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  1. #41
    Community Member SerPounce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Torc View Post
    Just dropping in to thank you for all the feedback and bug reports. We haven't had time to post much because are very busy fixing things and getting the dungeons ready for this update.

    I confess we are behind on bear issues somewhat and haven't had time to re-evaluate some enhancements in view of feedback. That should change soon.

    We should have more progress there by next week.

    Clarify a few things...

    1> Innate attack DCs - The whole use wilderness lore thing had some problems which made us "reset" them as it were. They're not final and we're evaluating what to boost.

    2> Beast Rage duration wasn't nerfed as far as I can tell.... (not sure where that 40 seconds came from, maybe an old preview post?) Anyway... that whole line is getting reviewed, as is renewed spirit.

    Thanks for stopping in! I'm glad you're still looking at the innate attack DCs. I really encourage you to have druid levels be part of the calculation. It's a good way to make a little dent in the power you get from multiclasing (divine might, feats, martial weapons, tactics boost). Also adding tactics boosts to the 5/6 cores would help.

    On the topic of innate attacks, as Edrein noted the cooldowns and SP costs should be looked at also. Some of them (jaws of winter is a good example) have really excessive coldowns.


  2. #42
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    Thumbs down healing while raged ???

    some options are needed here it is dumb the way it is depend on others to keep you alive or dismiss rage. like to see one of the following
    1 something like >Accelerated Metabolism: While barbarian raging, you gain 20 healing amplification and heal 3d6 hit points every 4 seconds. This healing scales with 100% Melee Power
    2 Blood Strength: Each time you land a hit there is a 12% chance you heal positive damage equal to half your Barbarian level. Each time you kill an opponent you are healed for 20 hit points. This healing scales with 100% Melee Power. Blood Strength has a one-second cooldown when you kill an enemy
    3 or something like from Destruction Domain >>You can cast your Cleric spells while raging. but druid spells only
    As it is set up now nobody will even think of tier 5 for bears would just take 6 lvls of barb and be done with it
    The Leader of The Original Brotherhood

    The game becomes fun once you stop caring how long it take to lvl

  3. #43
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    Default combat style attack speed bonus

    combat style attack speed bonus. >> why are they always at core 5 or 6. the best part of ddo is custom builds. Stuff like this takes it away from that . add it to the revamp Natural Weapon Fighting feats or some where in tree
    The Leader of The Original Brotherhood

    The game becomes fun once you stop caring how long it take to lvl

  4. #44
    Community Member edrein's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by songswrath View Post
    some options are needed here it is dumb the way it is depend on others to keep you alive or dismiss rage. like to see one of the following
    1 something like >Accelerated Metabolism: While barbarian raging, you gain 20 healing amplification and heal 3d6 hit points every 4 seconds. This healing scales with 100% Melee Power
    2 Blood Strength: Each time you land a hit there is a 12% chance you heal positive damage equal to half your Barbarian level. Each time you kill an opponent you are healed for 20 hit points. This healing scales with 100% Melee Power. Blood Strength has a one-second cooldown when you kill an enemy
    3 or something like from Destruction Domain >>You can cast your Cleric spells while raging. but druid spells only
    As it is set up now nobody will even think of tier 5 for bears would just take 6 lvls of barb and be done with it
    Quote Originally Posted by songswrath View Post
    combat style attack speed bonus. >> why are they always at core 5 or 6. the best part of ddo is custom builds. Stuff like this takes it away from that . add it to the revamp Natural Weapon Fighting feats or some where in tree
    Take a look at my proposed changes on the second page. It's a qoute of the original bear tree and my suggestions are in orange. They will help assuage your concerns and desires. For the quick link.
    Last edited by edrein; 03-28-2018 at 05:07 PM.

  5. #45
    Community Member Avocado's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edrein View Post
    That's good news to hear, I hope my proposal will be highly considered.

    But seriously. One Dagger: Can we please get this to work with offhands beyond just runearms? Even if it won't work for druids. Swashbucklers could use it, as could anyone running an orb. (Although I'd love for it to work as I want a good reason to wear my Dethek Runestone assuming the stacking +W bonuses get fixed.)

    And take your time on druids. I cannot emphasize this enough. Everyone both ingame and on the forums would rather you take the extra time to get this right rather than push out a half baked buggy 'pass' to coincide with U38s initial release.
    Maybe they should make coincide with the swashy buffs that allow to swashbuckle with a specific weapon in your offhand. If you have orb swashbuckle enhancement you can now also benefit from single dagger with an orb. But they should at least fix the bug where it doesn't work with some builds while wielding 1 dagger.

