I wonder if this is that hard to see, currently we see since U23 (or so) always the same pattern, we get gear for high heroic (lvl 13-20) and legendary (level 30 characters even if they are ML 28-29 as a concession to the players)

But we don't have any new items or quests below level 10 and for level 20-29.

This leads to the fact that most players I know run around with low to mid-level Items until they reach level 28.
In my opinion a quite unsatisfying situation.
Only Cannith Crafting gear lessens this problem but this is not a real solution in my opinion and also the Cannith crafted items have the "problem" that you need for each slot several of them to upgrade your gear.
Which is not only hard to get (for me no problem because I play a lot) it is also quite annoying to manage hundreds of items on your account.

These problems could be solved with items that scale with your character level, I can not tell this often enough that DDO is predestined for such items due to the reincarnation system!
Another solution for this problems would be at last a third level range for new quests so we have a heroic, an epic and a legendary version of each new quest.
So the level gap is not that big on items even if this would mean we have to manage even more items with or small space with this.