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  1. #101
    Community Member slothman911's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Forged brotherhood - three guys who like to have fun anyone is welcome.

  2. #102
    Community Member
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    Default Chaotic Shadows

    Guild Name: Chaotic Shadows

    Guild Type: Mature - Non rushing

    Guild website:

    Guild Contacts: Orochimaru, Necroflux, Agatha, Jahfa

    Recruiting status: NOT accepting members currently

    About Us:
    We are a mature guild with the leave no one behind attitude. We smash every crate, unlock every chest while enjoying the humor of fellow guildmates. Chaotic Shadows has been on Sarlona from day 1, many players came from alpha/beta. Guild times range from lateafternoon to latenight (players from all timezones). Characters range from lvl 1 to 10 and yes we are doing the Dragon quests. Feel free to drop by the website and ask any questions you my have. You can sign up there to join but we prefer you to run with us in game. That way you get the feel if you wanna stick around.

    Best Luck & Hope to see you soon
    Last edited by Necroflux; 11-25-2006 at 03:53 PM.

  3. #103
    Community Member
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    Mar 2006

    Default Ring of Steel

    Guild Name: Ring of Steel Mercenary Guild
    Guild Type: Lite RP, non-rushing
    Guild website:
    Guild Contacts: Ciobhan, Grimnar, Carolina
    Recruiting status: Accepting new members
    About you: We're a light RP (not usually "in character" but that's welcome); we don't rush, we try to play true to the character types (rogues scout, etc). We're trying to build a fairly tight knit group; there are no playing time commitments, or "you have to do this or you'll be kicked". Just check out the website for more info.

  4. #104
    Community Member Moonshine's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    Default Neo Skullriders

    Active and effective instance crawlers.
    role playing wise only kargon, he is heavy into that but rest of guild only light role play.


    entry req: LVL 14 or just caped xp (post a application (with build purpose) and find one of us in game to party with. usually theres a few days to pass patience is required. We look for the most experienced players with a good understanding of dnd core rule.

    We provide u a guild with plenty of active members who is very skilled in getting things done. giving advice in char builds and very fun community. We rush! beats down instances like its a marathon race and c if we can go back and do it faster. Further more we are a raiding guilds we raid when ever we are not on timer.

    If the above requirement = you. post application on guild forum links. thank you for reading

    Ps, Neo Skullriders are a branch of the original skullriders with a group of very qualified skullrider members. application to the actual skullriders are also avaliable.

    We were here since the dawn of time.
    curretly recruiting status: c matson for info. generally invites are extended to members of community we see as a good addition to the guild.

    pps, ex guild mascot.... Kargon the barbarian!!
    Last edited by Moonshine; 07-09-2007 at 11:29 AM.

  5. #105
    Community Member
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    Jul 2006

    Cool Anti-Rush Team Play Guild (Sarlona): Gato Negro

    I have a guild going on Sarlona named Gato Negro.

    We are not recruiting everyone who wants to join. I don't usually send invites out unless I am impressed with the abilities of the player. If you like to rush through a dungeon and race to the end like this is Track & Field online then my Guild isn't the one to join. If you have done a Dungeon 18 times and want to make sure everyone knows it by making annoying comments like, "Hey guys, we don't need to go in there." or "Hey guys, Turn left up here." or "We don't need to fight those monsters, there's no chest." or you like to run off somewhere in the Dungeon where you think everyone should be and stand there and say, "Hey... Why don't you guys come over here where you're supposed to be." then this IS NOT the guild for you. Lastly if you are a Hand-Me-Down Hero that has a bunch of Fantastic Items but still manage to get everyone killed by being a horrible player, we don't want you.

    However, If you are team oriented and think to yourself, "How can I benefit this team and make it work better." instead of ,"How fast can I get this treasure before someone else does it. I need that xp bonus!!" then you will most definately like this guild. If you are tired of the Kiddies and crotchety old men running ahead of everyone and/or trying to play Mr. Know-it-all then you will love this guild. If you like team play, sharing of items that you can use, and overall Pen and Paper feel to doing dungeons - even after you have done them 26 and a half times - give us a look up. We want players who like to stick to the group and to the gameplan. WE don't want players to tell people where to go but to go where the people are.

    We strive to do dungeons on HARD or ELITE since anyone can run through these dungeons on NORMAL. We have players so far of all level ranges and classes and I am hand-picking members every day who I wish to have in my guild. We have people who play a lot and people that play a little. I'm very busy so I play when I can, while others are on quite a bit and some still aren't on very much at all.

