That was a nice read and TYVM for sharing!
DoH! I learned it the hard way,
That was a nice read and TYVM for sharing!
DoH! I learned it the hard way,
Elaborate please.
* "Effects which dispel Crowd Control effects now affect a wider variety of Crowd Control effects."
What are we talking about here? PC vs Mob and/or Mob vs PC? Whats up?
the teleport from Zawabi is now fixed. you enter the MP back to the teleporter and not in the old spot in the corner. I wonder why you guys leave out certain fixes like this from the release notes?
You are the one choosing not to play alts.
Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter
Dont really want to be a downer, but non of the bugs for Vistani has been fixed!
Can we please fix the broken stuff before adding new stuff?
Blessed Blades does not do anything besides the +10 enhancement
Knife Master (T5 core) still does not add the 5% attack speed with daggers
Molten Silver Gauntlets still not adding silver
Echo of Ravenkind still buggy, but need to test further.
Knife Master's Attack Speed bonus with one-handed weapons and throwing weapons is working; the character sheet isn't reflecting this correctly. This might require a long-term fix rather than a short-term one.
Blessed Blades and Molten Silver Gauntlet fixes are in progress.
If there are still issues with Echo of Ravenkind post-U38, we have yet to receive reports; we'll need to know the nature of what's still going on before we can do anything there.
We don't only build for the builds that exist.
We don't only build for the builds that are good right now.
The fact that some changes are necessary is not diminished by the fact that other necessary changes have not happened yet.
What about Single Dagger? Still only works with Runearms currently. Given the wording one expects it's supposed to function with SWF's rules in mind, thus orbs should also work.
Really hoping this will be expanded to working as long as a dagger is in your mainhand and you aren't dual wielding two weapons. As plenty of builds could benefit from this. Swashbucklers of all offhand options, EKs, Vol Dagger Builds, etc.
Natures Protector Tree bug?:
Improved Natural Defense-Enchanted Defense does not add competence bonuses to prr and mrr when in Natures Defense Stance. I tried it a couple times and choosed this enhanchement, but It only shows the prr and mrr of Nature's Defense. Im not sure if it just a visual bug or a general bug.
Akando, Luziel (Leader of Samurai Orien)
This one always gets me. Changing drop rates. From the countless questions I asked when on Lamma-Land or Mournlands, this has never been a practice of the devs. And when rates do change they are published.
But then people will believe what they want, regardless of the info posted here.
I use a dead rat for my chest buff. "They're magic you know"
Good to know the fixes are in-progress. I hope that its a bug that Orbs cant be used when taking Single Dagger as Vistani does work well with War Soul on a FvS Vol Dagger build. At first I was apprehensive about the usefulness of Vistani knife tree, but its a lot better than I thought even with the current bugs impeding it.
Anything on what Ive read about Vistani Knife Training I "daggers held down point down" making Assassinate animation slow and I think in general this also cause a dps loss when fighting compared to standard style. Or was this already fixed when TWF got changes in U38?
Working with Orbs is definitely needed per the wording.
Working with shields would be a nice addition as well. Merely because this gives aid to: Vol Vanguards, Vol Warpriests in general, Eldritch Knights, Swashbucklers (only melee class that currently has no MP boost), druids, etc. Plenty of builds could benefit if they added shields and orbs to the list. Although shields add a more universal appeal as opposed to merely working as an extension of SWF.