Hi everyone, just wanted to post up here in case anyone was looking for a static Perma Death Group on GLand. Been playing this game for years and a friend of mine started this up a few weeks ago with varying degrees of success.

Currently we play together every Saturday night at 10pm EST. If anyone is late or can't show that is no issue as we all have pretty strange work schedules.

A few rules though for the group we are running:

- First lifers only!
- Perma Death means perma death, if you die and cannot run to a shrine within ten seconds, you have to delete and re roll the character
- Raise scrolls and castable rezes spells are acceptable
- Upon death, you can choose one item to carry over with you for the next life, all other items on you will be looted (traded, mailed) to other members of the group
- No moving items, plat or anything via shared bank from other characters
- No buying anything from AH, shard exchange, or DDO store
- However, items gained through daily dice rolls are allowed
- Static group means we play whatever toons we rolled together in this one group

If anyone would like to join or find out more about us send a tell to me (Patriquawn, Optiblunts, Dobis, Gilgrandir, Drmantis, Stevefrench, Oldmein) or my buddy (Rubeez, Dywill) in game. Look forward to questing with some of you guys soon