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  1. #261
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009

    Default Guild La Liga de Las Razas en Sarlona

    Esta es una guild de aventureros gratuitos y vip´s, tratamos de ayudarnos en todo y comprendemos si por estudios o trabajo no puedes conectarte un tiempo

    Guild Name: La Liga de las Razas
    Guild Type: la Guild se clasifica como whatever, cada jugador tiene su propio ritmo
    Guild website:
    Guild Contacts: En Sarlona envia un Tell o un mensaje a ABUK que por el momento es el Guild Leader.
    Recruiting status: Siempre estamos reclutando.
    About you: (Nuestra Guild tiene como idioma base el Español pero la mayor*a de los miembros es bilingüe y habla también Ingles, los miembros fundadores jugamos en la zona horaria -4 GMT pero ahora tenemos miembros de muchas zonas horarias diferentes, en nuestra guild contamos con jugadores que representan todas las razas y clases activas del juego desde nivel 1 a 21 siendo por eso una guild que mayormente se dedica a ayudar a los jugadores nuevos.

    Una regla importante: El tiempo max*mo sin jugar es de 6 meses si pasas de ese tiempo tendremos que expulsarte de la Guild

    Si te interesa esta guild eres bienvenido a unirte, te esperamos en el servidor Sarlona

  2. #262
    Community Member jsmith2500's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Disciples of the Silver Dragon

    Guild Name: Disciples of the Silver Dragon
    Guild Type: Light role-playing to heavy role-playing. Laid back,
    Guild website:
    Guild Contacts:Jeighsin
    Recruiting status: Currently recruiting.
    About you: So…I started my own guild and I am Recruiting for Disciples of the Silver Dragon. Light role-playing to heavy role-playing. Please respect either of these types of these members. Seeking laid back and “enjoy the ride” type of people. Heavy to light players welcome. Mail me in game or if I’m online PST me if interested.
    Silver dragons are known to be true friends to all and are loyal. They do not usually go out of their way to bring justice on the world but they will wait for others to ask them for help. They will attempt to right an injustice if they see one, but have no inclination to intentionally seek evil out and destroy it. This is what we practice the best we can as Disciples of the Silver Dragon. You can’t be serious all the time…have a drink, kick back and enjoy the adventure.

  3. #263
    Community Member
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    Nov 2009

    Default New Guild, very social and friendly!

    Guild Name: Assassins of the Umbral Shroud
    Guild Type: Mostly casual
    Guild Contacts: Farashanya, Aailyn, or Faelyne
    Recruiting status: Open
    About you: We are a very new guild in Sarlona. We play mostly in the evening (EDT) but, may be on other times as well. Looking for people who want a friendly guild to join. We do mean business though! We love to do higher levels of quests!

  4. #264
    Community Member
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    Aug 2011

    Talking Knights of Virtue looking for active members

    Guild Name: Knights of Virtue
    Guild Type: Lite RP, Helpful
    Guild website:
    Guild Contacts: Rashala, Bmalsup, Archemeides, NGXO
    Recruiting status: Level 21 Guild looking to build active members

    This guild is all about trying to help out the new players and building a close group of guild mates that are always willing to run with each other. If you need help or advice feel free to message me or any of the guild members they are always willing to help someone in need.

    Guild Rules:
    1. Always be willing to help
    2. Look for ways to improve the guild
    3. Be an active member (over than 30 days without logging in may result in dismissal)

  5. #265
    Community Member Zamzi's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    Guild Name: High Lords of Malkier
    Guild Type: Adults Only
    Guild Contacts: Voodu, Felyndiira, Tanxs
    Guild Website: None
    Recruiting Status: we recruit friends. make friends in our guild and eventually you will be invited.
    About Us: We are an active raiding guild. We're a larger guild, but still a friends guild. We are elite players, but without elitist mentality. We have 2 rules: Treat others with respect, and No drama.

  6. #266
    Community Member Munkenmo's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Guild Name: Endgame
    Guild Type: Leaders
    Guild Contacts: Mo, Boom, Seth, Funk, Tiri
    Guild Website: None
    Recruiting Status: we recruit good players who don't mind taking the time to help others
    About Us: We are an active larger guild, mostly of players who do their own thing and use guild chat as a way to communicate with friends, or get advice. We are good players, but mostly, we are friendly and helpful, we'll stand around at quest entrances waiting as long as it takes for every last member to arrive.

    We'll happily take and help first timers, newbs, and noobs, and try our best to make sure they have a fun game experience.

    P.s. please be patient with us, as every breakable now has a chance of dropping loot, as well as getting bonus xp.
    Last edited by fTdOmen; 11-26-2012 at 07:52 PM.

