(To set the tone, this is all geared around running with a guild mate or two, ideally running Epic Elites and being effective in a Raid scenario, not too worried about Reapers yet).
I have an existing Dwarf TWF with Dwarven Axes 2Rog/6Ranger/12 Fighter using Harpers INT ToHit and Damage. He is great
I had an alt with a spare +20 heart and decided I would try out a high AC/PRR/MRR tanky type. I used information from the "High Reaper Tank" build in the Fighter forums, but in no way should my questions be considered critique for that build, as I am seriously under specced regarding items and went well off the rails with regards to Feats and Enhancements. I tried to fit in Manyshot/IPS and Bow Strength, (stupidly) went with TWF feats and also 'splashed' some points in Kensei for Haste, Extra Boosts and Strike with no Thought.
I did take 1 level of Wizard for the Mage Armour SLA but I am seriously considering dropping that and maybe taking a level of Rogue (I miss my Rogue skills!) though echos of power refilling enough to cast a cocoon is handy if nothing else.
My main issue is melee DPS, especially with shield equipped (obviously all my fault for going all over the shop with Feats that do nothing in this instance). I am wondering if I switch a bunch of Feats around and go Shield Mastery and THF for the glancing blows with Dwarven Axes I can get some decent DPS going, which would also allow me to switch to a Two Hand Axe when I don't need quite so much protection perhaps. Or maybe I should see what I can do dropping some shield Enhancements and go primarily TWF.
Either way I can save a ton of Feats if I give up on IPS, Manyshot and Bow Strength. I just know from my main character, sometimes its handy to have burst damage from range, but maybe that's the wrong solution and I should be in there standing toe to toe with this one!
I also noticed I have 70+ Constitution (That's probably on the low side for many people) which led me to wonder if I should maybe take Throw Your Weight Around and do what I can to boost my Con further. Obviously thats an Enhancement investment, but theres lots of DAxe/Con/HP/Armor Agility rather than having to waste points on poor choices. Of course I really need about 140 Enhancement points... I know my tactics take a hit with TYWA as most are based off Strength, but Dire Charge for example seems to work fine (DC off highest stat which is nice).
My current Strength is around 44. I really need to gear up for Strength if I am not going TYWA, and in fact that alone would help my melee damage. I could also go everything to INT which would help if I switch my single level to Rogue (for skills), but then there goes a whole ton of Hit Points.
Feel free to comment on my ramblings, (or to request more information if I missed something vital to provide useful feedback) and thanks in advance. Over all I think I have tried to make a Heavy armour "Ranger" and do everything, and even a "mostly" Fighter doesn't have the Feats for that.