
I tried something - lesser reincarnated a perfectly good build - and now im stuck with a gimp and have to reincarnate again.

But the weird thing is the damage displayed in the inventory tab. I am currently level 11 - 6 druid 5 monk. When i am not in animal forms it shows: 1.8[2d6]+33 in the tab. I have 8 in melee power and 9 in doublestrike.

When i switch to either bear or wolf it shows 1.8[2d6]+40 and i have 21 in doublestrike and 20 in melee power.

I have 3 times natural fighting.

But no matter how i look at it i can't get my head around why bear or wolf form gives extra damage?

I thought perhaps the melee power is added before it is displayed so i did 33/1.08*1.2=36.67 so this does not add up either.

I am not using power attack at all as i simply don't have the feat.

I also checked my enhancements and i only have 6 points in natures protector to get the stance. So no added damage from changing from here...

Can anybody help me solve this conundrum?