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  1. #1
    Community Member JBS's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default Problem with Astral Shard AH

    I noticed that I am unable to set a buyout price on the Astral Shard AH - this is happening on any character on any server - the plat AH works fine.

    When I try to select the buyout the window won't accept any number entries, it stays at "0"

    Has anyone else seen this - has anyone found a work around?


  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Some items can't have a buyout set on ASAH. Some can. So, what are you trying to post?

    And in response to the thread title: many would say: "that it exists." zing!

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    When selling items available in the DDO Store, you cannot set a buyout price when posting. This restriction applies to

    Ability and skill tomes
    Raid Timer Bypass Hourglasses
    Omnispell Dust / Omnispell Stones
    Cannith Crafting essences
    Hair dyes
    Siberys Dragonshards (restriction applies to flawed/imperfect/siberys/exceptional/flawless); siberys dragonshard fragments can be sold on the astral exchange with a buyout price
    Hearts of Wood

  4. #4
    Community Member Fedora1's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013


    As Cantor stated, some things won't allow a buy out price.

    Tomes, Cannith Essences, Bigby's Hands, Eberron Dragonshard Fragments, and Omnispell Dust/Stones are a few of the things I am aware of that cannot have a buy out placed on them.

    EDIT: Got ninja'd again. lol
    My take on "the grind":

    Ordinary humans have inhibitions that serve as a buffer against what we know is bad behavior.
    However, some people, by blaming others for their own bad behavior, develop a thought pattern that allows them to override self-control in order to achieve a selfish end.
    - My opinion on exploiters and cheaters blaming SSG for unfair punishment.

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