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  1. #1
    Community Member Constantinos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Talking Pure Rogue Asassin/Vistani Build

    well guys im trying to fill all the good things the rogues offers to us like asessinate that is very useful in reaper stuff , and filling the other things that we will going to be lacking like self healing , prr and well the other stuff that make us really fragile for be in melee , with update 38 we got a few nice items to chose and well everybody are using the legendary executioner helm for the 5% extra damage but like i said after that update 38 bring us a few new helms that can work better to be a decent rogue and survive like other classes its a bit late here so the only thing im gonna send you is this at least items gonna wait for a bit

    Level 30 Lawful Good Shadar-Kai Male

    Stats , im using +7 tomes on all
    Abilities------------------Base Stats-------Base Stats---------Modified Stats
    (36 Point)----------------(Level 1)---------(Level 30)-----------(Level 30)------------Modifier

    saving throws

    fortitude 71
    reflex 99
    will 63

    --------------------Starting------------- Ending----Feat/Enhancement/gear
    ---------------------Skill Ranks-------Skill Ranks-----Modified Skills
    Skills------------------Level 1)-------(Level 30)-------(Level 30)
    Bluff-------------------- 04-----------------35-----------------83
    Concentration --------00-----------------12-----------------46
    Disable Device-------07-----------------38-----------------112
    Listen----------------- 00-----------------12-----------------38
    Move Silently----------05-----------------39-----------------120
    Open Lock-------------04-----------------3-----------------102
    Perform-----------------n/a--------------n/a ----------------n/a
    Swim-------------------04-----------------35 -----------------35
    Use Magic Device-----08-----------------42-----------------60

    Level 1 (Rogue)
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Feint = this one is a very nice to have cuz can bluff all the guys in arc so they dont attack you
    Level 3 (Rogue)
    Feat: (Selected) Precision
    Level 6 (Rogue)
    Feat: (Selected) Two Weapon Fighting
    Level 9 (Rogue)
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Weapon Fighting
    Level 10 (Rogue)
    Feat: (Rogue Bonus) Defensive Roll = this one save life if you have a good reflex and you will have it
    Level 12 (Rogue)
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Piercing Weapons
    Level 13 (Rogue)
    Feat: (Rogue Bonus) Improved Evasion
    Level 15 (Rogue)
    Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Weapon Fighting
    Level 16 (Rogue)
    Feat: (Rogue Bonus) Opportunist
    Level 18 (Rogue)
    Feat: (Selected) Completionist if you dont have your this yet you can use dodge or something you like it
    Level 19 (Rogue)
    Feat: (Rogue Bonus) Slippery Mind = for those nasty spellscasters
    Level 21 (Epic)
    Feat: (Selected) Epic: Improved Sneak Attack
    Level 24 (Epic)
    Feat: (Selected) Dodge
    Level 26 (Epic)
    Feat: (Epic Destiny) Primal Sphere: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
    Level 27 (Epic)
    Feat: (Selected) Epic: Blinding Speed
    Level 28 (Epic)
    Feat: (Epic Destiny) Martial Sphere: First Blood = well if you fail to assesinate the guy he will take a huge damage with this
    Level 29 (Epic)
    Feat: (Epic Destiny) Multiple Spheres: Embodiment of Order = a bit more of dps
    Level 30 (Epic)
    Feat: (Selected) Epic: Great Dexterity = more DC of assesinate
    Feat: (Legendary) Scion of the Astral Plane = more DC of assesinate and dodge and doublestrike ist just pretty nice

    the enhancements is nice and will cover very good the dps and survivality

    41 Assassin
    Knife in the Darkness (Rank 1)
    Dagger in the Back (Rank 1)
    Assassin's Trick (Rank 1)
    Nimbleness (Rank 1)
    Lethality (Rank 1)
    Deadly Shadow (Rank 1)
    Stealthy (Rank 3)
    Venomed Blades (Rank 3)
    Critical Mastery (Rank 3)
    Dexterity (Rank 2)
    Execute (Rank 1)
    Killer (Rank 3)
    Sneak Attack Training (Rank 4)
    Assassinate (Rank 1)
    Measure the Foe (Rank 3)
    Knife Specialization (Rank 1)
    Light Armor Mastery (Rank 3)

