Yes you should use the tome, also the epic experience in general is pretty juicy and easy to acquire by focusing on a few key quests. You might be surprised at how easy it is to level to 30 doing epic normal quests. My rotation includes the following quests, I do not try to do them all every day but by rotating them I find there is always something I enjoy running that I can solo and get decent exp from:
The entire Wheloon prison story arc or just Through a Mirror Darkly if you are short on time, not sure why but I just love these quests and after you struggle learning the ropes in Mirror you can get about 100k (+- depending on bonuses) exp in about 8 minutes. Von 3, Von 4, Wiz King, Offering of Blood, Spies in the House (after about 3-4 slow runs solo you will have it down pat), Two Toed Tobias, What Goes Up (one of my favorite quests, for some reason I never get tired of it), the entire druid story arc is really fast and good exp/min. , In the harbor area I like to run Grim and Barrett, Lords of Dust and Servants of the Overlord are fast and easy to solo and I am always short on tokens of the 12 so I always try to include Eberron quests in my rotation. If you have completed the arc, running The Battle for Eveningstar is fast and decent exp. Once I get into the high 20's ill spice in a Slavers run or two just for giggles.