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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Default THF Fighter Build help

    I could use some build help. Here's what I am: Warforged, currently level 26, pure fighter, first life (and first character, yeah, a noob), two handed weapon(greatsword). I started playing about 3-4 months ago. I have no clue about enhancements, skills, feats, epic feats, epic destinies or twists of fate. I picked what seemed to make sense to me at the time. With gear I've got around 880hp's and 81ac. Don't know if that's good or not, it's just what i got. If someone could let me know what my build should be I'd really appreciate it. Thanks

  2. #2
    Community Member Jetrule's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2015


    This is a little copy paste from my guild website that I wrote for a new player wanting a dwarf fighter tank. I tried to steer her away from the tank first concept to a killer first concept. In my experience making a fighter primarily damage oriented while still building and gearing for solid defense is the way to go. *Warning this build contains flavor* For warforged take the same action point split and put points in healers friend instead of the dwarf drinking enhancement. For your swords forged just substitute heavy blades where I have axes.

    The Classic Dwarven Defender.

    A Dwarven pure fighter Heavy on the defenses and offences she is a heavy drinking hard hitting stalwart guardian of her companions. A shield maiden of the clan halls. Sworn to face the threats of the world with steel covered axe wielding determination.

    Starting Stats:

    Strength 16 (all your level up points will go here.)
    Dexterity 13
    Constitution 16 (if a 32 point build start this at 18)
    Intelligence 13
    wisdom 8
    charisma 6

    Skills to pick. Jump, intimidation, and balance. Put points in these at every level up.

    Feats and enhancements: 47 action points in kensai. 26 action points in stalwart defender. 7 action points in dwarf.

    Level - feat(s) - Enhancements action points (4 per level)- tree(s)

    1 Power attack and cleave -- 1 weapon group focus axes 2 weapon group specialization axes 1 haste boost - all kensai tree
    2 Weapon focus slashing -- 2 haste boost 2 weapon group specialization axes -- all in kensai tree
    3 Dodge -- 1 spiritual bond 3 ascetic training- conditioning -- all in kensai tree.
    4 Great cleave -- 1 toughness 3 improved stalwart defense-durable defense all in stalwart defender tree
    5 no feats -- 1 stalwart defensive mastery 1 stalwart defense 2 weapon group specialization axes -- 2 in stalwart defender tree. 2 in kensai.
    6 weapon specialization slashing and stunning blow -- 1 strike with no thought 3 shattering strike -- all kensai
    7 no feats -- 2 extra action boosts 2 opportunity attack -- all kensai
    8 Improved critical slashing -- 2 weapon group specialization 2 strike at the heart -- all kensai
    9 greater weapon focus slashing -- 2 liquid courage 2 strength -- all kensai
    10 two handed fighting -- 3 armor expertise 1 item defense - - all stalwart
    11 no feats -- 3 tenacious defense 1 shield expertise -- all stalwart
    12 heavy armor master and greater weapon spec. slash -- 1 power surge, 1 one with the blade, 1 keen edge, 1 a good death. all kensai
    13 no feats -- 1 weapon master 2 shield expertise 1 improved stalwart defense- resilient defense -- 1 kensai 3 stalwart
    14 heavy armor champion -- 2 improved stalwart defense-resilient defense 2 strength -- all stalwart
    15 improved two handed fighting . -- 3 strong defense save 1 point -- all 3 stalwart
    16 greater two handed fighting -- 2 swift defense 3 critical mastery -- 2 stalwart 3 kensai
    17 no feats -- 1 deadly strike 1 dwarven toughness 2 dwarven constitution -- 1 kensai 3 dwarf
    18 combat expertise and tactical supremacy -- 1 one cut dwarven toughness dwarven constitution -- 1 kensai 3 dwarf
    19 no feat -- 4 kensai tactics -- all kensai
    20 Improved trip -- 1 alacrity 2 kensai tactics 1 iron stomach -- 3 kensai 1 dwarf

    A few tips, when you get new feats like power attack or new enhancements like defensive stance go to your character sheet and select the feats or enhancements and drag it down to a bar because if they are active feats or enhancements they will need to be clicked on to be used. This build is designed to be able to fight with a axe and shield but specialize in a great two handed axe. for the first several levels I strongly recommend a great axe with power attack turned on and cleave and great cleave as often as you can. In later levels you can turtle up a bit with a shield and axe or keep wailing away with a great axe. While this build is tough, and gets some bonuses to healing and saves from drinking potions it is best ran with a healer especially a healer hireling if soloing a quest.

    If you take this character into epics, level up legendary dreadnought epic destiny then plug away on the other martial destinies. but go back to dreadnought when in anything tough. You will want to pick up all the innate abilities, tactical dc's extra action boosts, momentum swing, lay waste, critical damage, advancing blows, devastating critical, headsman's chop, and masters blitz, resistance.

    For epic feats

    lvl. 21 overwhelming critical
    lvl. 24 epic damage reduction
    lvl 27 blinding speed
    lvl 30 heavy armor combatant

    Destiny feats
    lvl. 26 Tactician
    lvl 27 pierce silver
    lvl29 pierce adamantium. When you have all three martial destinies filled out you should get elusive target at 27 and dire charge at 29!

    Legendary feat
    lvl 30 scion of arborea.

    For your warforged I would get Scion of mechanus instead of scion of arborea for the legendary feat for self healing, Look to fit in a repair spell power augment or item, a repair amplification docent or item at cap to help the reconstruct spell. I would also change the level 30 epic feat to construct exemplar. For forged switch out the level 3 feat dodge to adamantium body.
    Last edited by Jetrule; 06-20-2018 at 12:19 PM.
    Percivaul Dusol, BadRandall and Shortpact--The Silver Legion

  3. #3
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    The main things which change for a Warforged are adding Adamantine Body feat somewhere (swap Improved Sunder for it, I guess) and losing the Dragonmark feat. I would probably spread APs something like 41 Kensei (capstone) / 17 WF / 22 SD.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

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