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  1. #221
    Community Member
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    Jun 2010

    Default Role playing guild/ The Shadows of the Fallen Moon

    Guild Name:Shadows of the Fallen Moon
    Guild Type: Role playing, lite to heavy, relaxed and chill, focused and well organized, friendly and helpful
    Guild website: A wicked site that grows weekly
    Guild Contacts: Ruinvel, Vissel,
    Recruiting status: Send a mail or tell via in game, an IC tell well be well excepted
    About you: Everything is on our website

  2. #222
    Community Member
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    Nov 2009

    Default The Misfits'

    Guild Name: The Misfits'
    Guild Type: Casual, we go at the pace of the group. Some are hardcore some are not.
    Guild website:
    Guild Contacts: Angelgray, Craycon, Elviragray, Kyleigha, Brightaxes
    Recruiting status: Yes, please submit info on our website if you are seeking to be recruited if none of the contacts are online.
    About you: We are a social group, we have a dedicated Ventrilo Server. We have currently in the group all adults, most are married, and some have spouses that play. We welcome all types of players to the table whether veterans or rookies looking to learn.
    Last edited by Brightblade02; 08-09-2010 at 12:15 PM.

  3. #223
    Community Member mediocresurgeon's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Guild Name:Caffeine
    Guild Type: Moderate/hardcore playstyle; nonexistant RP
    Guild website: Caffeine
    Guild Contacts: Dethe, Spyderwolf, Sissie, Grimbite, Hydrolics
    Recruiting status: Members are self-selected; we don't actively recruit.
    What we look for: A willingness to learn and become a better player; guild loyalty; ability to have fun and make friends. If you are looking for a guild to help your characters achieve their maximum potential, this might be the guild for you!
    About you: While our members range from the ultra-casual to the ultra-elite, we place a strong emphasis on character improvement, raiding, epic quests, and speed runs. When we run out of challenges invent new ones! Elitists are welcome; rude or disrespectful players need not apply. Look for us in raids.

    Caffeine's Quest Video Archive by Spyderwolf
    Definitive Static Rewards and Unique Loot by Shile
    Last edited by mediocresurgeon; 09-20-2010 at 02:40 PM.

    The nerfing will continue until morale improves!

  4. #224
    Community Member
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    Mar 2008

    Default Heartstone Travelers

    Guild Name: Heartstone Travelers
    Guild Type: Small, Casual
    Guild website: N/A
    Guild Contacts: Adkar, Talaaky
    Recruiting status: We prefer to run a group with players before inviting, in order to get a feel for their maturity and playstyle.
    What we look for: Fun, and camaraderie.
    About you: Casual player who wants guild affiliation, and a few mature friends to group with.

  5. #225
    Community Member
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    Dec 2009

    Wink The Undead CLeansing Krew!

    Guild Name--The Undead Cleansing Krew

    Guild Type-- Anything and Everything

    Guild Contacts--If you would like to join send me or any of the officers a tell
    (Amnish)- successer/officer
    (Darthmarcuss)- officer

    Recruiting status-- We are always recuiting!

    About you-- We are a level23 guild. We are currently starting over because of inactives.We only accept actives at the moment but we will accept any level and class.There are some rules but these are very important.

    -must be on at least once a month!!! if inactive due to sickness, health problems, vacation , family or any other problem we will work it out. (REAL LIFE COMES FIRST)
    - no swearing.......there are no acceptions on this
    - Be nice and help others, If someone asks you a question dont call them a noob.... you were a noob before too ya kno....
    -lastly, resurrect a fallen team-mate its the best thing you can do for a guildee

    IThe Undead Cleansing Krew is currently recruiting. We are a level23 guild. We are currently starting over because of inactives.We only accept actives at the moment but we will accept any level and class.There are some rules but these are very important.

    -must be on at least once a month!!! if inactive due to sickness, health problems, vacation , family or any other problem we will work it out. (REAL LIFE COMES FIRST)
    - no swearing.......there are no acceptions on this
    - Be nice and help others, If someone asks you a question dont call them a noob.... you were a noob before too ya kno....
    -lastly, resurrect a fallen team-mate its the best thing you can do for a guildee

    If you would like to join send me or any of the officers a tell
    (Amnish)- successer/officer
    (Darthmarcuss)- officer

  6. #226
    Community Member
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    Aug 2010


    Guild Name:Bloodmoon Hunters
    Guild Type: whatever
    Guild website: (
    Guild Contacts: Dynamique(Guildmaster) and Errmanno(Guild Second)
    Recruiting status: (looking for fun members who are active)
    About you: (We are a new guild seeking members to help build it up. We are just a bunch of people looking to have fun in Sarlona. We play most the day and can find the guildmaster and second at random times but can always contact them either at the site or by in game mail)
    Last edited by DrakeD77a; 10-24-2010 at 10:36 PM.

