U38 comes with 5 new dungeons! Bear in mind, in this preview they are in varying states of feature completion and polish. The regular questgivers will be located in House Jorasco once U38 is released to the live servers, however, for this preview the only way to access the quests is from a "The Questgiver" located in the center of the Test Dojo. You can purchase the adventure pack from the DDO store using DDO points granted to you by "Lord Poincelot" who is also located in the center of the Test Dojo.
The five U38 dungeons are level 14 in Heroic and Level 31 in Legendary. For this preview the quests can be completed in any order, however, when they reach live you will need to complete the intro to Flag for the middle three and you will need to complete all of the middle three (in any order) to flag for the Capstone. The quests are:
- Night Falls on Stormreach Intro
- Quarantine
- The Madness of Crowds
- The Age of Rage
- Toxic Treatment Capstone
Let us know what your first impressions are!