I would like to take 1 level rogue (to be able to
disarm traps and open locks on my own) and 1 level
fighter, to be able to add Quicken (would take point
blank shot or dodge with fighter feat, thus
liberating my ranger feats to add quicken).
I do not want to get rid of Shot on the Run, I am
always moving and -4 to hit is a huge penalty.
That’s why I need the fighter level.
And the rogue level, I always quest alone (and never raid) with a few
hirelings when needed, and the rogue hireling will not
be able to disarm traps at highest levels, because he is capped
at 24.
But I have to give up ranger cappped enhancement
of 20% doubleshot to get those two multiclass
levels (cant take both the deepwood level 20 enhancement
and the AA level 20 enhancement and the AA enhancement seems better).
And I also give up a favored enemy. But that I can live with.
So the question is, since I solo and seem to need the rogue level and need quicken, how much am I gimping
myself by giving up 20% doubleshot to get them ?