    28 Vistani Knife Fighter

    Knife Expertise (Rank 1)
    Vistani Knife Traininng IV (Rank 1)
    Mist Stalker IV (Rank 1)
    Rapid Slash (Rank 1)
    Bleeding Cuts (Rank 1)
    Deadly Blades (Rank 1)
    Double Daggers (Rank 1)
    Dexterity (Rank 2)

    and 8 Harper Agent

    Agent of Good (Rank 1)
    Harper Enchantment (Rank 1)
    Weathered Traveler (Rank 2)
    Know The Angles (Rank 3)

    and if you got your all your racial live im doing at the moment you can invest your 12 points in this

    Shadar Kai Grit (Rank 1)
    Shadar Kai Dexterity (Rank 1)
    Shadow Phase (Rank 1)
    Shadow Jaunt (Rank 1)
    Empowered Jaunt (Rank 1)
    Ghostly Essence (Rank 1)
    Guile (Rank 2)

    Epic Destiny

    Shadow Dancer

    stealthy rank3
    dex 1
    lithe ran3
    dex 1
    shrouding strike rank3
    meld into darkness rank3
    grim precision rank2
    improved invisivility rank3
    shadow form

    tier 4 sense weakness
    tier 3 sacred ground
    tier 2 consegration
    tier 1 dex 1
    tier 1 rejuvenation cocoon


    Aasimar scourge x3 = 3% doublestrike and 6% offhand doublestrike
    enchant weapon x3 = +3 enhancement weapon bonus
    power of life and death x3 = +30 positive and +30 negative energy spell power
    doublestrike x3 = +9% doublestrike
    color of the queen x3 = 7% of ramdom effect once every 10 seconds
    precision = 5% to hit and reduce 25% target fortification for my attacks
    shadow training III = 20% less melee and ranged threat
    venomed blades rank3 = 1d8 poison damage on weapon attacks thats scale with 200% melee power

    HP 1421
    spells points 728
    movement speed 62%
    ac 122
    prr 127(55,9%)
    mrr 50(33,3%)
    fortification 130%
    dodge 46%
    dodge cap 38%
    healing apm 50
    inmunities : fear , level draining , death effects and blindness
    melee threat generation -100%
    off hand attack chance 80%
    double strike 42%
    off hand double strike 16%
    sneak attack dice 35d6
    sneak attack damage 28
    melee power 127%
    fortification bypass 75% with assassins trick will go up for a 100%
    assassinate DC 87 with mesure the foe another +5 for a total of a solid 92 with a yugo pot will increase to a 93
    positive spell power 255
    Acid,Cold,Electric and Fire Resistance up to 84
    sonic resistance 94
    Acid,Cold,Electric and fire absortions up to 24%
    negative absorption 25%
    sonic absorption 14%
    unconscious range -57


    Mantle of madness :
    INT 19
    shatter +22
    wizardry +412
    exceptiona astute skills +10
    trace of madness: Solipsism : chance of turn the creature daze so its means that you can sneak attack him
    green augment = Protection 8

    Legendary greensteel Goggles :
    +22 Dex Skills/+28 HP
    +11 Int skills/+151 SP
    +32 Unconsciones range/4 healing every 10 seconds
    You Cannot Evade Me : 1d8 dex damage and +10 dex for 30 seconds

    vestments of ravenloft : deathblock , ghostly 10% miss chance and +5 hide/move silently
    physical sheltering +52
    profane well rounded +2 profane bonus to all abilities
    silent avenger set
    blue augment = Golem Hearth
    green augment = globe of true imperial blood

    legendary bracers of the fallen hero :
    STR +19
    Ins Con +9
    Stunning +22
    Quality Physical Sheltering +12
    green augment = dragonic soul gem

    Legendary Chieftain :
    WIS +18
    Quality WIS +4
    spell saves +14
    quality WILL save +3
    blue augment = armored agility +2

    Canninth crafted boots ml30(34) :
    +12 dodge
    +7 parrying
    +7 INS DEX
    green augment = Blindness inmunity

    Legendary Knifepalm :
    Assassinate +9
    bluff +22
    deadly +16
    INS diversion +15%
    yellow augment = diamond of vitality +20

    Legendary Five Rings :
    flase life +68
    resistance +14
    tendon slice +20
    Quality CON +4
    green augment = fortification 100%