  6. #46
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    I´m a bit frustrated by druid bears at this moment. Do not get me wrong, i tried it in the previous preview and it was very fun to play with tremor, great maul, onslaugt knockdown thingy and the charge.

    The problem I have is that it is supposed to make you make a choice. Go for strenght for damage and dc´s, wisdom for dc´s or con for tanking.

    Right now it is stuck in between strength and con with both half done and better off multiclassing for better dc´s or tanking trees. Wisdom is not even there.
    The Rage is not that impressive, at t5 it does give +50% threat wich I wouldnt want to use if I went for a dc/damage build anyhow. the thing I´d want from t5 is mostly the charge and mostly becoouse it is fun, the rest is kinda meh.

    If I was a tank I wouldnt want to be enraged and unable to use spells to keep me or someone else up in reaper. I´d probably get 6 fighter and get stalwart defender for better pretty much anything but hp as my dc´s would not be good enough for the stuff in there anyways.

    I think the choice should be clearer between going tank or cc bot with some damage.

    the +50% increased threat i t5 Beast Unleashed could be removed/moved somewhere else and replaced with the ability to cast druid spells in bear shape. that would give a bit more of a reason to stay in the high tiers of natures defender.

    ursa protector should probably have a strength or a tactical improvement option.

    I really, really want the bear shape to work out. it has the potential to be so much fun.

  7. #47
    Community Member Kza's Avatar
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    Caster druid:

    Consider 4 wis 0 con in capstone plz

    Consider 1 more casterlvl and maxcaster lvl in a core
    As 1 was taken away from live capstone

    Consider add transmutation dc at all places you have evocation.

    With those changes nothing was nerfed from live and some nice
    Things added. Except spell peneteation-

    And Plz let the capstone get massfrog as a spell on a 1 min cooldown, and
    A separate timer than the featspell. Did i mention massfrog is funniest spell
    In game? :-)

    (I like the changes but think some room to boost dc and dps still would make
    Class more in par with other pure casters)

    Thanks for reading!

  8. #48
    Community Member Arkai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kza View Post
    Caster druid:

    Consider 4 wis 0 con in capstone plz

    Consider 1 more casterlvl and maxcaster lvl in a core
    As 1 was taken away from live capstone

    Consider add transmutation dc at all places you have evocation.

    With those changes nothing was nerfed from live and some nice
    Things added. Except spell peneteation-

    And Plz let the capstone get massfrog as a spell on a 1 min cooldown, and
    A separate timer than the featspell. Did i mention massfrog is funniest spell
    In game? :-)

    (I like the changes but think some room to boost dc and dps still would make
    Class more in par with other pure casters)

    Thanks for reading!
    I think caster druid is not gonna change since they seem to be focusing on animal forms.

    I already asked about the fire elemental form giving -3 casters levels to lightning or acid (BUG?) but got no response tho.

  9. #49
    Community Member edrein's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MousePointer View Post
    Maybe they should make coincide with the swashy buffs that allow to swashbuckle with a specific weapon in your offhand. If you have orb swashbuckle enhancement you can now also benefit from single dagger with an orb. But they should at least fix the bug where it doesn't work with some builds while wielding 1 dagger.
    I'd be fine with this, although the issue is you'd have to go back and make similar enhancements in several trees. Such as Vanguard/Defender for Pally since Blood of Vol. Or putting it in Eldritch Knight, etc. So on and so forth. I'm hoping they just go with the blanket change and change both the effect and wording to be, "When wielding a dagger in your main hand and no -weapon- in your offhand." That way shields, orbs, runearms, and no hand can all work with it.

  10. #50
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    I inferred from the description that Single Dagger is supposed to only work with Single Weapon Fighting style. But if that's the correct interpretation, then it's still bugged since it doesn't work with orbs at all, right? Likewise would need clarification on if it should work with Skirmisher, since it currently doesn't.

    Whereas if the devs mean for Single Dagger to apply any time your equipment setup is "dagger mainhand / not-a-weapon offhand," then that needs to be fixed too.

    EDIT: my point being (A) the description is confusing and ambiguous and (B) the current implementation is buggy regardless of how it's supposed to work. Fixing both issues would be nice.
    Last edited by unbongwah; 03-28-2018 at 05:53 PM.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  11. #51
    Community Member edrein's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    I inferred from the description that Single Dagger is supposed to only work with Single Weapon Fighting style. But if that's the correct interpretation, then it's still bugged since it doesn't work with orbs at all, right? Likewise would need clarification on if it should work with Skirmisher, since it currently doesn't.

