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  1. #161
    Community Member elraido's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Guild Name: Eternal Wrath
    Guild Type: We loves loot
    Guild Contacts: Celadon, Hendrik, Tomalon
    Recruiting status: As long as you aren't dumb and like loot.
    About you: Yes, we are loot mongers
    Last edited by elraido; 02-18-2009 at 11:17 AM.
    Officer - Eternal Wrath
    Burne Level 20 Human Paladin

  2. #162
    Community Member Dexxaan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Arrow Gravis Negotium

    Guild Name: Gravis Negotium (Aerenalite Origin)
    Guild Type: Non-Classroom; Elite performance w/out the Attitude(we try...but so many test our patience!); Loot Runs, Quest-Gear and Build Support.
    Guild Website:
    Guild Contacts: No Leader > 3 man Council: Bruttus Chaosbane - Annahita Twotics and Magnicallis. Officers: Kixaahl - Hondo - Grinndal - Modus.
    Recruiting Status: Depends on you, your performance, knowledge and a zero resistance vote from Officers and Councilmen.
    About you: We kick Arse and enjoy doing it while flinging rude jokes let and right. No kids, no virgin eared puritans nor anyone should.....A) Oppose the will of Bruttus "The Benevolent Overseer"; B) Question the Wisdom of Annahita nor C) Try to outzerg Magnicallis.....simple really.
    Last edited by Dexxaan; 02-04-2009 at 07:43 AM.
    "Multi-Classing: If you don't know what you are doing...please don't do it."
    Arkkanoz / Barbarrus / BoarAxe / Bruttus / Dahlamaar / Dexxaan / Dominattrix / Gregorius / Inquisittor / Mechanikkus / Predattor / Suntzzu / Valkeerya

  3. #163
    Founder Epsilom's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Guild Name: ANZAC

    Guild Type: Spirit of the common good, Non-Political

    Guild Contacts: Nitengale, Wylda, Ironguts, Imasa, Reever

    Recruiting status: We're mainly comprised of NZ/AUS players, although anyone is welcome. Please bare in mind if playing from outside of NZ/AUS our primetime is different, would suit shift-workers.

    About you: You should know what ANZAC stands for, and will be expected to carry on the good reputation we have built over the last 2.5 years.
    Be prepared to help your fellows, and have the tenacity to do for yourself if someone can't help you out.
    Treat everyone with equal respect.
    Exploiters not tolerated.

    About Us:We are the Original ANZAC from Aerenal.
    We pride ourselves on being a non-exploit guild, and the ability to call for reinforcements when others leave because things are too tough.
    Most of our players have been around since preview weekend and as a result, we have a great pool of experience to draw upon.
    We have been active the last 2 years, and have recently decided to open up our ranks to anyone that fits in!
    We have a family atmosphere free from politics.
    Last edited by Epsilom; 06-25-2008 at 05:46 PM. Reason: The ANZAC is back

    Black Blood

  4. #164
    Community Member liamfrancais's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    I seems the legends of eberron has disbanded the leader was Hennett.
    Liamfrancais- Human Pally 16 (Mythical), Balto-Drow Sorc 16 (Mythical), Baltaz-Drow Rgr 16 (Forgotten Legion), Adarforged-WF Barb 16 (Mythical), Bringit-Dwarf FTR/barb 12/4 (Just Me), Zudomon-Elf wiz 15 (Twisted Fate), Rudadonna-H clr 16 (Mythical)

  5. #165
    Community Member
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    Dec 2006

    Smile Guild: Knights of the Old Republic

    Guild Name: Knights of the Old Republic
    Guild Type: Casual
    Guild website: unapplicable at this time
    Guild Contacts: Jaygon, Gemini, Roch, Pawl, any officer
    Recruiting status: currently recruiting, doesen't matter what class, race, etc.
    About our guild: Good natured people, we have both noobs and veterans. We strive to help one another with quests, trading, etc., whenever possible. This guild was formed when the PC game was introduced in February 2006 on the Adar server. We have stood the test of time.