    You can contact myself or any of my officers when we are online to request a tryout. Tryouts are simple. You group with us for a couple/few quests and we see if you work well as a team member.

    Please don't confuse us - We are not an RP guild though if players wish to PR thats fine. I DMd since the 80s and to my friends and I sitting around a table playing D&D was very much Out Of Character. To live through your character a little was fun, but it was still a game after all and if/when a few shots or beers got involved it could be a blast.

    I will say one last thing. I don't require everyone to have a mic at this point, yet I do encourage it. For combat purposes it is 10 times easier to say things like, "Hey I need help!" or "I need a heal!" then it is to try and type it before you are dead.

    I thinks thats enough for now... No wait!

    I have a No Questions asked and No Hard Feelings policy where if you join and you think this guild Sucks you may feel free to leave at any time. I have an open door policy where if you have problems you can come straight to me for questions or comments.

    Guild: Gato Negro
    Server: Sarlona
    Founder/Leader: Divinio Redentor
    Officers: Distance, Gundo, Jedediah and Suicidal

    Feel Free to contact any of the officers (or leader) online or leave me a message here so we can set something up.

    Divinio Redentor - Bard

  6. #106
    Community Member Dementor79's Avatar
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    Jun 2006

    Default Section 8

    Name: Section 8
    Type: Casual gamers.

    Contacts: Visit our website and post on DDO general, or in game see Aalexa, Diff, Nrax, Kendall, or Ryd, Moxn.
    Status: Section 8 is not actively recruiting, but we welcome any player who is friendly and a cooperative player, most of us have migrated to DDO and play other games as a guild as well.

    About Us: Most of the core guildies live in central and eastern time zones. We typically play between 7 PM and 2 AM easterrn. We are a laid back group that can get serious when the hammer needs to be laid down on a fatty. We get the job done. Light RP is welcome as well as friendly banter. Hope to see you on the isle.
    Last edited by Dementor79; 07-10-2006 at 12:00 PM.

  7. #107
    Community Member Jim_Jones's Avatar
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    Jul 2006

    Default Church of Jim Bob Jones

    Guild Name: Church of Jim Bob Jones
    Guild Type: casual, LET'S PLAY!
    Guild website: None yet, but thinking about it
    Server: Sarlona
    Guild Contacts: Jimbobjones Sylvarra
    Recruiting status: If you want to play just to have fun feel free to join. We do NOT take ourselves too seriously.
    About you: We have members from all 3 main USA time zones, and some of us are home all day and might be on at anytime. We like to joke and anything is fair game. Within reason. The main thing about us is that there is no main thing. We just want to play, laugh, and enjoy ourselves. If you take the game too seriously, you probably won't want to join. Warning: we give the "good" loot to whoever might be able to best use it. (e.g. wand of mm to the Wizard, +whatever arrows to the main archer in the party, etc) If you don't like to share with no strings attached, you might not want to join.
    Later, and don't forget, This Game Is Supposed To Be Fun So Enjoy Yourself!
    Last edited by Jim Jones; 08-25-2006 at 12:28 AM. Reason: Guild name got changed, some people were offended. Sorry about that.

  8. #108
    Community Member xavierthe's Avatar
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    Default cleric look for guild

    i been on this game about a month seen alot of guilds some seem good been invited to a few did take it because i was to low level didnt want everyone to think they had to help me through now im looking for a guild to go with i play around 12am and 8am est time almost every night i do have 3 other toons witch are low level one but my drow is level 4 cleric and is really good i try to play him some to cause when he hits 9 or 10 he will rock well anyway im looking to retire xaviethe to a guild only runs so let me know thanks xavier

  9. #109
    Community Member M09WA1's Avatar
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    Jul 2006

    Default Black Spiral Dancers

    Guild Name: Black Spiral Dancers

    Guild Type: Laid back, but no non-mature* members allowed. Basically, if you're waiting for the introduction of Shifters to DDO, so are we.

    Guild website: Too laid back for that, jack.

    Guild Contacts: Dryxxt D'Urden (send in-game emails)

    Recruiting status: Accepting laid-back members of any race

    About the Dancers: We all bear the mark of the wolf. We are a loose-affiliation guild, meaning there is no drama, no hostile takeovers, feuds or other non-laid back game play -- lone wolves (those who prefer being introverted players) are as acceptable to us as those preferring pack-collective exploration (the more extroverted). We support one another, share equipment freely and help our cubs equip and advance. Role-playing is neither advocated nor barred, and any sort of hierarchy (guild structure) is forbidden, as individual expression and development are our hallmarks. Dryxxt is Alpha, but he is laid back and allows democracy to decide most guild matters.