    Whereas if the devs mean for Single Dagger to apply any time your equipment setup is "dagger mainhand / not-a-weapon offhand," then that needs to be fixed too.
    I always assumed the reason offhands aren't working was a fear/speculation that players would run a Dagger mainhand and -insert weapon- offhand while TWF for the 20MP boost. I figure that also caused a coding issue they haven't gotten around to yet as to why it's currently working with runearms (as they aren't typed as a 'weapon'). After all shields and orbs technically are weapons in the way they are typed with base damage values, enhancement bonuses, etc.

  12. #52
    2015 Players Council Claver's Avatar
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    Having played around a bit with the bear my conclusion is Natures Protector tree needs some very strong abilities in core 5 and or at the capstone to make it worth playing a druid rather than a barbarian with druid levels

    1. Rage prevents most druid spells other than animal form spells like maul, roar and shred
    2. These animal form spells are relatively low level meaning there is less incentive for a rage bear to take more than 3 to 7 levels of druid since the other druid non-animal spells can't be cast while raged
    3. The Nature's Protector tree incentivizes playing an enraged bear.
    4. If you are going to go with rage you are better off making barbarian the primary class and the druid the splash class

    Quote Originally Posted by songswrath View Post
    3 or something like from Destruction Domain >>You can cast your Cleric spells while raging. but druid spells only
    As it is set up now nobody will even think of tier 5 for bears would just take 6 lvls of barb and be done with it
    There needs to be a strong incentive for a bear form druid to play as a druid and not as a barbarian

    My suggestion would be a core 6 capstone that functions like the Destruction Domain and allows all druid spells to be cast while raged.

    The current capstone reducing spell casting time from 2 down to 1.5 is of little use to rage bears who can only cast 5 or so spell while raged in bear form anyway.

  13. #53
    Developer Torc's Avatar
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    Default Not a bug but may change

    Quote Originally Posted by Arkai View Post
    I think caster druid is not gonna change since they seem to be focusing on animal forms.

    I already asked about the fire elemental form giving -3 casters levels to lightning or acid (BUG?) but got no response tho.
    This was part of the original design of the forms. TBD if their going to stay or go. It is perhaps redunant reinforcement that you should switch forms before playing the other side of the elements with a druid.

  14. #54
    Community Member Pilgrim1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Torc View Post
    This was part of the original design of the forms. TBD if their going to stay or go. It is perhaps redunant reinforcement that you should switch forms before playing the other side of the elements with a druid.
    Please please please do not include -3 CL to druid forms. Druid’s really have a problem focusing on a single element due to limitations of there spell selections. It’s already hard to spec for multiple elements, don’t penelize and pigionhole caster druid even more.

  15. #55
    Community Member edrein's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Torc View Post
    This was part of the original design of the forms. TBD if their going to stay or go. It is perhaps redunant reinforcement that you should switch forms before playing the other side of the elements with a druid.
    Or perhaps you could just give us Earth and Air elemental forms for druid? Just give us the versions Savants get. We can wait on proper mantle spells, just let them temporarily use Water mantle.

  16. #56
    Community Member edrein's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Torc View Post
    This was part of the original design of the forms. TBD if their going to stay or go. It is perhaps redunant reinforcement that you should switch forms before playing the other side of the elements with a druid.
    Honestly, if it were up to me. I'd separate force spell power from the seasons entirely. As this would benefit all druids.

    Currently druids have the following spells effected by force:
    • Splinterbolt
    • Spike Growth
    • Ice Storm bludgeon portion
    • Salt Ray
    • Earthquake
    • Iceflowers piercing portion

    Three of those; Iceflowers, Earthquake, and Icestorm aren't force spells as far as CL boosts are concerned.

    What I'd suggestion is to add a third 'season' to the Wax and Wane enhancement line consisting of Force, Light, and Sonic. This is due to these being 'universal' for all druids. And frankly due to change in wording for Wax and Wane, it seems like the bonuses are now entirely seasonal based rather than being universal crit like on live. Make these three spell types be universal and unattached so that druids can make good use of the Salt Ray and Word of Balance SLAs without being in Fire Elemental form.

    Bonus points if the Force spells could be updated to better scale rather than being useful only in low heroics. I'd love to make use of spike growth like the various Vine Stalkers we fight, but it's easily saved against and the damage is awful by mid heroics.

    If the druid pass can be delayed for the better overall health of the druid pass, I'd say please do. I'd love to see the seasons properly split into 'four' based elemental seasons. Or merely swap lightning into Summer season with the arrival of the Earth and Air elemental forms. Additional kudos if an earth and air mantle spell could be made (but I know that's an art asset thing). I'd almost say give Earth an acid/vine growth that works and looks similar to Enlightened Spirit's Eldritch Aura (albeit green). Air could be a form of Call Lightning Storm that is constantly active with a much more delayed time between lightning strikes and perhaps a whirlwind guard for anything getting close. It doesn't have to be super powerful, merely thematic and expands the borders and options for druids as a whole. (Which is what everyone wants I believe.)

