The artists formerly known as "Captain's Crew" are under new management. All hail the God Emperor Bigjunk McGee, first of his name, King of the New Jersey and the First Pikers, Lord of the Nippleless Creatures, and Roaster of Halflings.

We are looking for 3-5 new minions to form the core raiding crew for running the newer (and some older) raids on R1-R5 reaper on a regular basis. We are looking for experienced players who have all the packs, know what they are doing, and already have good toons.

We are not looking for serial TR-junkies who never stay at cap, we already have too many of those. While we are not a "raid or log off" guild we don't see any point in adding non-raiders to our ranks.

We are also not looking for new players. We're terrible teachers.

Our culture is not politically correct, in general most of us spend our time securing better seats in hell. Our TeamSpeak banter is very adult and probably illegal in most EU countries as well as US universities. Thin-skinned snowflakes need not apply.

A little drama makes life interesting, no-drama for the boring. Overall we expect people to be adults and solve their own problems when they occur.

We are primarily in the Eastern US and events revolve around that time zone.

If interested please contact our fearless leader in game who'll either be on Bigjunk, Snookie, Beefmissle, or Littlejunk (he used to have other toons as well, but we don't talk about that).