I'm probably pumping this out a bit early, but eh.
Last week I did some Lamannia stuff involving the new Artificer tree. It's very obviously classed towards being a defense-/support-oriented tree. I'll admit, it was kind of overpowered as it was on the test server, at least as far as defenses are concerned (I actually find Admixture SLAs and the AoE constructs to be quite balanced as is, but could use some tweaking). Kinetic Charge + Kinetic Discharge are pretty cool, although the latter is kind of out of place being an offensive ability in a defensive tree (I'm not complaining though!!)

I digress on this, what I really want to know is this:
How will Renegade Mastermaker change the state of tanks?

I'm not saying that it will, but that it could, and I'd like to hear peoples' opinions on it.