  17. #57
    Community Member bbqzor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post
    Master of the Elements: Gain 5/10/15 spell power in your season. Passive rank 3: Changing into Fire Elemental form now grants you the "Anger of the Noon Day Sun" effect. Changing into Water Elemental Form now grants you the "Icy Mantle" effect. (Update: Removed the 17 Druid levels requirement for the rank 3 passive.)
    So question: While 15 spell power isn't insignificant (for an enhancement anyhow), the fact that it is in tier 5 is, I would imagine, almost solely based on the fact that at rank 3 it gives you the quality-of-life effect of automatically casting/maintaining the relevant elemental form buff. Without that effect, 15 spell power, to one season at a time only, could easily fit in or parallel many other enhancements throughout the game, at a lot of different enhancement tiers.

    However: Lv20 Druids get 6 lv9 spell slots. There are only 6 lv9 spells. This enhancement does nothing to create any amount of choice in spell selection, as a result of it performing that quality of life function.

    Suggestion: Add a single new lv9 Druid spell. Two would be better, but even adding One would allow druids with this enhancement to at least swap out one effect for something else, rather than see literally Two-Thirds of their lv9 spell list be entirely pointless.

    It is disappointing to get those last few lv9 slots and see zero functional change in game play. I realize more spells isn't a full on thing right now, but this is an area where player agency is easily served; literally any option will create diversity. While this has always been the scenario facing druids, at least before you might cast any of those 6 spells. Now, two of them will do nothing except fill up slots. The time to strike is now! Players should not be forced into taking spells they literally will not use, because its already on. Thank you.

    (ps. Cleric and Ranger are the two other classes which have a similar "zero-choice" scenario at the top spell level; the other classes all have choices, regardless of how obvious the few good options might be. Druid spells could easily also be Ranger spells, hitting two birds at once so to speak, with this addition. Or, a lower level druid spell could show up as a 9th for clerics, hitting 3 birds. Just a thought while youre in there).

  18. #58
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    This color means a that this thing was not in the first preview.
    This color means that this thing was in the first preview.


    Wild Shape
    [*]Water and Fire Elemental form will now grant 65% Absorption to their element, instead of Damage Reduction, and 15% Vulnerability to their opposite element. The bonus will not stack with Fire Shields or Fire Energy Sheath. Absorption from items and other abilities still work.

    This I like. Thank you.

    [*]There is a new toggle feat that druids get at level 13 (with their first elemental body pick) that disables the textures for elemental forms

    Should led into tech for elemental cosmetics and the like.
    Overall, nice.

    Can be artificially induced using stoneskin/camo spells.

    Specific Spell Changes

    [[*][*][*]Take Down's DC scales with highest of STR,DEX, or WIS modifier.
    [*][*][*]Jaws of Winter DC scales with the higher of STR, DEX, or WIS modifier
    [*][*][*]Tremor DC scales with the higher of STR or WIS modifier

    Nice alternative ability choices.
    [*][*]Reincarnate's casting time and cool down will be put on par with Raise Dead.[/INDENT]

    A much needed very welcome change. This will help Animal forms too, even at the higher cooldown penalty.
    [*][*]Creeping Doom will now do acid damage and benefit form acid spell power. Each character can have their own copy of this dot on a target.
    [*][*]Enveloping Swarm has been re-designed as a single target instant application dot instead of a damage shield effect. Each character can have their own copy of this dot on a target. Target is enveloped by insects taking 2d8 acid damage + 1d8 for every 3 druid levels every 2 seconds for 16 seconds. SP Cost: 10 Meta Magics: Max, Intensify, Empower, Enlarge, Heighten Reflex save for half each tick

    Sweet, looking forward to see how these two do.

    [*][*]Produce Flame Projectile speed is being increased

    Another very welcome change.
    This spell is considered by some to be the cornerstone of the Sorcerer 4/Druid 16 fire builds.
    No longer will we see a ball of flame slowly chasing down a moving monster.

    [*][*]Creeping cold and Greater creeping cold will now stack with each other when cast by other druids (two can each have their own copy on a target now)

    A long welcome change. Thank you.