    Don't expect anything flashy, as we are about gameplay, ascetic and pure. Our name and support are all that make us a guild. Having a good time and exploring Eberron for the good of one another are more important that lame intra-guild ranks, websites and other such nonsense unrelated to gameply that usually allow power-hungry 12 year olds tell everyone what to do, etc.

    Above all, we've got a cool (if unoriginal) name. If that's all you want out of a guild, that's fine, too.

    *Non-mature means that we find you annoying or disruptive, regardless of age.

  10. #110
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    Guild Name: Crimson Guard

    Guild Type: Mature sense of humour

    Guild website:

    Guild Contacts: Elonahir, Elonahar, darkwalker, Hirrim, Kirie, Synclair.

    Recruiting status: currently accepting members

    We are a bunch of players that started this guild as we had all been in different guilds that someway failed to support or help in anyway there fellow guild members. So Phalanx and I, Elonahir created Crimson guard to offer all the necessary support that players need new or old. We are a unselfish guild that keeps everything in guild weather it be armour or weapons or anything that a fellow guildie can use if not we sell it and bank the Pp and use it to help others in the guild to buy potions, wands, armour and weapons for guild runs i.e. Dragon or Tempest Spine or general questing. We offer support where we can on building new characters.

    I hope this is enough if you need any more info on our guild contact me Elonahir, Elonahar in game and ill be glad to help.


  11. #111
    Community Member
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    Default Dragon's Bane

    Guild Name: Dragon's Bane

    Guild Type: Casual adventurers and light role-players

    Guild website: none yet

    Guild Contacts: Istivan Piddleywink, Norm Boulderhand

    Recruiting status: not actively recruiting but will accept new members.

    About you: Begun by a group of Pen and Paper players, who have been playing DnD for about 10 years together. We are family oriented, so DDO comes second to most of us. Light roleplayers who would rather explore every corner of things as oppose to the rush jobs that happen here. Not that we never rush, but that is for the adventures we have done 3 or 4 times and just need some XP or loot.

  12. #112
    Community Member ardan6's Avatar
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    Guild Name: The Eternal Conclave

    Guild Type: Pretty much whatever. Can be powergames, sometimes laid back

    Guild website:

    Guild Contacts: Ardan, Spiriit

    Recruiting status: Accepting Members

    About you: We are mostly powergamers, playing most nights, way later then we should. We are looking for new members all the time. If your interested, go ahead a leave a message on our forums or contact one of members online. There names can be found in the Roster area on the website.
    Last edited by ardan6; 07-19-2006 at 04:32 PM.

  13. #113
    Community Member madflabby's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Dragonspire of Sarlona.

    We've been around since headstart, we're still strong and looking to get stronger. Check us out Dragonspire
    Last edited by madflabby; 07-26-2006 at 01:57 PM.

  14. #114
    Community Member Talonus's Avatar
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    May 2006

    Default Warpath

    Guild Name: Warpath
    Guild Type: Casual, moderate
    Guild Website: N/A
    Guild Contacts: Borhrim Warwolf (Sarlona)
    Recruiting Status: New and looking to grow
    About Me:
    I started Warpath to ease the amount of blind guild invites I was getting as a new player. Now that I've been playing Stormreach for a little while and have a feel for the game, I'd like to expand Warpath into an active guild.

    I'm a casual player, but I do play smart when on a quest. I manage my time well and would like to play with others that feel the same way. It's a drag when someone leaves a quest, 5 minutes in, saying "Uh, I have to go to work now." If you know you have to leave the game at a certain time, why start a quest you know you can't complete and slow the rest of the party down? Of course, real-world issues do come up, but try and manage your time a bit better.

    Recruitment is open to all levels. If you're a new player looking to grow and learn or a vetern player looking for something new or to teach, this maybe for you. I would like to guild with people that like to explore dungeons and not just run through them every single time. Loot runs are cool, but there's so much to miss.

    If Warpath was a movie it would be rated R and above for adult language and themes and alcohol use so be warned.

    Even though Warpath is casual there are rules:
    1. Respect your guildmates and female players
    2. Help your guildmates before others when/if you can

    I play just about every day in the morning to early afternoon (MST-Arizona: late afternoon/early evening Europe, late night/early morning Australia) on week days and all night on weekends.

