Guild Name: The Unrepentant
Guild Type: Casual, friendly, (im)mature
Guild website: Here
Guild Contacts: Myself (Joshin), Ogeir, Teseus, Jarviis, Fenstrom, Carats, or sort by guilds on the 'WHO' list and pm anyone in 'Unrepentant'. Pip (Ogeir) forgot the word 'The' when he created the guild... that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Recruiting status: Usually... always interested in finding interesting people to share our gaming experience with.
About you: I'm short, dorky, enjoy long walks on the beach and candle-lit... oh, right, the guild. Er, uhm, ahh... heh.
We're a long standing multi-gaming community with branches and/or members in a dozen or so different MMO's and games. We have a history in various incarnations and a number of our members have been doing the MMO thing since EQ1. It's not unusual to find both an end-game raid group running at the same time as a mid-level 6-man group getting dirty in gianthold. We are populated by both F2P and VIP members, and welcome all commitment levels. Most of us value our RL and families just as much as our time spent gaming, so even those of you who might only get one or two nights a week are just as welcome as those of you who are on for several hours a night.
All nations, timezones, and age groups (over 18) are welcome. Why the over 18 disclaimer? Because we're generally 23+, drink, smoke and curse fluently and with great skill and creativity. We also prefer not to be responsible for other people's delinquency because, quite frankly, it's too much extra work to warp other minds. We would rather your mind was warpped to begin with as it saves us the hassle and provides more amusement for all involved.
We're more interested in finding fun and interesting PEOPLE to game with. Not recruiting a bunch of min-maxed rules-lawyers with some fun and interesting toons.
ETA: There is a brief application process, but this is mostly to make sure those wishing to join are going to fit well with the guild, and get to know you a bit before removing your probie status.