(edit: 2020: The EK pass has definitely made the original AP split sub-optimal, and as yet I haven't fully reworked it. The important step, putting more pts into the EK tree, is listed in the "AP split" section but not reflected in the Leveling guide.
Many of the advantages of Bard are now included w/ EK, so unless you want the bells and whistles offered here (or are just a rebel), go with a cookie-cutter Sorcerer build and simply go pure Sorcerer, spend 41 AP in your main tree, 31 in EK (for the cores for +Spell Power, mainly), and spend the last 8 as you please.
Note also that some of the EK tree has changed from what you see below (I should pro'ly update that too :/).
This build still has some advantages over a pure Sorci which can be important to a new player:
- early Fascinate for Crowd Control
- early 2nd SLA supported by Air spellower
- (small) healing ability
- full ranks in UMD
- Sprint
- some added survivability, etc.
If those are attractive, follow the build w/ the following changes to AP's: dump weak Fire Savant tree and spend those in EK, getting 21 for that core. That will leave you with a few to spare, which can fill in anywhere. You could also dump Drow if you don't need that last +Cha (tho' that's cheap to take and respec back out of as you level, to keep Charisma even). Not enough to get 31 in EK, not without cutting Warchanter.
So note that the below has not been updated to reflect those new EK changes, and haff fun stomin da cassul!)
(edit: updated Dec '18)
(For brand new players, Drow is not hard to earn via Favor, and many have it by the time their first character is Level 6 or so - see this article, etc. That character can then be used as a mule (aka for storage) for this one.)
A true F2P account won't be going on in to Epics*, so losing the Sorcerer capstone isn't a big deal - hit Level 18, bank 20, TR, repeat. This unexpected build grabs a lot more survivability in exchange for 1 caster level, so I feel is great for someone learning the game and Sorcerer class. (Like me, at least re the latter; a veteran sorcie player will just use DPS and jumping to crush all opposition, but until you learn that dance... this.)
(* Buying Menace of the Underdark (at least when it's on sale) is highly recommended, especially the better of the 2 versions. So much bang for the buck, and still less than you'd pay for most games. But that's a diff discussion.)
I think it ~could~ work to 30, but the benefits of Bard 2 become less noticeable beyond Heroics (i.e. in quests of Level 20+), and the loss of the Level 20 capstone will be felt in both DPS and survivability - so doable, but not enthusiastically recommended.
For comparison with a pure Sorcerer build, see this dependable standard - recommended if that's what you're after.
What s/he gains w/ Bard 2...
- Bard survivability: Light armour and shields for defense, plus another +6 PRR/MRR, +15 HP, +60 Spell Points, +1 Con, etc.
- early emergency CLW (which can consistently heal ~20-25/ later w/ gear boosts, before crits. This is not "good" as far as healing goes, but it's nice to have in a Sorcerer's back pocket, and it has saved more than one party.)
- full ranks in UMD for early Raise Dead/Heal/Resurrection/etc. scrolling (vs. half-ranks for pure Sorcerer).
- early low ranks in misc utility skills - Jump, Haggle, Swim, etc.
- some boost to Sonic spells via Perform (Sonic spells do not use Spellcraft)
- late +1 Evocation DC from Spellsinger Tier 2 (@ Lvl 14)
- @ end-Heroics, +35% Sprint Boost for true expeditious retreating, faster in-city travel, super-<racial> kiting, or just catching up w/ the party. "Fast" is always useful.
- some other bells and whistles - like 1 use/shrine of Inspire Courage, just for randomness. Every little bit helps your meatwall.
- With chain armor, a light shield and a sword (instead of a scepter/orb etc.), a very non-standard sorcerer with several unexpected tricks up their sleeve, for those who don't want something totally predictable.
What s/he gives up...
- Any 2nd tree Savant enhancements, so no Firewall love.
- Bard 1 means all Sorcerer levels and spells delayed by 1 level until Lvl 15*, then delayed 2 levels compared to a pure build. Again, this drops DPS a bit compared to pure, but the #1 goal is to survive and get to Level 20 (and have fun doing it!), not try to lead the kill list or be the fastest to get there.
(* see notes, at bottom)
- Airhummer (mark III, edited June '19)
18/2 Sorcerer/Bard
True Neutral Drow
Level Order
1. Bard. . . . . . 6. Sorcerer. . . .11. Sorcerer. . . .16. Sorcerer
2. Sorcerer . . . .7. Sorcerer . . . 12. Sorcerer . . . 17. Sorcerer
3. Sorcerer . . . .8. Sorcerer . . . 13. Sorcerer . . . 18. Sorcerer
4. Sorcerer . . . .9. Sorcerer . . . 14. Bard. . . . . .19. Sorcerer
5. Sorcerer . . . 10. Sorcerer . . . 15. Sorcerer . . . 20. Sorcerer
. . . . . . . .28pt . . Level Up
. . . . . . . .---- . . --------
Strength. . . . 10. . . .4: CHA
Dexterity . . . 10. . . .8: CHA
Constitution. . 12. . . 12: CHA
Intelligence. . 14. . . 16: CHA
Wisdom. . . . . .8. . . 20: CHA
Charisma. . . . 20. . .