    [*][*]Anger of the Noon Day Sun Creatures affected who were immune/resistant/healed by to fire now take full damage. Will not stack with effects that amplify damage beyond 100%. -8% fortification
    [*][*]Mantle of Ice Creatures affected who were immune/resistant/healed by to cold now take full damage. Will not stack with effects that amplify damage beyond 100%. 10% attack speed slow 25% movement speed slow -4 to fort/reflex saves

    Big improvements to these two spells.
    Thank you.
    One of Sorcerer/Druid weaknesses is facing elemental immune foes.

    [*][*]Elemental Toughness Target: Self DR removed. Now grants 1 physical resistance per druid level for the duration of the spell. Lasts 30 seconds a druid level Costs 25 spell points Metas: Quicken Extend

    This spell will now actually be useful in Epic Levels.
    Thank you.

    [*][*]Fires of Purity Fire DR penalty has been changed to a 10% vulnerability penalty

    Hmm....this is actually significant.
    It encourages pure druid, because it requires a luxury spell slot.
    This might actually make more fire Druids cast weapon buffs on the party.

    [COLOR="#008080"][*][*]Salt Ray now causes the helpless state when enemies fail their save.

    Nice, thank you!

    [*][*]Spike Growth visual has been adjusted to reduce the amount it blocks view

    Sweet, you just removed the biggest objection to this spell, making it much more party friendly.
    This will also make the "Elder Dryad" summons to be the best summons in game.
    Adding this spell to my creative cloud casting list.

    [*][*]Shillelagh is now a self buff that enchants any wooden weapon you wield for it's duration. While the enchant stays on the player casting other weapon enchants will suspend it until the weapon is re-equips and it clears other temp weapon enchants.

    Ok, umm...are there any endgame wooden weapons?
    Does anything other than a Qstaff use wood?

    Looks like the Bonesplitter is made of wood.
    Wondering if a Great Club build will appreciate thus?

    [*][*]Call Lightning Storm now deals 1d10 Electric Damage per 2 Caster Levels each time an enemy is struck with Lightning.

    Ok, let us compare the upgrade and how it affects a Level Cap Pure Druid in a Primal Epic Destiny.

    Old = Affects one target every 3 seconds doing 5~50 electric damage = average base damage of 27.5 (37.5 with DDO spell dice?)

    New = Affects one target every 3 seconds doing (1d10(25/2)) = 12.5~125 electric damage = average base damage of 68.75
    {However, DDO tends to use a variant on spell damage dice ~ 1d10 = 5 to 10 damage.
    If this holds true for this spell, then new average would be 93.75}

    Regardless this appears to be an upgrade in base damage of 3x old amount.

    This seems significantly better and should encourage players to use this spell more often, particularly Shirdai casters.

    [*][*]Storm of Vengeance now deals 1d3 Acid Damage per Caster Level every two seconds to enemies in the area.[*][*]Storm of Vengeance now deals 1d10 Electric Damage per 2 Caster Levels each time an enemy is struck with Lightning.

    Ok, let us compare the old with the upgrade.

    Old Acid Damage = 8d6 acid damage every two seconds to every monster inside the storm ~ average damage = 28 acid damage (36 with DDO spell dice?)
    Old Electric Damage = 10d10 electric damage every four seconds to a random target ~ average damage = 55 electric damage (75 with DDO spell dice?)

    New Acid Damage = (1d3(25/2)) = 25 acid damage (31.25 with DDO spell dice?)
    New Electric Damage = same as Call Lighting Storm = (1d10(25/2)) = 12.5~125 electric damage = average base damage of 68.75
    (93.75 with DDO spell dice?)

    At first glance, it appears to be a slight nerf on the Acid Damage, along with a increase on the Electric damage.

    However, if you take a Birds Eye Point of View and assume the future will deal with Epic Spell Caster levels, then your numbers will change into:

    New Acid Damage cast at Caster level 30 = (1d3(30/2)) = 30 acid damage (37.5 with DDO spell dice)

    This is actually extremely close to the old acid damage.

    Which gives me cause to think that the "big summer announcement" might involve Epic Destinies being increased to level 10 (with Epic Destiny Levels being gated by Epic Levels) which would include an automatic increase in Caster Levels via a character's prime Epic Sphere. Of course, I could be way off as I don't have an inside information on the announcement.

    Spellcasters start lacking power in Epic Levels and stand to gain the most out of any increase in Epic Destiny levels.

    Of course, Magistar & Draconic lack true innate abilities, but their main failing is not having enough points to spend to gain their true potential.

    Look thru Draconic and notice that it takes a full 40 points to make a quality type dragon build: taking only Int, Energy Burst, and Dragon Breath/Flight/Casting themes.

    Since most spells don't scale well into Epics, Spell Casters need more Epic support than Melee/Ranged builds.

    It also takes a full 40 points to make a proper Magistar build, using Int, Null Magic & DC boosts.