  7. #267
    Community Member MearaOG's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    You forgot to include your website at

    Quote Originally Posted by fTdOmen View Post
    Guild Name: Endgame
    Guild Type: Leaders
    Guild Contacts: Mo, Boom, Seth, Funk, Tiri
    Guild Website: None
    Recruiting Status: we recruit good players who don't mind taking the time to help others
    About Us: We are an active larger guild, mostly of players who do their own thing and use guild chat as a way to communicate with friends, or get advice. We are good players, but mostly, we are friendly and helpful, we'll stand around at quest entrances waiting as long as it takes for every last member to arrive.

    We'll happily take and help first timers, newbs, and noobs, and try our best to make sure they have a fun game experience.

    P.s. please be patient with us, as every breakable now has a chance of dropping loot, as well as getting bonus xp.
    "Oderint Dum Metuant"

  8. #268
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Apr 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by fTdOmen View Post
    Guild Name: Endgame
    Guild Type: Leaders
    Guild Contacts: Mo, Boom, Seth, Funk, Tiri
    Guild Website: None
    Recruiting Status: we recruit good players who don't mind taking the time to help others
    About Us: We are an active larger guild, mostly of players who do their own thing and use guild chat as a way to communicate with friends, or get advice. We are good players, but mostly, we are friendly and helpful, we'll stand around at quest entrances waiting as long as it takes for every last member to arrive.

    We'll happily take and help first timers, newbs, and noobs, and try our best to make sure they have a fun game experience.

    P.s. please be patient with us, as every breakable now has a chance of dropping loot, as well as getting bonus xp.
    Last edited by slarden; 11-26-2012 at 08:18 PM.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

  9. #269
    The Hatchery DarkForte's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by fTdOmen View Post
    Guild Name: Endgame
    Guild Type: Leaders
    Guild Contacts: Mo, Boom, Seth, Funk, Tiri
    Guild Website: None
    Recruiting Status: we recruit good players who don't mind taking the time to help others
    About Us: We are an active larger guild, mostly of players who do their own thing and use guild chat as a way to communicate with friends, or get advice. We are good players, but mostly, we are friendly and helpful, we'll stand around at quest entrances waiting as long as it takes for every last member to arrive.

    We'll happily take and help first timers, newbs, and noobs, and try our best to make sure they have a fun game experience.

    P.s. please be patient with us, as every breakable now has a chance of dropping loot, as well as getting bonus xp.
    You forgot to mention we're hardcore flower-sniffers.
    Nerdrage/Endgame ~ Sarlona
    Ekkehart (human PM) - Hammet (WF AM) - Cerussite (helf THF kensei) - Anordineth (helf dark monk)
    Buy my stuff!

  10. #270


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkForte View Post
    You forgot to mention we're hardcore flower-sniffers.
    With mass hug sessions every day.

  11. #271
    Community Member bjhulse's Avatar
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    Feb 2008

    Default bjx guild leader

    Guild Name:midnight guardian's
    Guild Type: a solid group of players
    Guild website:
    Guild Contactsn webpage
    Recruiting status: we are looking so look at webpage and contact an officer
    About you: we play from all time zones, we are a solid group that levels up and tr's as well as running raids
    leader of guild Midnight Guardians

  12. #272
    Community Member gordgray's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Default Rogus guild (SOLO guild)

    Guild Name: Rogus Guild
    Guild Type: Solo
    Guild website: N/A
    Guild Contacts: Gordgray, Polgard,Belgardz,Twigen
    Recruiting status: accepting members
    About Guild: This is a solo Guild (42) ship is keep up chest is on ship with all Buffs we don't ask for help of others in guild, if you want to help drop what ever in chest or don't the only rule is how you are running in pugs, we ask that you show others the curtsy as in NO PIKING, or hay Ill be right back and 25 min in to come back if you have to just drop group and pick back up later no rudeness in guild chat.
    The Rogues Guild - Sarlona
    How did that get in here? Hay give that back O that’s yours? Sorry
    Gordgray Gord of gray Hawk Rogues do it from behind

  13. #273
    Trapped in Stone SlashbackWarrior's Avatar
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    Nov 2009

    Default Mercenaries of Vidrir

    Guild Name:Mercenaries of Vidrir
    Guild Type: casual
    Guild website: na
    Guild Contacts: Hedin
    Recruiting status: accepting members
    About you: We are "Mercenaries of Vidrir" we are here to proudly serve community and grow in renown. We stand in hardest battles and do not give up under any circumstances, we fight until the end and even death is not the end, sometimes. lvl 46 Solo guild for now. casual to heavy play looking for independent players who need buffs but also willing to build good guild team play. Can help with most of the quests and content. All welcome. We speak Ukrainian, we speak Russian.

  14. #274
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    Of Clan McCloud
    Guild Description- "Broad". We dont mind if you are into grinding, farming, simply questing or whatever.
    Tenzing, Zavor, OPJwiz
    We are now actively recruiting once more! Any age, any skill level, as long as you are here to enjoy DDO!
    About you: Clan McClouders are an ecclectic bunch- we just like to play the game! Some of us like to grind XP and farm out gear, others just like to quest and challenge themselves. Whatever your play style, there is space for you- just as long as you enjoy the game! The most active players currently are European (France, UK) but everyone is welcome- easy going and friendly preferred!
    One of the things that we like to think we are good at is helping others improve their toons- wether that is through rapidly getting through quests in a group, or just chatting about build options. We dont necessarily look for the best builds- just good solid builds that are fun to play!
    Contact one of the guys above and become immortal!

