Okay, I hear stealth and assassinate are weak and playing an assassin is impossible. Now, I've used stealth from time to time, mostly to skip groups I could kill anyway to save time. Occasionally for the larger aggro radius on a warlock. I've used the assassin tree as well, mostly in the past as a dps tree for classes that lack their own dps trees. So, I'm going to accept as a premise that the complaints are true, and build something that is an assassin but doesn't have to play like one if their mechanics really are as bad as people say.
First, lets just bust open a stealthy rogue assassin that people say doesn't work. A stealthy rogue assassin:
1) Is a dps character, that is generally built for fastest kobold boss time dps
2) Wears leather armor, relying on dodge and other people holding aggro to deal damage and survive
3) Fights with dual daggers or kukris for max dps
4) Is int or dex based
5) Has limited healing
6) Tries to engage in reaper in stealth to assassinate, but gets owned by auto stealth detection and increased initial threat assigned to stealth characters.
7) Relies on deception, feints, blind, and spell traps or other party members to enable sneak damage
8) Is too squishy to go toe to toe with red names even if you can stealth to them.
I'm going to toss all of that and build a new playstyle from scratch.
1) First, we aren't going to build for fastest kobold boss time. We are going to build for trash dps, because bosses are less threatening then champions and reapers, and most of a dungeon is trash.
2) We aren't going to wear leather armor. We are going to wear plate. Because, well, duh? No Worries plate armor has no armor check penalty, meaning we have no skill penalties for wearing it. So let's wear that.
3) Off-hand attacks are at half stat damage, so lets just write off off-hand base damage and use a 20/40/60 HAMP GS kama for staying alive.
4) I get that assassinate is int or dex based. I also get that int or dex can be used to hit and for damage, for fastest kobold kill times. However, I also get that due to power creep, I never really have problems with DCs, so I'm going to use another primary stat instead, and just assassinate with a secondary stat. Probably dex for twf qualifications. This will let us stun with our primary stat, for max trash dps instead of boss dps. Since I'm working on racials, I just don't care about epic DCs.
5) I've sorta become addicted to having divine healing in all of my builds. It's not really for me. It's so I don't have to continuously heal other weaker players, especially since I play on the default server. However, when combined with 3) above, it's going to provide solid continuous healing, even in reaper. Plus cleric is going to give us plate proficiency for 2).
6) If we can't stealth up to things, we need a new way to engage. So what we are going to do is just AoE stun everything, run up, and point blank stealth and assassinate while standing right in the middle of the enemy mobs. Cleric gives us an AoE stun as well with Soundburst.
Alternatively, we want to stealth in to the casters in the back and intentionally get detected. As a result, we will not gear hide and move silently in groups (only when solo). The melee will chase you into the casters, and the increased initial aggro from stealth detection will let you group them for a single soundburst even in parties with others attacking them. This is also where the continuous healing and plate come in, to shrug off damage from being intentionally caught stealthing in, and to lower incoming damage and hits so you can make concentration checks to cast soundburst.
7) Better rogues than I use all sorts of traps, deceptions, feints, bluffs, and whatnots to enable sneak damage. I'm going to mostly use 1 button for all situations. Soundburst. Probably will need something for bosses. I'm sure the assassin tree will have what I need. People will ask about DCs and Spell Penetration. But I think those will just work out.
8) Plate and self healing should also take care of squish against red names.
So now I just need a leveling setup, feat setup, and enhancement setup.
I'm thinking 16 rogue, 3 cleric, 1 monk. Max + levels wisdom, solid dex.
TWFx3, Precision from monk, Completionist, PL:Wiz, Improved Feint free feat swap at level 13 to Evo Focus (Thanks Sakee and Slarden), stunning fist dragonshard feat swap to quicken with 3 cleric levels, Vol, Magic Domain (thanks Sakee), If human: Evo Focus
Enhancements: Assassin, radiant servant divine healing/mighty turning at low levels, NiS faster sneaking
Skills: Level bluff 1-13 for improved feint, then drop it.
Anyone see any problems with this? I'm not an assassin specialist. I don't think we need Quick Draw if we go Soundburst > Stealth > Assassinate, because we can draw weapons during the stealth action and still be ready to assassinate. Maybe grab it out of VKF.