    The other issue with Epic Spell Casting is the non scaling of MetaMagic feats.

    This could easily be solved by adding a "+X universal spell power per Epic Level" to Empower Spells where X = (75/20) = 3.75 which assumes that Empower is set for level 20 cap and this scales Empower thru the Epic levels proportionately.

    Maximize would obviously be doubled.

    Empowered Healing would only apply to Devotion.

    (Adding a small bonus of +50 spell points to each metamagic feat would be nice but not necessary.)

    Wolf Pet
    • The death of a Druid's Wolf pet will no longer cause the Druid to lose hit points and spell points
    • Druids now have 3 pet revivals each rest instead of 1

    Allowing Druids & Artificers to fire and forget their pets will show a lot more pet use in game.


    [*] The Epic Feat "Master of the Wilds" now includes the spell "Salt Ray"

    This is huge!!
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    Long have Druids lacked a non elemental SLA and this answers the gap very well.

    Most Druid Casters should seriously consider Master of the Wilds, and now even more so.

    Suddenly Druids have a new spell to add Empower, Maximize, Quicken, Heighten, Enlarge.
    Being able to Heighten this spell for free will make it much more Epic Worthy.

    Master of the Wilds will increase the Maximum Caster level to 20 instead of 10.
    Using MotW feat this spell will now do 10d6 force damage = 35 base force damage (45 with DDO spell dice?) with a fort save for Stun. Since the stun now grants helpless for +50% extra damage (+30% more with sense weakness) this should become a popular rotation sla for Druids in the future.
    Last edited by Silverleafeon; 03-28-2018 at 11:52 PM.

  19. #59
    Ultimate Completionist
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    Cocomajobo;6082363]SEASONS HERALD

    1. Child of Summer: You gain the ability Child of Summer: Activate to grant +5 Spellpower when casting fire, force, light, sonic and positive spells. This seasonal Spellpower is multiplied by one for every Core enhancement possessed in Season's Herald (starting with this one), up to +30 when you have all six Enhancements. Lasts until death or change of season. Fire Elemental form changes you into this season automatically. Passive: +1 Universal Spellpower per AP spent in this tree.

      Definately liking the change in seasons to toggle form.
      Thank you!
      Also like that Fire Form auto toggles seasons, making changing forms or recovering from death easier.

    2. Elder of Winter: You gain Child of Winter: Activate to gain +5 Spellpower when casting Cold, Acid, Electric, and Negative spells per core in this tree. Lasts until death or season change. Water elemental form changes you into this season automatically. Passive: +1 caster levels to spells in your active season.

      Nice to be able to control seasons, thanks for the +1 caster level in active seaons.
    3. Wellspring: +1 Max Caster Level for spells appropriate to your season. The effects of your shillelagh spell are doubled.

      A +1 Max Caster Level is appreciated.

      The Shillelagh spell is a unique low level spell, however its +1 [w] on Quarter Staffs is equal to the Artificier's Deadly Weapons spell. This extra bonus of doubling the spell does make it worthy of Quarter Staffs.

      Not sure about the placement in a caster tree, however it is significant that at level six a Druid caster is still highly dependant upon a Qstaff or fighting in wolf form. It is not until level 8 that Druids come into their own as a true spellcaster.

    4. Sun Burst: Gain Sun Burst as an SLA, SP: 4, Cooldown: 20 seconds (new – lowered cooldown)

      Great SLA. Thanks for lowering its long cooldown. Its a nice lead spell to hit a group of mobs with.
    5. Storm of Vengeance: Gain Storm of Vengeance as an SLA, SP 20 cost. 2 minute cool down.

      Given the improvements in Lighting damage of this spell, its a great SLA. Thank you for keeping it here. The small decrease in Acid Damage over the older version will hopefully be outset by upcoming Summer Caster improvement.
    6. Hierophant: You are wise and skilled in the art of wielding divine magic to summon aid and change the world around you. +2 Wisdom & Constitution. Your Conjuration and Evocation spells gain +1 DC, +1 caster level, and +1 max caster level in both seasons.

      Overall, liking the exchange of transformation with evocation. This +2 Con is looking like a auto bonus for Pure Builds that will likely find its way into Sorcerer & Wizard.

      Not going to quibble over an extra +2 wisdom when level cap toons approach 80+ wisdom depending upon their build.

      Perhaps you could create a +9 tome that drops in future raids a few years from now.

      Also you could make it up to us by actually considering increasing Epic Destinies from level 6 minus 1 xp to level 10. We sure could use the 40 epic destiny points along with the potential +1 for every 3 Epic Destiny levels. There would be 5 new levels per Epic Destiny times twelve Epic Destinies = 60 new levels = 20 extra fate points. Since there are 37 potential fate points, adding an additional 20 making a total of 57 would be very interesting.

