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  1. #1
    Community Member Hobgoblin's Avatar
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    Default endgame gear for a monk

    What are people rocking right now on monks.

    some of what im posting is what i have other is what i want

    for dream

    head: leg sojourners cowl
    neck: leg dawns herald
    Trinket: icon echo
    cloak: leg shadowhail
    belt: leg plateshard
    ring2: leg band of insightful commands
    gloves: ? leg knifepalm
    boots: leg shadows footsteps
    ring 1:leg ring of prowess
    bracers: ? open right now
    armor: shadowscale
    goggles: crafted trueseeing/deeker

    it could use some work - i am looking for the outfit from either baba or sunrise. im also farming for the belt from wines.

    other then that im needing suggestions!
    Last edited by Hobgoblin; 05-18-2018 at 12:07 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Robbenklopper's Avatar
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    Nov 2013


    I am not right ready with my Layout, but it's a Mix of both avenger and mists Set.
    But the most tricky thing is: where to Slot insitightful and quality combat Mastery at best?
    Last edited by Robbenklopper; 05-19-2018 at 04:59 AM.
    "It´s too late. Always has been - always will be. Too late"

  3. #3
    Community Member Vish's Avatar
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    There's a thread for gearset somewhere in monk

    You can look at my theory crafting the celestial monk, for my gearset for Shintao
    Kil Glory
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  4. #4
    Community Member FuryFlash's Avatar
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    Here is Symbiont's layout:

    It won't get more optimized than that for a pure shintao.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    I'm not saying TRing isn't optional but its kind of optional in the way that defeating the waves in Devil Assault are optional.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Hobgoblin's Avatar
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    ok that might work. looking at lgs is a pain just not sure of the value of it.

    slavers i see the value hate the grind

  6. #6
    Community Member Kodwraith's Avatar
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    The silent Avenger set 3-piece (armor, cloak, belt) is quite a bit more powerful than the general Adherent set.

    The "normal" layout with no raid items is somethign like:

    Armor/Belt/Cloak: Disciple of Dawn, Shadowhail, Braided Cutcord.
    Gloves: Crumbling Gloves
    Boots: Greaves
    Wrists: LoreFueled PackBanner
    Necklace: WIS necklace (can swap straight to raid one here with no set disruption).
    RingA: Perfect Pinnacle
    Then most setups are using the Executioner's helm which gives seeker and Qual Combat Mastery.

    The main things this setup is missing: Accuracy, Ins Wisdom, CON, Ins Combat Mastery, Resistance (for Fort and Will), Doublestrike, Dodge, Armor Piercing (over and above the 25% from the avenger set).

    I run the following:
    Goggles CC: Concentration / Accuracy / Ins Wisdom
    Trinket: CC: Dodge / DoubleStrike / Ins Combat Mastery
    RingB: Slaver's: CON / Resistance / (whatever) / Qual Wis

    I'm debating switching the Resistance slot of slaver's to Accuracy for 5 more accuracy as I'm missing more than I like. My save are still all in the 80s/90s. I swap to INT/InsInt goggles for KTA and can hit DC's up in the 114 range when fully buffed. (this is in LD with no fighter past lives). If you have ravenloft raid gear, you can start swapping in stuff, ususally starting with molten silver gauntlets. The Raid Avenger armor and cloak are actually marginally WORSE for this setup than the regular items since you need to slot in Fort someplace.

    Turbine could really really make a newer version of shadowsight goggles with INS Wis / Accuracy / Resistance.
    Kodraith / Xanxibar / Xinibar / Lensgrinder :: Lava Divers of Khyber :: I'm a monk. I hit things; it's what I do.