. . . . . B .S .S .S .S .S .S .S .S .S .S .S .S .B. S. S. S. S. S. S
. . . . . 1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
. . . . .------------------------------------------------------------
Concent . 4 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 23
Spellcr . 4 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 23
UMD . . . 4 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 23
Perform . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5. . . . . . . . . . .9
Jump. . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Haggle. . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Swim. . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Heal. . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Tumble. . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
. . . . .------------------------------------------------------------
. . . . .32 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .8. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4
.1. . . . : Maximize Spell
.3. . . . : Enlarge Spell
.6. . . . : Heighten Spell
.9. . . . : Force of Personality
12. . . . : Spell Focus: Evocation
12 Swap. .: Quicken Spell replaces Enlarge Spell
15. . . . : Greater Spell Focus: Evocation
18. . . . : Empower Spell
- Jump (2) (2), Sonic Blast (2) (2), Detect Secret Doors (3) (3), Shield (4) (4)
- Web (5) (5), Invisibility (6) (6), Knock (8) (8), Scorching Ray (10) (if not in a guild (10)
- Displacement (7) (7), Fireball (8) (8), Haste (10) (10), Chain Missiles (12) (12)
- Wall of Fire (9) (9), Dimension Door (10) (10), Stoneskin (12) (12), Fire Shield (15) (15)
- Ball Lightning (11) (11), Eladar's Electric Surge (12) (12), Teleport (15) (15), Cyclonic Blast (17) (17)
- Chain Lightning (13) (13), Greater Heroism (15) (15), True Seeing (17) (17)
- Delayed Blast Fireball (16) (16), Otto's Sphere of Dancing (17) (17), Prismatic Spray (19) (19)
- Otto's Irresistible Dance (18) (18), Incendiary Cloud (19) (19)
- Meteor Swarm (20) (20)
- Cure Light Wounds (1) (1), Sonic Blast (14) (14)
Enhancements (81 of 80 AP) Errors
Air Savant (40 AP)
- Air Savant, Air Affinity, Greater Air Affinity, Conduction, Light on Your Feet
- Shocking Grasp III, Spell Critical, Electrocution II
- Efficient Maximize II, Spell Critical
- Spell Critical, Charisma
- Electric Loop III, Feather Fall, Spell Critical, Charisma
- Lightning Bolt III, Awaken Elemental Weakness, Wind Dance, Evocation Focus
Fire Savant (0 AP) - EDIT: Put these into EK
Eldritch Knight (Sorcerer) (22 AP - not all listed atm)
- Eldritch Strike, Spellsword, Imbue the Blade, Subtle Force I
- Toughness III, Battlemage I
- Shield Training, Wand and Scroll Mastery III
- Arcane Barrier, Charisma
- Offhand Defenses I
Spellsinger (8 AP)
- Spellsinger
- Studies: Magical II, Sonic Blast III
- Marigold Crown: Violet
Warchanter (6 AP)
- Skaldic: Constitution
- Rough and Ready III, Focused I
- Sprint Boost I
Drow (5 AP)
- Spell Resistance, Charisma
- Arcane Fluidity II
- (respec into EK once covered by EK tree)
Leveling Guide
- Spl0 Spellsinger; Spl1 Sonic Blast I, II, III
- Air0 Air Savant; Air1 Shocking Grasp I, II, III
- Air1 Spell Critical; Air1 Electrocution I, II
- Air0 Air Affinity; Air2 Spell Critical
- Air3 Charisma; Air3 Spell Critical
- Air2 Efficient Maximize I, II; Spl1 Studies: Magical I
- Reset Spellsinger
- Air Savant: Greater Air Affinity
- (none)
- (none)
- (none)
- Electric Loop III
- Spellsinger: Spellsinger
- Sonic Blast III
- Air4 Charisma; Air4 Spell Critical; War0 Skaldic: Constitution
- Dro0 Spell Resistance; Dro1 Arcane Fluidity I, II; Fir0 Fire Savant
- Fir1 Spell Critical; War1 Rough and Ready I, II
- War1 Rough and Ready III; Air4 Feather Fall; Air1 Acrobatic I
- Reset Spellsinger
- Air Savant
- (none)
- (none)
- (none)
- (none)
- Lightning Bolt III, Awaken Elemental Weakness, Evocation Focus
- Air5 Wind Dance; Air0 Conduction; Spl0 Spellsinger; Spl1 Sonic Blast I
- Spl1 Sonic Blast II, III; Spl1 Studies: Magical I, II
- Spl2 Marigold Crown: Violet; Fir1 Burning Hands I, II
- Fir0 Fire Affinity; Dro0 Charisma; EKs0 Eldritch Strike
- EKs1 Toughness I, II, III; EKs1 Battlemage I
- Reset Drow
- Eldritch Knight (Sorcerer): Spellsword, Imbue the Blade
- (none)
- Shield Training, Wand and Scroll Mastery III
- Arcane Barrier
- EKs3 Charisma; War1 Focused I; War2 Sprint Boost I
- For new players, Alignment doesn't really matter - "Neutral" just has the most options when it comes to avoiding alignment conflicts with found loot (from chests), and avoiding extra damage from certain anti-aligned attacks, etc. Recommended for starting players, all things equal.