      Currently a typical twist slot set up is 4/3/2/1/1 which costs 35 points.
      Upgrading to a 4/4/4/2/1 would cost 21 extra fate points for a total of 56 points.

    Tier 1
    • Beguile: Whenever you attack or cast a spell on an enemy, there is a 50% chance to Beguile an affected enemy [1/1-2/1-3] times for 3 seconds. Beguile: -2% attack speed, -2 Spellpower. Beguile stacks up to 25 times, and one stack fades every few seconds. Up to one enemy affected each second (by up to [1/2/3] stacks). Does not affect bosses. AP COST: 1

      Not a big fan of Beguile, so thank you for removing it from the SLA group.
    • Shared Spirit: Your wolf pet gains 3/6/10% bonus to its maximum hit points. Passive: You gain 1/2/3 spell power. AP COST: 1

      Pets are still needing buffs, and this grants USP as well, thanks.
    • Produce Flame: Spell Like Ability: Produce Flame. Cost: 6/5/3, Cooldown: 10/6/4 AP COST: 1

      Available at level 1 instead of 2 is very nice.
      Again, thanks for the decrease in cooldown.

    • Wax and Wane: +2% critical chance with spells associated with your current season. -AP COST: 2
      Winter: Acid, Cold, Electric, and Negative
      Summer: Fire, Force, Light, Positive, Force, and Sonic

      Nice to have Force added to Summer.

    • Druidic Wisdom: Gain a +1/2/4 to heal, spellcraft, and diplomancy skills. AP COST: 1

      Spellcraft and healz.

    Tier 2
    • Efficient MetaMagic: Reduce the cost of a meta magic, empower, enlarge, maximize, quicken AP COST: 2
    • Efficient MetaMagic: Reduce the cost of a meta magic, empower, enlarge, maximize, quicken AP COST: 2

      Removal of Spell Pen check from Word of Balance makes only Finger of Death requiring a spell pen check.
      Hope to see the Efficient Metamagic in all caster trees reduced to cost of 1 per rank.
      Hope to see Metamagics increase by +x spellpower per Epic Levels (suggest 3.75 for Empower Spell).

    • Creeping Cold: Spell Like Ability: Creeping Cold (Cost: [6/5/3] SP. Cooldown: [12/10/8] seconds) AP COST: 1 Requires produce flame

      Nice to see available at level 2 instead of 3.
    • Wax and Wane: +2% critical chance with spells associated with your current season. -AP COST: 2
      Winter: Acid, Cold, Electric, and Negative
      Summer: Fire, Force, Light, Positive, Force, and Sonic

    • Action Boost: Spell Power: Action boost grants 10/20/30 spell power for 20 seconds. 30 second cool down. AP COST: 1

      Nice for button pushing or able to be ignored.

    Tier 3
    • Autumn Leaves: Toggle to be shielded by autumn winds. Under this effect gain feather fall, +3 dodge, and a 10% chance to knock down any enemy that strikes you in melee. Costs: 8 SP Lasts until death or toggled off AP COST: 1

      Cool new effect.
      Nice to have free feather fall.
      A bit of extra dodge is nice too.
      The knockdown effect might be helpful for caster tanks.

    • Efficient Heighten AP COST: 2

      Good ability that is too expensive.
    • Call Lightning: Spell Like Ability: Call Lightning (Cost: [10/8/6] SP. Cooldown: [12/8/6] seconds) AP COST: 1 Requires: Creeping cold

      Decrease in cooldown by 25% along with available at level 3 instead of level 4 is nice.
    • Wax and Wane: +2% critical chance with spells associated with your current season. -AP COST: 2
      Winter: Acid, Cold, Electric, and Negative
      Summer: Fire, Force, Light, Positive, Force, and Sonic

      Typical expected well done.
    • Wisdom +1 AP COST: 2
      Typical expected well done.

    Tier 4
    • Spring Resurgence: Fill an ally with the vitality of spring. When that ally falls below 50% hit points, that ally and any other allies near him are healed by 20d6 positive energy, and receive a +2 primal bonus to attack rolls. (Lasts 5 minutes or until triggered.) (Activation Cost: [8/6/4] Spell Points.) Cooldown: [8/4/2] seconds) AP COST: 1

      Decreased cooldown and bug fixes here appreciated.
    • Strength of the Solstice: +1 to the save DC's of your Evocation and Conjuration spells AP COST: 2

      Moving from tier 5 to tier 4 is nice, allowing investment by future healing trees.