  7. #7
    Community Member Dpadan1974's Avatar
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    i am currently using this and find it quite nice

    Goggles- visions of perception- mainly for +4 insightful wisdom (will be replace with higher ins wis goggles)- using +40 hp and +2 fest wis slotted
    Head- Legendary Executioners helm
    Armor-Legendary Desciple of Dawn- +8 protection slotted
    Necky-Fleetwood necklace
    Cloak-Legendary shadowhail cloak- have int cloak to swap for know the angles
    Ring1-slaver ring- quality +4 con/accuracy 28/stunning 20/cha +17
    Ring2-Legendary ring of nightfall
    Wrist-Legendary fuel-packed banner- +6 resistance
    Belt-Legendary braided cut cord- 250 sp slotted
    Boots-Legendary flightfoot greaves- mainly for fom and mist set
    Gloves- Legendary crumbling gloves- globe of imp blood slotted
    Trinket- Icon of Ravenloft

    Stats end up as (in windstance)
    22 str/76 dex/62 con/36 or 50 int/62 wiz/36 cha
    1410 HP's
    175 ac without expertise
    27% dodge
    63.71% doublestrike

    Im trying to switch my boots and goggles atm. Might consider opp gsteel set to gain hit points or may go into a random gen/crafted set for higher insightful attributes and ditch crumbling gloves for molten silver gauntlets.

    This set up allows for you to obtain the mists set bonus as well as avenger bonus
    Optimal no.....decent and workable.....yes
    Sprulok pure monk// Magnetik 12 monk/6rngr/2ftr thrower//Bllaak Stabbath Warlock (work in progress) Ghallanda server---Officer of the Captain's Crew

  8. #8
    Community Member Kodwraith's Avatar
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    The two raid items that more or less determine the rest of the set layout are the Molten Silver Gauntlets and the CON Icon of Ravenkind trinket. Note that it seems the "raid version" of the Silent Avenger set is actually worse than the regular set as it includes +hide and +Profane and other goodies. Honestly the Raid set is missing fort and parrying, which makes it actually much harder to gear around.

    If you have those, you end up with a set like this (and no, I don't have all this either):

    Kodraith (full raid):
    Armor: Disciple: Fort / PRR / Profane
    Cloak: Shadowhail Cloak: Ghostly / Deception / Hide / MS
    Belt: Cutcord: DEX / Qual DEX / Blurry / Qual Dodge
    Gloves: Molten Silver (DS / AP / Deadly)
    Necklace: Fleetfoot (WIS / Nat Armor / Reinforced / stuff)
    Trinket: Echo of Raven (CON / True Seeing / Ins Deception / Holy)
    Ring: Nightfall (Ins Int / Ins Deadly / Reflex Saves / PRR)
    Wrist: Lore Fueled PackBanner (Ins Doublestrike / Ins Con / PRR)
    Helm: Stormreach Mighty Guardian: STR / Stunning / Seeker / Deadly
    Boots: CC: Dodge / ??? / Ins Dex (can slot whatever you want in the middle)
    Ring: Slavers: False Life* / Accuracy / UMD** / Qual WIS (or Leg Prowess)
    Goggles: Concentration / Melee Alacrity / Ins Wis / (yellow socket) Striding

    Augments: Resistance

    * You can make your Slaver's ring to be INT in the prefix instead of False Life, then you don't even need to swap for KTA casting. You only loose 28 HPs assuming you slot False Life (40) augment someplace else.
    ** Others have talked about slotting Trip here for more Knock on the Sky DCs.

    Relative to my non-raid set above, this gives you basically everything except Insightful and Qual Combat Mastery but picks up more doublestrike, more Insightful Deadly and more Int for KTA. So I'd loose ~8 DCs off of my setup, which is bad but liveable since I don't use QP all that much. I'd pick up 5% doublestrike and 9 dmg per hit which is a lot.
    Kodraith / Xanxibar / Xinibar / Lensgrinder :: Lava Divers of Khyber :: I'm a monk. I hit things; it's what I do.

  9. #9
    Community Member Hobgoblin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kodwraith View Post
    The two raid items that more or less determine the rest of the set layout are the Molten Silver Gauntlets and the CON Icon of Ravenkind trinket. Note that it seems the "raid version" of the Silent Avenger set is actually worse than the regular set as it includes +hide and +Profane and other goodies. Honestly the Raid set is missing fort and parrying, which makes it actually much harder to gear around.

