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  1. #1
    Community Member Heinrich's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    Question to the devs, a honest player opinions

    well this is just my thoughts on this subject,
    i may not know all of the reasons for this pass on druid, but here are simple facts from the players end that i wish you would reconsider,
    long has this game ever really had any class balance(since the lvl cap was under lvl20), seen years when healers were obsolete, trappers unnecessary, casters could solo any quest and so on..
    druid did need a pass in its enhancement trees, since they are getting dated, bear form was never seen, natures warden had too much "filler junk", and so on
    one thing confuses me on the fact of why they have removed single weapon fighting from the beast forms, it was a given that your trading defense for more offense, i would never have guess that this would be a huge issue in end game dps since it was hard to keep druids up in heavy mob fights or solo in reapers (they took too much damage simply) and was the reason after the 1st pass that most people dropped the druid and ranger combos and went to single weapon or went with a another class, druids are a rarity and you seemingly have token the bite from the wolf form so to speak, yeah might be cool to use a different weapon other than scimitar but this kinda breaks the druid oath of only using certain things and gosh no one is going to pick up scimitars again after this update(jk) but my doubts of this being a good or effective class at end game or in epics seems highly questionable, we will have to test this out , there are some good things i like about the pass and somethings i didn't, the single weapon wolfs didn't need to be put to sleep at the vets.

    what i hope the devs would take away is that game balance should be easy in heroic levels your dealing with smaller numbers and not over inflated hp and dps values of mobs and players. when they make some of these changes to classes that are considered too powerful you must look at the class as a whole and not some dps chart, yeah its cool to bring life into bad enhancement trees and buff out under used game mechanics, but don't try and round down, try and round up, the next update can always bring in more power inflated values of mob hp and dps,

    these are just my opinions, i am no game dev expert at balancing a game or a clean up crew for one that wasn't.
    Riedra's original Warforged Cleric

  2. #2
    Eternally Mediocre Girl Maelodic's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    Any use of TWF or SWF in wolf form was never intended to work - using those bugs and building a character around it was always a risky proposition.

    I'm glad that they've reigned it in and now balance around Natural Fighting feats - not nearly as strong DPS wise but both wolf and bear builds make up for it in flavor.
    Maelodic - Soundblaster| | Kinsys - Cookie Cutter Monk

  3. #3
    Community Member Heinrich's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Maelodic View Post
    Any use of TWF or SWF in wolf form was never intended to work - using those bugs and building a character around it was always a risky proposition.

    I'm glad that they've reigned it in and now balance around Natural Fighting feats - not nearly as strong DPS wise but both wolf and bear builds make up for it in flavor.

    i can agree with SWF nerf, not that i like it. twf i kinda agree and disagree with, but its over now, i tested the build and it isn't dead like i thought it would be.
    end of the day the druid is still going to be a rarer class you see in parties, still going to be "the flavor of the month builds" and warlocks in alot of the reapers and raids.
    Last edited by Heinrich; 04-14-2018 at 12:05 PM.
    Riedra's original Warforged Cleric

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