    If this sounds good to you contact Borhrim Warwolf by in-game e-mail.

    Take care and good luck!

  15. #115
    Founder Kanai's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Ru'une

    Guild Name:Ru'une

    Guild Type: Moderate RP, Non-Rushing

    Guild website: Ru'une - a DDO Guild on Sarlona server

    Guild Contacts: Kanai Na'arok

    Recruiting status: Currently recruiting, all classes welcome.

    About you: This guild is based on a love for p'n'p, thus the desire to take each quest slowly and enjoy the content. RP is both encouraged & practiced, but isn't absolutely necessary (though respecting those enjoy RPing is.)

    This is the ideal guild for p'n'p fans & RPers to really flesh out their characters, as well as for those who are laid-back and want to savor the content, and their character, without rushing/racing/power-gaming through it. (Mature/R-rated guild as far as chat rules, but common sense, mutual respect and a good sense of humor is mandatory.)

    The philosophy of this guild is to:

    -Run the game's many quests with an appreciation and enjoyment of group dynamics
    -Stick together and taking it slow to explore all the possibilities the content provides
    -Enjoy probing the possibilities for character interaction (for those who enjoy doing that).

    Please whisper Kanai in game, or send a PM to me through the forums, if you're interested in joining. For more info, visit the guild website linked above. I should also mention that this is a great guild for casual gamers and those who have jobs/RL obligations/etc., but would like to ensure a better-quality time gaming when online (this includes me!)

    See you all in game!
    Last edited by Kanai; 07-28-2006 at 06:03 PM. Reason: added guild webpage hyperlink

  16. #116
    Founder Arturyan's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Circle of the Pale Cross

    Guild Name: Circle of the Pale Cross
    Guild Type : Disbanded ,
    Guild website:
    Guild Contacts:
    Recruiting status:
    About you:

    and well met friend. You have found the home of the Circle of the Pale Cross. We are a noble guild of adventurers who are ready to head into battle at a moments' notice.**NOTE** We Are a Disbanded guild, We no longer exist .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

    The Circle of the Pale Cross is less a guild, and more like a Brotherhood. All of the members were very helpful to one another and other players outside the guild. Our name was EVERYWHERE in Sarlona in 2006, and was recognized as one of the best and most fun guilds on the server. We are (as I like to refer to us as) a Leisure Guild, who are all in it for the Fun of playing and the bonding with other players that play DDO for the enjoyment of the game.
    We are a were Dungeons and Dragons Online Guild, on the Sarlona Server.

    Some of the Founding members have recently been seen on Khyber with " Knights of the Good "Glvl 64
    Last edited by Arturyan; 09-18-2011 at 10:14 PM. Reason: updating
    Khyber ~ Guild: Knights of the Good
    Arturyan Cleric 20
    Arturn Ranger Tempest 15 fighter/rogue/ranger
    Boltsprayer Artificer/Rogue 4/2

  17. #117
    Community Member Cybersquirt's Avatar
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    Jun 2006


    Guild Name: the foundation
    Guild type: RP friendly/casual
    Contact: Henkle

    Pacific type zone. Play time varies. New players welcome!
    Last edited by Cybersquirt; 01-21-2009 at 05:13 AM. Reason: guild changed

  18. #118
    Community Member Serdan's Avatar
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    Aug 2006

    Default Brotherhood of the Raven

    Guild Name: Brotherhood of the Raven
    Guild Type: We are RP friendly, on often and relaxed
    Guild Contacts: Serdan, Ellrick, Coal, Relax
    Recruiting Status: Not recruiting

    About the Guild: A small group of RL friends who've played PnP DND for over a decade. We're all very approachable and if you need an exra player (or three) drop us a line.

    See below for various alts (of mine) to get a hold of.

  19. #119
    Community Member madflabby's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Another shameless bump for Dragonspire.

    We've been around since headstart and are going strong. Check us out DRAGONSPIRE

    Cya in game.

  20. #120
    Community Member
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    Mar 2006


    Guild Name:The Talons of Freedom
    Guild Type: RP Lite, Moderate, Heavy. Mature. Non-Rush
    Guild Contacts: Sanrael

    New guild that carried from EQ to CoH to DDO and many other places. The Talons of Freedom. We're VERY small at the moment, but we hope to grow. See some of you in the game. The actual guild leader just got the game and she's still learning the ropes. More info to come
    Last edited by Sanrael; 08-20-2006 at 05:02 PM.

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