This list is updated from some data gathered by a poll I ran a while back prior to the introduction of Dragonborn, Gnome and Deep Gnome.

1 - Thri-Kreen
2 - Tiefling (Made more dark and aesthetically pleasing in appearance)
3 - Kobold
4 - Catfolk or Tabaxi
5 - Genasi
6 - Goliath
7 - Kenku
8 - Triton
9 - Yuan-Ti
10 - Eladrin (Ghaele + Bralani)
11 - Changelings
12 - Quorforged
13 - Inspired
14 - Duergar
15 - Arcanaloth/Nycaloth/Mezzoloth/Ultroloth

Personally, I feel a Tiefling Iconic with Intelligence to hit and damage on their racial enhancement tree would be awesome, call it infernal cunning!