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  1. #281

    Default High Lords of Malkier

    It's been a long time since we posted here so I thought I'd update

    Guild Name: High Lords of Malkier
    Guild Type: Adults only, raiding, past life grinding, reaper questing, active players only, grouping and community focused
    Guild Contacts: Gingerspyce (aka Voodu)
    Guild Website:

    Recruiting Status: We have a large, active roster and we fill our own raids pretty well so we don't openly recruit but we sometimes recruit friends who run with us regularly.

    About Us: We are a diverse group of players mostly in our 30's and 40's who raid in the evenings and grind past lives when we're not raiding. We're a larger guild, but still a cohesive community of friends. Our 2 main rules: No drama and treat others with respect. Diversity is a core value of our guild. We are not a teaching guild for beginners who are just getting started in DDO but we are a raiding guild that teaches how to raid. We are mostly US players but we have many Canadians as well as some Australian, European and Brazilian guild members. If you want to run with us and get to know us, the best way is to join our raids. Our Public Raid Schedule is posted in the Sarlona forum.
    Last edited by Nachomammashouse; 12-24-2018 at 07:17 PM.

  2. #282
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Someone Stoled my guild StormtroopersOfDeath

    about 6 months ago I let in someone new into my guild and in the past have been offline a few times for months and sometimes a year at a time because of lack of a PC to play. well once again I lost my ability to log on for about 2 months but this time i log on and find I had been kicked out of my guild. Since i didn't kick myself out i logged on my other characters to find them all kicked off my guild. I asked my friend who i was visiting to log on and see IF he was still in but he was kicked too. This guy i let in somehow took control of my guild and kicked everyone and yes i know about too much time and the leader loses their title in the guild but i had other characters in line for that and in the past i NEVER lost my guild. I had spent a lot of real money to build that guild and spent so much time. all my characters i play is on Sarlona and so was my guild StormtroopersOfDeath. I've also spent a great deal of money on my characters and IF I can't recover my Guild I will stop playing. I may even sell my account here as it's worth a lot of money. I now hate the game i loved so much and been playing since Bata and Preordered my copy with a full year of VIP service! I'm so upset I can't think about it. Does anyone have any ideas how i can save my account and my guild?

  3. #283
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Smile Unrepentant wants to come home.

    Quote Originally Posted by KreepyKritter View Post
    Guild Name: The Unrepentant
    Guild Type: Casual, friendly, (im)mature
    Guild website: Here
    Guild Contacts: Myself (Joshin), Ogeir, Teseus, Jarviis, Fenstrom, Carats, or sort by guilds on the 'WHO' list and pm anyone in 'Unrepentant'. Pip (Ogeir) forgot the word 'The' when he created the guild... that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
    Recruiting status: Usually... always interested in finding interesting people to share our gaming experience with.
    About you: I'm short, dorky, enjoy long walks on the beach and candle-lit... oh, right, the guild. Er, uhm, ahh... heh.

    We're a long standing multi-gaming community with branches and/or members in a dozen or so different MMO's and games. We have a history in various incarnations and a number of our members have been doing the MMO thing since EQ1. It's not unusual to find both an end-game raid group running at the same time as a mid-level 6-man group getting dirty in gianthold. We are populated by both F2P and VIP members, and welcome all commitment levels. Most of us value our RL and families just as much as our time spent gaming, so even those of you who might only get one or two nights a week are just as welcome as those of you who are on for several hours a night.

    All nations, timezones, and age groups (over 18) are welcome. Why the over 18 disclaimer? Because we're generally 23+, drink, smoke and curse fluently and with great skill and creativity. We also prefer not to be responsible for other people's delinquency because, quite frankly, it's too much extra work to warp other minds. We would rather your mind was warpped to begin with as it saves us the hassle and provides more amusement for all involved.

    We're more interested in finding fun and interesting PEOPLE to game with. Not recruiting a bunch of min-maxed rules-lawyers with some fun and interesting toons.

    ETA: There is a brief application process, but this is mostly to make sure those wishing to join are going to fit well with the guild, and get to know you a bit before removing your probie status.
    I've been questing out in the Bioverse and lost my way, when found my way home, Someone has changed the locks and I cant get in. Anychance of allowing me back?

  4. #284
    Community Member Treston's Avatar
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    Aug 2010

    Default Legends of under mountain

    Guild Name: Legends of Under Mountain
    Guild Type: (Moderate, casual, whatever)
    Guild website: Discord Server - Legends of Under Mountain Guild - DDO
    Guild Contacts: Kassandri, Saydiri, Arcea, Kyltpzxym
    Recruiting status: Always accepting new member; even veteran players.
    About you: Long running guild going through a refresh of members; looking for new and veteran players. Usual guild activity is during the evenings (Eastern Time Zone), but come on at anytime. Looking for players that want to have fun and help each other out. We'll even accept lone wolf players just wanting a guild to call home after a long adventure.

    Just a few ground guides to help:
    - Support each other
    - Notify Guild leader or officers if you are going to be away for a lengthy (3 months or more) journey. This way we do not remove you after 3 months.
    - We understand RL (Real Life) happens. RL comes first before game. Family comes first. We'll still be here when you come back.
    - We have members listed beyond 1 year that founded the guild. They are part of the Guild Memorium - Shamonah, Mennonah, and Brothii. They are not to be removed, but part of the eternal flame of the guild. If we hear of a member's loss in RL, we will add their character to this list.

    Hope to hear from you soon!

  5. #285
    Community Member Cybersquirt's Avatar
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    Jun 2006

    Default the foundation

    Guild Name: the foundation

    Guild Type: (whatever)

    Guild Contact: Henkle or Lilla (Jyrta is on alot too)

    Recruiting status: Send me a mail/tell and let's run a quest. Always open to new players

    About the guild: 2 of us left from the founders guild we inherited when the last original couple left the game. It was a different game then (they hadn't raised the cap to 20.) And I am the only one left on this server on a reqular basis. I put too much $$$ into the ship to quit it and, in the meantime, I've met a few folks who have joined. I don't care about guild level (although it would be nice to use my Vault III deed.) It's a few VIP subs on a ship with buffs doing our own thing, or not. Join the chaos before leaving DDO in disgust!

    No pressure. No requirements. No expulsion if you don't show up for a year. Just don't be a jerk

    Good Hunting!
    You must gather your party before venturing forth.

  6. #286
    Community Member
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    Apr 2006

    Default Knights of the Necronomicon recruiting

    Guild Name: Knights of the Necronomicon

    Guild Type: Casual, friendly, older, veterans, and lean conservative.

    Guild Contact: Dragolatha or Nashobushi

    Guild level: 136 we are nearly to 150 which is that last level that isn't guild announcement only.

    Recruiting status: Send us a mail/tell always looking for questing partners and hoping to gain enough numbers for raids.

    About the guild: Most of us are military veterans lean conservative but just don't be a jerk is all we really require. We have had, like other guilds, dwindling numbers but we'd like to build back to numbers where we can run raids again. We mostly play Sunday and Thursday evenings eastern but we can randomly be found on other days and times. We use Discord for speech. Look for us and join us.

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