You may recognize me from the DDOStream. If not, I'm Toanstation. I stream Wednesday nights at 10:00 PM EDT.

I like to consider myself a student of game design, and one of the things I've been wanting to start with my channel ( is a talk show format that's topically oriented. I've done a couple of pilots of the format, tackling some larger topics like what it's like to be a video gaming parent. I've worked out some details, and I am now launching the Inside the Magic Circle talk show as a regular feature on my channel. The talk show will broadcast at 10:00 PM EDT on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month. My intention is to bring in guests from the gaming community and, eventually I hope, from the game industry, to discuss various topics.

My first episode, scheduled for this coming Thursday, June 14th, is going to be one near and dear to the DDO player community: the Forgotten Realms and the reach it has had as a game setting. Check out the details here on the Twitch event page and mark your calendars and spread the word. I hope to see you there.