      I believe when I checked the D&D 5th edition player's handbook, a spell did change Schools.

      Please change the first level Druid Entangle Spell's school from Transmutation to Conjuration.
      Reference D&D 5th ed PH page 238.

    • Salt Ray: Spell Like Ability: Salt Ray (Cost: [12/10/8] SP. Cooldown: [12/10/8] seconds) AP COST: 1

      Excellent choice for a SLA.
    • Wax and Wane: +2% critical chance with spells associated with your current season. -AP COST: 2
      Winter: Acid, Cold, Electric, and Negative
      Summer: Fire, Force, Light, Positive, Force, and Sonic
    • Wisdom +1 AP COST: 2

    Tier 5
    • Crown of Summer: A target of your choice is filled with the light and vitality of summer. That target gains a 15% enhancement bonus to Healing Amplification, 10 Melee Power, and 5 Ranged Power. (Activation Cost: 1 Spell Point. Cooldown: 6 seconds) Only one target can have the crown at a time. AP COST: 1

      The melee power will help this ability exist better with Deadly Weapons and Shillelagh as this is no longer a weapon buff that is overwritten by other weapon buffs.
    • Master of the Elements: Gain 5/10/15 spell power in your season. Passive rank 3: Changing into Fire Elemental form now grants you the "Anger of the Noon Day Sun" effect. Changing into Water Elemental Form now grants you the "Icy Mantle" effect. (Update: Removed the 17 Druid levels requirement for the rank 3 passive.)

      Cool auto change effects.
      Thank you.
      Nice extra spellpower which Druids can use in their rainbow of various spells.
      Definately good to remove the level restriction as 16 levels of Druid is enough to gain Earthquake, and become a viable caster.

    • Word of Balance: Spell Like Ability: Word of Balance (Cost: [12/9/6] SP. Cooldown: [20/15/10] seconds) AP COST: 1 Requires: Salt Ray

      Reduction in cooldown by 33% is appreciated.
      Also removing the Spell Pen check is appreciated.

    • Time and Tide: Increase your Caster Level and Max Caster Level by +1 AP COST: 2

      Same as before and good.
    • Armor of Winter: Gain 8 times your wisdom in temporary Hit points that lasts 60 seconds. (Cooldown: 30 seconds, Sp Cost: 12) AP COST: 2

      Wow, actually rather nice.
    Last edited by Silverleafeon; 03-29-2018 at 01:17 AM.

  20. #60
    Ultimate Completionist
    2014 DDO Players Council
    Open Guild for All Founder - Hardcore

    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Torc View Post
    This was part of the original design of the forms. TBD if their going to stay or go. It is perhaps redunant reinforcement that you should switch forms before playing the other side of the elements with a druid.
    Quite confused here?

    Yes, I can see the annoying -3 to opposing element fire/cold.
    Sure I would like to have thus removed as Druid really have to cast Fire, Lightning & Cold SLAs every dungeon.
    But with Master of Wilds, I guess I will live with it if it is not removed, especially if the Devs actually remember to raise Epic Destiny levels from 6 minus 1 xp to level 10 where they belong since the level cap is now 30 (if you search long enough you will find the Dev post that raised epic destiny points from 20 to 24 due to the fudge of raising from level 5 to level 6 minus 1 xp).

    Someone mentioned -3 to earth and lightning spells which has never ever been my understanding to be part of the Druid design. That would be a bug. That should never be!!!

    Per DDO Wiki:

    Elemental forms
    At levels 13 and 17 a druid may use their 'Wild Shape' feat to change into an elemental.
    You are considered an elemental.
    You gain a +10 racial bonus to your saving throws against magical poisons
    You have racial immunity to natural poisons, sleep, paralysis and stun, and 100% bonus to fortification.
    Elemental forms keep their equipped weapons after the transformation.
    You must prepare your elemental form spells as normal and do not receive additional spell preparation slots for them.
    Water Elemental
    You gain +3 bonus to caster level and max caster level to water and cold spells.
    Your fire spells get a -3 penalty to caster level and max caster level.
    You gain a +10 racial bonus to cold resistance, and -10 electric resistance.
    You have +20 swim skill
    Form specific spells:Elemental Toughness, Freezing Spray, Ice Flowers, Mantle of the Icy Soul
    Fire Elemental
    You can breath indefinitely underwater
    You gain +3 bonus to caster level and max caster level to fire spells.
    Your water spells get a -3 penalty to caster level and max caster level.
    You gain a +10 racial bonus to fire resistance, and have -10 cold resistance.
    Form specific spells: Body of the Sun, Elemental Toughness, Fires of Purity, Anger of the Noonday Sun

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