  6. #166
    Community Member
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    Jul 2007

    Red face Fighting Clowns

    Guild Name: Fighting Clowns

    Guild Type: Casual

    Guild Website: In future

    Guild Contacts: Ralpf, Daggon, Einstein-Aerenal
    Ask any clown you see for info or to find an officer.


    Recruiting Status: Recruiting friendly team players who want to play D & D as it was meant to be; a group of adventures working together, using their own unique skills to accomplish quest goals.

    About us: Mostly USA evening players, but may be found anytime. We tend to play against the dungeon, not the clock and not each other. Most of us are long time P & P players. We are newbie friendly and typically will go slow enough for everyone to keep up. No one is pressured to play within the guild. Players of all levels are welcome to come play with us. Would like to add a few experienced players as raid guides.

    See you in Stormreach and, as always, happy questing, Sargen.
    Last edited by jjeb59; 05-18-2009 at 11:22 AM.

  7. #167
    Founder & Hero Jastron's Avatar
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    Jan 2006

    Default The Brotherhood of Redemption

    Guild name: "The Brotherhood of Redemption"

    Guild type: Casual

    Guild site:

    Guild contacts: Justin, Dontal, Propane


    Recruiting status: We are recruiting any characters of any level that have a similar playstyle to ours. New players welcome!

    About us: Many of our members are pen and paper D&D gamers and DM's, with some of the officers having over 20 years of experience with D&D. The Founders of the BoR have been playing since Beta, so we also know DDO quite well. If a member hasn't been in a quest before, we make an effort to not spoil any surprises. We work as a team and aid each other both in quests and to reach character goals. We also maintain an equipment vault to assist our members.
    Last edited by Jastron; 08-01-2010 at 04:12 PM.
    On Sarlona: Justin, Bry, Karoneth, Koto, Combatant, Kendu, Narnak, Mythanthor, Jastron, Brendin.
    Guildmaster, The Brotherhood of Redemption

  8. #168
    Community Member Stormanne's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    Guild Name: Kill To Live

    Guild Type: Ultra Casual, we are the epitome of flower sniffers...

    Guild Site: Shared site with the KTL Counter Strike clan.

    Always prowling for more people of all levels and skill types. Not interested in being uber, just having fun. Founders have been around since launch or close to. Anyone interested in joining just hit me or anyone that is on up and surely there'll be an officer readily available. Not too sure how many people we have as to there being to many alts to really keep track. I know that on a given night, we have enough to run raids, sometimes enough to run two raids at the same time. Mainly evening players EST.

  9. #169
    Community Member
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    Jul 2008

    Default Medieval Moonbase

    Guild Name:Medieval Moonbase
    Guild Type: Casual, older PnP player, Over 18 members, Is a very new Group, part of a larger gaming community.
    Guild website:
    Guild Contacts: Steadys, Cerio, Kaagneer, Jyslin, or any one tagged with Medieval Moonbase
    Recruiting status: Yes, please join. Any level, any type.
    About you: Like to have fun playing the game. Have webpage, forums, 24/7 free Vent. Good group that plays many games together.
    We have fun. Have a great day

  10. #170

    Default why not...

    Guild Name: Untouchable
    Guild Type: Raiding/Looting
    Guild website: ----
    Guild Contacts: Anyone of us you meet
    Recruiting status: Not searching hardcore, but more people to run daily raids with us would be nice
    About you: Mostly players in East coast, couple are West coast. We play everyday, weekends are the most active. We are looking for players who can rip on each other and joke around and not get PO. Also players who have well thought out toons and know how to play them well. In this guild everyone is of equal standing (in terms of members/leader/ect..), no one person is "the boss". Also enjoy grouping/raiding with Legends of Aerenal, Fight Club, and most guilds that were from the Aerenal server.

