Looking for suggestions for doing rogue lives during my TR grind. I'm VIP, everything unlocked, have ground out/traded/purchased +6 tomes for each stat. 3x lives already completed for Barb, Fighter, Pally, Cleric, FVS, Sorc, Bard and Ranger. (I tend to run the same build three times in row for each class, learning the ropes and collecting gear the first time, busting heads the next two.) Rogue is up next, but I haven't looked into any Rogue builds yet. I have roughly one metric buttload of rapiers in my inventory from the last 6 lives (Bard x3, TWF melee Ranger x3), other gear is fair with a lot of Cannith crafted to fill in gaps. Play style is usually melee-focused, but I'm willing to try some sneaky-sneak as a rogue.

Thoughts? Point me toward your favorite builds, help a brutha out...