Last Updated 5:46 PM Eastern (-4 GMT): At this time, we have restored the ability to make purchases in the DDO Store. For users whose items failed to deliver, we are in the process of restoring their DDO Points from those items that did not deliver. Please note it may take up to 24 hours for us to complete these restorations, and you don't need to submit a ticket to be helped. The game servers remain up at this time, and the DDO Store is available at this time. Thank you so much for your patience, and we'll see you in game!
4:44 PM Eastern (-4 GMT): We continue to investigate the Store issue. The games remain up, but the Store is still unavailable. Stay tuned for more updates.
1:47 PM Eastern (-4 GMT): The DDO Store is temporarily unavailable while we investigate service issues. The game worlds remain open at this time. We will bring more updates as soon they are available. Thanks for your patience.