    {_Oxvon Oxbot Oxdoc Oxbeat Oxfu Oxton Unearth Deadbolt Daath Oxon Oxen_}

  11. #171
    Community Member FuzzyDeath's Avatar
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    Apr 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Paladin View Post
    Introduce your guild here.

    Guild Name:
    Guild Type: (Heavy, moderate, lite RP. casual, hardcore, whatever)
    Guild website: (if applicable)
    Guild Contacts:
    Recruiting status: (is your guild currently accepting members)
    About you: (talk about what makes your guild special, what timezones you mostly play on, whatever you think people who want to know about your guild, want to know!)
    GUILD NAME: Sanctus Cognati
    CONTACTS: Lexlax (Guild leader), Spamloaf, Butjetzz, Minney, Cherrybomb, Koniko, Vynoth
    RECRUITING STATUS: Always welcoming players

    We are VERY casual, we don't have many people on at one time. A lot of us use this guild to solo, or to try out new experimental builds. You won't get a lot of raiding done here. But if you want to just dork around, we're the guild for you!!!! It's also a good guild for new players as we are more than happy to help, teach and also help level up lowbies.

    You can be a member of as many other guilds as you want. You do not need to be an expert, zerger, rules lawyer, genius, cartogropher, etc. You do have to be willing to learn. Don't know how to do the Reaver puzzle? I will show you. Don't know what spell drops the end guy in SC? I will tell you (It's not Wall of Fire :P). No one ever let you do anything in Von4 besides sit at the quest entrance while they soloed it? Follow me.

    You will have more fun failing a quest with us than succeeding with some of the other jerks running around Stormreach. Guaranteed. Besides... if we're winning then we're not drinking enough. Cheers!
    Last edited by FuzzyDeath; 09-23-2008 at 11:17 AM.

  12. #172
    Community Member cnynridr2's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Default Blood Cloak Clan (BCC)

    GUILD NAME: Blood Cloak Clan (BCC)
    GUILD TYPE : Casual players who like to have fun (18+ only)
    GUILD CONTACTS: Any Member in game or by website (preferred)
    RECRUITING STATUS: We are always recruiting and ask you log in to our website to setup a time to meet.

    ABOUT US: We are medium sized guild started back in Beta on ADAR who likes to get together and have fun but can still be serious about questing at the same time. We have people who have been playing since Beta, some who just started and some in between. Everyone is friendly and willing to help each other out. If you would like to see if we are a match for you please log in to our website and let us know you are interested in questing with us and a couple of officers will contact you to setup a time to meet. All we ask is that you have all your characters join the guild if accepted.
    Last edited by cnynridr2; 09-28-2009 at 05:57 PM.
    Lightsocket, Lightarrow, Lighter, Lighttank, Lightzapper
    Lightmeup, Lightsage, Lightemup, Lightrock, Lightbright, Lightsurge, Lightmaker, Lightbeam, Lightmist

  13. #173
    crazy cat lady dungan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Default MidnightStalkers

    Guild Name: MidnightStalkers
    Type: Moderate, looking to have some fun
    Contacts: Everybody is an officer
    Recruting status: Always

    About us: We have players of all classes, races, and levels. We enjoy running raids, and will help anybody get raid ready. We are growing all the time. Most of us have more than 1 toon and we are always willing to swap out to help meet the party needs. Most of all we want to have fun.

  14. #174
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    Feb 2006


    Guild name: 13th Circle
    Type: casual
    Contacts: Wickin,Wickie
    Recruting status: Light
    Server: Sarlona

    About us: 13th circle has been around since beta, originally founded on Aerenal by Laggin and Salli, were a small guild roughly 10 or 15 active players (was less some time ago but we have merged with Horizen Walkers) Current leader is myself (Wickie)
    "Were not here to prove how uber we are, We are just here. good players good fun."

