Does anyone know if how much xp we can bank has changed? Maybe with the recent patch even though it was not in the notes that I know of?
I am level 7 and had banked a level of XP and was maxed out at 609,999 xp. I decided not to take my level yet until I had at least finished all the level 6 quests since I will eventually do them all for the favor and thought I might as well earn some reaper xp while doing so. I have run several quests since then and after lasts nights run I looked down and noticed I was now working on rank 41 and have 612,079 xp.
Don't know if it is a bug or things have changed. I don't think I went over on regular xp until last night when I ran Proof is in the Poison on R1. It was the only level 4 quest I have run while being over xp. I'm really not sure when it went over though as I have not been watching my regular xp, just happened to notice last night.
I thought maybe when I logged in this morning it would be corrected, but it is still the same.