    If you have those, you end up with a set like this (and no, I don't have all this either):

    Kodraith (full raid):
    Armor: Disciple: Fort / PRR / Profane
    Cloak: Shadowhail Cloak: Ghostly / Deception / Hide / MS
    Belt: Cutcord: DEX / Qual DEX / Blurry / Qual Dodge
    Gloves: Molten Silver (DS / AP / Deadly)
    Necklace: Fleetfoot (WIS / Nat Armor / Reinforced / stuff)
    Trinket: Echo of Raven (CON / True Seeing / Ins Deception / Holy)
    Ring: Nightfall (Ins Int / Ins Deadly / Reflex Saves / PRR)
    Wrist: Lore Fueled PackBanner (Ins Doublestrike / Ins Con / PRR)
    Helm: Stormreach Mighty Guardian: STR / Stunning / Seeker / Deadly
    Boots: CC: Dodge / ??? / Ins Dex (can slot whatever you want in the middle)
    Ring: Slavers: False Life* / Accuracy / UMD** / Qual WIS (or Leg Prowess)
    Goggles: Concentration / Melee Alacrity / Ins Wis / (yellow socket) Striding

    Augments: Resistance

    * You can make your Slaver's ring to be INT in the prefix instead of False Life, then you don't even need to swap for KTA casting. You only loose 28 HPs assuming you slot False Life (40) augment someplace else.
    ** Others have talked about slotting Trip here for more Knock on the Sky DCs.

    Relative to my non-raid set above, this gives you basically everything except Insightful and Qual Combat Mastery but picks up more doublestrike, more Insightful Deadly and more Int for KTA. So I'd loose ~8 DCs off of my setup, which is bad but liveable since I don't use QP all that much. I'd pick up 5% doublestrike and 9 dmg per hit which is a lot.
    this is very similar to what i have used

    need more slavers runs to finish that

    i agree on the googles with wis, but i currently run with blinding speed. if i get meele alacrity, that means i get to pick a different feat there......

    choices choices

  10. #10
    Community Member Kodwraith's Avatar
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    There's another intermediate state if you don't wear the Ravenloft raid trinket but do wear the gloves. It's kind of a hybrid state between the two above sets:

    Avenger: Armor / Belt / Cloak
    (Dex / Ghostly / Qual Dex / Ins Dodge / Fort / PRR / Blurry / Qual Dodge)
    Gloves: Molten Silver (DS / AP / Deadly)
    Necklace: Dawn Herald (WIS) => Fleetfoot ( WIS / Nat / Reinforced Fists)
    RingA: Pinnacle (Stunning/Deadly) => Nightfall (Ins Deadly / Ins Int)
    Boots: Fleetfoot Greaves (Nat / Speed / FoM)
    Wrist: Lore Fueled (Ins Con / Ins Doublestrike)
    Goggles: Concentration / Ins Concentration / Ins Wis
    Ring: Slaver’s: Con / Accuracy / Stunning / Qual WIS
    Helm: Slaver’s Helm (Seeker / Ins Deception / Qual Combat)
    Trinket: Dodge / Resistance (or heal amp) / Ins Combat Mastery (or Ins Dex)
    Delta: +5% Double Strike / + 23% AP / +7 Deadly / + 4 Accuracy / -9 DEX / + 11 Concentration -2 will & fort / -2 Stunning

    This drops Ins Dex on the gloves for more Offense. It keeps Ins Combat Mastery on the trinket third slot. Start with the Perfect Pinnacle and then swap to Nightfall after you build your Slaver's item with Accuracy relative to set one above. You'll need to also redo your CC goggles and trinket. You can potentially also slot in one of the U38 helms instead of the slaver's helm also. In that case, you could probably squeeze in the Prowess ring.

    Alas, there is currently no Dodge/Resistance/Accuracy item.
    Kodraith / Xanxibar / Xinibar / Lensgrinder :: Lava Divers of Khyber :: I'm a monk. I hit things; it's what I do.

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