- 10 Strength is not huge to start with, but points are needed elsewhere; get a Str item asap, or if early Encumbrance is crippling, buy Bull's Str potions in The Marketplace (under the big red central tent) - or just dump all those suits of armor and tower shields you're lugging around. 12 Con is helped via +1 Con from 1 AP in Warchanter core 1 - grab it if you're at an odd-numbered value.
- If you're leveling from 1, use a 2-handed weapon (great axe is best) for Korthos until your spells can carry you, which might be a couple/few levels. (and see next re Fascinate).
- Starting @ 4 Perform is enough for Inspire Courage, but it's also enough for Fascinate, which, w/ 20 Charisma, will be great for Level 1, altho' will become less and less reliable every level beyond that as DC's go up but your Perform does not. Grab a Perform item if you're going to use it until you get your spell DPS up.
- The Air Savant tree also boosts Sonic - hence the various Sonic spells/SLA's.
- Sonic Blast gets dropped, twice, to free up those 4 AP for instant, superior SLA's in the Air tree - once in favor of Electric Loop, then again for Lightning Bolt. Just take it again as appropriate.
- Bard 2 at Char Level 14 gets you to Sorcie 12 asap for Chain Lightning, the ultimate Electric evocation spell. Moving Bard 2 any earlier hurts too much imo, but delaying later is a "ymmv" thing - there are certainly nice new spells calling at every level.
- The Eldritch Knight Shield Training is redundant w/ Bard's shield ability, but it also gives you -5% ASF - use a buckler before that, and a small shield after.
- Take +Cha when you need it depending on your current Gear, when it will even out an "odd numbered" value for Cha. Dump it again if it's not helping. Drow tree is pro'ly cheapest to access/respec.
- re "Arcane Fluidity II" - Bard gets you Light Armor Proficiency, and AF II gets you -10% ASF for Leather Armor, but not enough for Chain. This is for PPR, not Armor Class (few Sorcies will have a great AC), and for PRR all "Light" armor is the same. (You will swap to -15% at end Heroics via Eldritch Knight Core 6, if you want to take advantage of that then. Either way you also get Quick Draw and +10 Universal Spell Power.)
- Altho' "Resistant/Immune to Electrical damage" is rare, it is out there - the Fire/Sonic spells will help, but you won't be completely happy about it when you do run across such. However, at Character Level 12 you get Air Tier 5 "Awaken Elemental Weakness", which removes such defenses (for 30 seconds) if they are present. If a group of mobs is immune, use your Force Missiles/etc.
- For the Level 12 Feat swap, run the Hall of the Mark quest, then talk to Fred.
- For the Level 15 Feat, if(?) you find your spells are landing consistently, take Empower for better DPS and delay Greater Evocation until 18.
I changed some things from the original (and moved that to post, below), based on experience playing this, namely...
- 2 more points in Strength. It's common for new players to have trouble w/ Encumbrance, and that's who this build is specifically for. I'm not happy about the trade-off, but -1 point in Con won't make a difference as often as being Encumbered will.
- Dropped 2 from Int, and so also dropped Perform. Not that many Sonic spells to worry about. (2nd life (30 pt) Drow builds will want this back.)
- Reordered Feats, including Feat swap @ 12. This makes low levels much stronger, and reorganizes before Gianthold. We lose Enlarge, so the Shocking Grasp SLA is no longer ranged, but gain Lightning Bolt, so that's covered. Quicken goes well on all SLA's for faster rotation, and on CLW for in-combat no-fail panic healing.
- Slightly diff spells. (Merfolks? Really?
- AP Leveling Guide - a LOT of the Bard AP's could be plugged in somewhere else, so tweak to suit, but I think this gets the best survivability (spec PRR) asap. But ~something~ has to go last.
- Added Level 18 respec to Eldritch Knight Cores 3 + 6 (for 10% -> 15% ASF, +20 Spell Power, and Quickdraw, etc.), which I had overlooked. (This late in its life, this not mandatory - if you need the Drow Cha, keep it.) Thx to Xbunny! o7