit stingyI don't see it happening, and if we make enough noise to get this mechanic tied to just reward the buff will get neutered into some "ok it's something but it's kinda meh" like i.e. +1% crit chance per stack, 5 stacks max ...or thats what I'm afraid off ...
that being said I rly want some sort of spell crit multi and again, it's not just wanting powercreep it is needed to some extent in higher levels and it can be done without going totally OP
anyways, the mechanic means we have available so far are
* triggers on spell crit
* triggers on being hit
* triggers at fixed HP threshold
then, there is stuff like getting a % chance to trigger on these above
then there also is getting a clicky in some way
then there is stuff like paying in HP or such to activate something
then we had the notion of being hit or reaching an HP threshold triggers something, but, that is not reset as soon as you heal back up but has stacks lasting over it.
I feel the most undesirable things are indeed the fixed HP threshold, and other than that, getting a crappy buff. hence I argued for some combo of things in the hopes of getting an endresult where with somewhat controled and mindful playstyle that takes some risks, you can maximise the buff gains ...
another thing btw would be to build charges that once full allow you to apply a clicky. like shadow charge or blood and radiance ...
I'd also once again like to mention a multiselector choice, as it's pretty apparent there is some folks who 100% want something that amounts to a flat/reliable buff and some that are willing to buy into the vengeful/risk taking theme and going either way fully makes the other side feel like it sucks...