  15. #175
    Community Member DropList's Avatar
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    Sep 2006

    Default The Bleeding

    Guild Name: The Bleeding
    Guild Type: Raiding/Powergaming/Very Family like
    Guild Contacts:Thenn,Karudo,Metasyn,Hennet,Bluetip
    Recruiting status: Currently recruiting seasoned players!
    About our guild: We are 140 toons strong...With around 15 very active players. Most of us have been around a long time. We Have a vent server up at all times to stay in contact with the guild always. We like to play late and have a good time. We pride ourselves on our family like atmosphere. All of us have several capped toons and enjoy making crazy tweaked out lowbies too!!!
    ****Thenn*Thenna*Thennn*Andthenn*Thennagain*Demoni ck*Archonn*Bruntar*Bramtor*Shandrill*Vyag Ra..Darsinn****

  16. #176
    Community Member Averry's Avatar
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    Nov 2008

    Default New Permadeath Guild - The Ironmen of Xen'drik

    I've started a new 'ironman' Permadeath guild - The Ironmen of Xen'drik - on Sarlona.

    You can check out the ruleset here

    I realize Permadeath is not for everyone, much less 'ironman' Permadeath!

    Personally, I've been playing DDO for about 2 years, PD for about 1-1/2 years.

    If you are interested in a new challenge, or in trying a new playstyle, please check out the ruleset and come over and try it if it looks interesting to you!

    I plan to run there on Tuesdays and Thursdays, starting next Tuesday the 25th. However, I'll be on between now and then getting ready, so if you stop by, look for Nyles the Sly.

    That notorious thief, once thought dead, seems to have resurfaced (or escaped from prison). He was last seen boarding a ship headed for Stormreach.

  17. #177
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    Jan 2008

    Default Update for Beer

    Guild name: Beer
    Type: Raid/all level content oriented
    Contacts: Agamon/Mols
    Recruting status: currently looking for new members
    Server: Sarlona

    About us: We are a small tightknit guild of adults who like raiding, but have characters of just about every level. We want to see our guild members grow and learn the ins and out of this game. We like working together and love helping get people raid ready. If your interested in running with us please look up Agamon, Mols or if neccessary myself (alts listed in signature.)

    We now have a forums for members and friends: Beer Of Sarlona Forums
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

  18. #178
    Community Member Maxwell1380's Avatar
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    Dec 2007

    Default The Apprentices Of Stormreach

    Guild Type: Beginners
    Guild website:
    Guild Contacts: Malvorne/Lezzhanna/Spellfyre/Chitai
    Recruiting status: always
    About you: We have a few missions. We are there to help brand new players right off the island for the first time, as well as providing support to those of you who have rolled a new toon and need some peeps to run with!

  19. #179
    Founder KuRRuPT's Avatar
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    Jan 2006


    Guild Name: §§ Diligence §§
    Guild Type: HARDCORE
    Guild website: N/A
    Guild Contacts: DaZasTa/ILLuZioN/TroTTle/CruCial
    Recruiting status: §§ Diligence §§ has long stop runing this is just to remember it by
    About you: This is the just to a post to say rest in peace § Diligence §
    Last edited by KuRRuPT; 03-05-2009 at 07:34 PM.
    § Diligence §

  20. #180
    Community Member
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    Jan 2009


    Guild Name: League of Extraordinary Beings

    Guild Type: Casual w/ elements of light role playing

    Guild website: N/A - working on it

    Guild Contacts: Zaranda - Leader / Shinook - Officer / Drotte - Officer

    Recruiting status: We are newly founded and actively seeking new potential members. Send an in game tell or a mail message to arrange a meeting time.

    Availability: We have members in all different time zones, from Atlantic to Pacific time. Most of the members are fairly active (Online +5 days of the week) so there is always someone to run with.

    About you: We are a casual guild filled with mature game players; many of which are long time P n P players. We are made up of experienced DDO players but welcome new comers to the game or people that have come back to DDO after a hiatus. Our style is slow and methodical. We are not in a rush to power level to 16, and prefer team work to finish quests. We are also patient with people new to the game. So if you want to learn the game at a fun casual pace or are looking for a guild that easy going and fun in nature then follow up on our contact information.

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