  15. #275
    Intergalactic Space Crusader
    Treasure Hunter
    Livmo's Avatar
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    Apr 2013

    Default Disciples of Ham

    Guild Name: Disciples of Ham
    Guild Type: Casual
    Guild website: The Fantastic Kingdom
    Guild Contacts: Cleto Bill
    Recruiting status: (Maybe, see below...)
    About you:

    • Focus on fun!
    • Casual.
    • Enjoy PUGing.

    On a more serious note, we are all about in-game Ham mechanics, and the manufacture and random gifting of Ham Oil to the Bladeforged and Warforged races.
    We strive to be Bardforged and like playing bards. Also, we advocate where appropriate the creation of an Epic Wand of Eternal Bacon via forums and other avenues.

  16. #276
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    Default The Crimson Blade Company

    Guild Name: The Crimson Blade Company
    Guild Type: light RP
    Guild website: under development
    Guild Contacts: Anrid Hillguard, Trennor
    Recruiting status: YES
    Guild lvl: 4 at the time of the post
    About you:
    We are a couple of people who enjoy RP and tactical team battles. We are looking for European players mostly, but others are welcome as well (since we do play quite late some times). We are a brand new guild and only have a couple of people but we are activly recruiting.
    Last edited by DiGreyer; 11-01-2014 at 09:52 AM.

  17. #277
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    Jun 2013

    Default Native Greyhawkers

    Guild Name: Native Greyhawkers
    Guild Type: Light, some RP
    Guild website: (if applicable)
    Guild Contacts: Arianrwen Jones, Daphinitif Rellevaine
    Recruiting status: Open to new members
    About you: Player s and (some) characters form an old PnP game based on Oerth around Greyhawk - we've know each other for a lot of years. Always happy for new members. We have a Guild Airship and would benefit from more DDO experienced player to band together for some quests.
    Last edited by Just_Me1963; 02-28-2015 at 03:08 PM.

  18. #278
    Community Member
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    Apr 2006

    Default CLAN IRONFIST is finally opening its doors again.

    Guild Name: CLAN IRONFIST
    Guild Type: casual-heavy
    Guild website:
    Guild Contacts: Treymonn, Treymon, Vanniss, Yottabyte, Exabyte, Grudgenik
    Recruiting status: Doors are open.
    About you: Clan Ironfist is one of the oldest guilds on Sarlona. Originally conceived in the mind of a single dwarf known as Soundheart. It has known many leaders, most of them great friends who have retired and moved onto other things. Currently level 91, a smidge from 92, the Clan has quietly endured throughout the years having more than 150 active members at one point. Now is the time to rebuild our ranks. We are a mature guild that enjoys this game and good company. No pressure, No drama, family friendly. Really just looking to expand with all types from the casual to the most hardcore of us. Holler at us in game.

  19. #279
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    Jul 2015

    Cool Slayers Of Sarlona recruiting now!

    Guild Name: Slayers Of Sarlona

    Guild Type: casual

    Guild Contacts: Anonmunchkin or Bzzttt

    Recruiting status: Recruiting

    About you: Guild is currently level 30, only 2 actual members right now as we are a new guild, but we have been playing for years. There is one player in the UK the other in Tasmania, usually play morning/afternoon GMT but Bzzttt can usually be found on one of his alts most of the day. We have the biggest ship available, and all available buffs too. Generally we just hang out, have fun, whilst maximising xp and loot. Either running quests or just wandering wildy areas. Whatever your play style, everyone's welcome.

  20. #280
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Very small guild possibly looking for new members

    Guild Name: Free Spirits
    Guild Type: Small guild with differing play styles
    Guild website:
    Guild Contacts: Maxxximum, Bowhunterr, Mumixxxam
    Recruiting status: Will accept but very picky, looking for adults who freely loot share. Play style is your own, only rule dont be a d-bag!
    About you: If interested contact Maxxximum by private message or by Sarlona mail. Guild population for active players is small, I run typically 4-6 days a week from 6:30PM central until about 9-9:30PM weekdays and play late on Friday and Saturday nights typically. I run fast and hard when XP farming on my main, he's on the racial TR train. (about 1/3 done) After that I will go back to completionist farming for my 2nd toon Bowhunterr. My main is usually a sorc with lots of DPS. Feel free to send me in game mail to pick my brain on sorcerer stuffs, join the guild(i am picky about members), or just to BS and catch up if you are coming back to the game and know me from the past.

    I run anywhere from E to R4 depending groups. Other members prefer to loot farm, run more casually paced lower difficulty dungeons, or are just playing to socialize. Again, the only rule is don't be a d-bag.

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