    Legendary braided cutcord :
    quality dodge 4%
    blurry 20% chance of miss due concealment
    quality DEX +4
    silent avenger set
    green augment = natural armor +8

    the invisible cloak of strahd :
    invisibility and nightmare guard
    deception +17 bonus to hit and +25 damage for sneak attacks
    magical sheltering +52
    silent avenger set
    blue augment = golems heart
    green augment = good luck +2

    echo of ravenkind :
    eternal holy burst 1d6 good damage on each hit and ciritcal hits deals an aditional 1d10 good damage for weapons with critical x2 so our daggers will have a x4 multiplier thats mean a 3d10 extra damage
    true seeing
    CON +20
    Improved deception chance of making target vulnerable to sneack attacks
    yellow augment = +40 sonic resistance
    green augment = +15 diamond of spot

    legendary chains :
    CHA +17
    Seeker +17
    disable device +22
    Quality INT +4
    colorless augment = the master gift

    suffering the half of whole :
    +15 enhancement bonus ,
    constructing nightmare reduce PRR and MRR by 10 on hit
    wounding 5 : 5 CON damage on each hit
    orange augment = ruby eye of the tempest
    red augment = ruby eye of force

    pain , the half of whole :
    +15 enhancement bonus
    fetters of unreality inflic multiple stacks of vulnerable up to 20 stacks
    Improved deception chance of making target vulnerable to sneack attacks
    sovereign vorpal
    deception +17 bonus to hit and +25 damage for sneak attacks
    purple augment = +138 ruby of positive spell power
    red augment = Deconstructor

    Quiver of alacrity : ranged alacrity 10% ,striding +30%
    blue augment = +2 festive INT
    colorless augment = +2 festive WIS


    pain and suffering : 2 pieces
    gain a +2(w) to each of your daggers

    silent avenger set (legendary): 3 pieces
    you gain +3 sneack attack dice
    you gain a 25% artifact bonus to fortification bypass
    you gain a +10% artifact bonus to damage versus helpless opponents

    The Long Shadow:

    2 pieces +5 melee and ranged power
    3 pieces assassins sentience : melee and missile attacks deal an additional 4d6 +1d6 per character epic level in acid damage


    2 pieces +5 melee and ranged power
    3 pieces +1 sneack attack dice
    4 pieces +2 to the DC of Assassinate

    Sentien jewel of the covetous
    filigree 1: the long shadow: attack and damage(rare) +1 to hit and damage and +2 prr
    filigree 2: the long shadow: melee power(rare) +3 melee power and +2 melee power
    filigree 3: the long shadow: Dexterity(rare) +1 dexterity and +2 prr
    filigree 4: trecheary: melee power(rare) +3 melee power and +2 melee powerr
    filigree 5: trecheary: Dexterity(rare) +1 dexterity and +2 prr
    filigree 6: trecheary: Critical attack and damage(rare) +2 critical confirmation and damage and +2 prr
    filigree 7: trecheary: threat reduction(rare) +50% threat reduction and +2 prr

    this is the build that im working on cuz those life and raids tooks a while to get some of items but what do you think is nice? works pretty well even without all the stuff
    Last edited by Constantinos; 06-06-2018 at 01:22 PM. Reason: updating

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2014


    Fortification 130 is too low u need more than 200, i would reconsider you Items
    For raid i prefer prowess set 5 piece
    In game in Cannith as
    Aborim Master (main toon) --- Nickallin (my tank)--- Jjnick (warlock 30) --- Nickpunick ()--- Nickruvido (my healer)--- Nickallinone (shuri build)
    guild: not Flagged ( ex guardiani di eberron, ex gods, ex kvp)

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Alled78 View Post
    Fortification 130 is too low u need more than 200, i would reconsider you Items
    Swapping out Vestments of Ravenloft for the Legendary Mist-laden Vestments would fix this.

  4. #4
    Community Member HuneyMunster's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Constantinos View Post

    Level 30 Lawful Good Shadar-Kai Male

    Stats , im using +7 tomes on all
    Abilities------------------Base Stats-------Base Stats---------Modified Stats
    (36 Point)----------------(Level 1)---------(Level 30)-----------(Level 30)------------Modifier
    You starting stats are a little misleading. You have included tomes as part of your base stats. You also says you have +7 to all tomes yet have 9 strength, while minimum strength you can get on a Kai is 8(10 with tomes) So either typing error or you only have +1 strength tome.

    Also, the biggest issue for me with Kai is no 2nd attribute in cores and having to spend 6 ap for Shadow jaunt due to it being almost worthless without the cooldown reduction. Add that Shadow Phase shares the same cooldown as Jaunt make that ability 2 points wasted and Ghostly Essence is another wasted ap to get Guile. The race got the short end of the stick during the racial passes recently.
    Last edited by HuneyMunster; 06-17-2018 at 06:22 AM.

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