  7. #227
    Community Member Crimson_Cat's Avatar
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    May 2010

    Default Raven Storm

    Guild Name: Raven Storm
    Guild Type: casual, solo
    Guild Contacts: Ravenyth (in-game), Crimson_Cat (in forums)
    Recruiting status: always
    About you: Our guild was started by a husband-and-wife gaming team. We hope to encourage players who risk the dungeons solo or in small parties. I play mostly in the evenings, US Central, in a private party with my husband. He and I are after loot, glory, and an airship, though we value players of every level and ilk, from the saintly paladin to the shady rogue and the downright evil sorcerer seeking demi-god status. Just starting out and ambitious? Give Raven Storm a try.
    Last edited by Crimson_Cat; 12-30-2010 at 09:15 AM.

  8. #228
    Community Member RandolphIV's Avatar
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    Jun 2010


    Guild Name:The Dao of Ho
    Guild Type: Questing,Raiding,PvP and helping those that need help... and lots of lighthearted Monkey Goodness!
    Guild Contacts: Dakta Ho
    Recruiting status: Active players for Officers and Members. Looking for Monks with attitude!
    Send a "TELL" via game for invite.
    Many fell things dwell in the dark places of the earth...

  9. #229
    Community Member Anarkius's Avatar
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    Dec 2006

    Arrow Drakken Storm Industries of Sarlona

    no longer roaming the sewers of Stormreach
    Last edited by Anarkius; 05-16-2011 at 04:41 PM.
    I believe in mind over matter. If I don't mind, it doesn't matter.

    Sarlona! Yep, back again.

  10. #230
    Community Member Poe76's Avatar
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    Jul 2008

    Talking Twisted Fate

    Guild Name: Twisted Fate
    Guild Type: Casual to Heavy Raiding, Mature
    Guild Leader: Rueic
    Guild Successor: Siggur
    Recruiting Status: We are open to new recruits

    About Us: We are a guild of folks from all over the world, most have multiple toons
    of all level ranges. We raid, we run lowbies, and we strive for phat phat lewtz.
    Members are adults and within guild chat, guild runs, a salty bunch that joke, and
    try to have a great time away from real world B.S.

    We are looking for mature players who want to learn to raid and improve their play
    and their characters. We have a core group of officers that have been playing for
    quite awhile and want to expand our membership to fill out nightly Guild Raids and
    Epic Runs. Or at least peeps that are willing to learn and listen and level their toons
    so that they can contribute in those raids at a later date.

    Requirements / Expectations:

    * Must be able to remain calm in pressure situations.

    * We do not tolerate disrespect of guildies, or pugs that run with us.

    * Treat others as you would want to be treated is a great way to game.

    * Voice chat is not mandatory but we are a talkative fun group of people
    that enjoy the camraderie of this game and like to rip on each other.

    * Please try to be active if you'd like to join up, real life always comes 1st
    of course, we all have jobs and families.

    * NO DRAMA, No dragging the guild name through the mud. We take pride
    in our guild and if you'd like to join, we expect you to feel the same.

    We look forward to meeting ya, have a good one and enjoy this great game!

    Siggur Razorclaw
    *** Siggur...20 / Gallifar...20 / Valachieri...20 / Mattux...20 / Korrosion...20 / Mordakhai...20 / Soulsquasher...12 ***

  11. #231
    Community Member hermespan's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Ralsu_Vejes View Post
    Guild Name: Ten Ton Hammer
    Guild Type: casual
    Guild website:
    Guild Contacts: visit our website
    Recruiting status: We will be guilding people during Head Start
    About you: Read about us |HERE|
    it's points to a gold selling site.

  12. #232
    Community Member Gnorbert's Avatar
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    Apr 2009


    Name: Strength in Honor

    Type: Small casual guild of friends.

    Website: none
    Recruiting Status: We are not really recruiting, though if we party with someone who is an awesome person and inquires about the guild then we may be inclined to invite.

    Contacts: Leader - Gnoob, Successor - Moizell

    About Us: We are a small guild of friends who have been playing games together for quite a few years. We rerolled on Sarlona and are currently enjoying low level and early mid level content. We're only about 6 or 7 people in the guild with several characters each, you might see us in your PuGs now and then. We are not elite gamers but we are competent and try to show exemplary behavior.
    "Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
    - Douglas Adams -

  13. #233
    Community Member Strixy's Avatar
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    Jun 2007


    Name: Frakers

    Type: Friends

    Website: none (yet?)

    Recruiting Status: 99% friends IRL. In that sense, we're out making friends more so than recruiting

    Contacts: Send me a PM on this forum.

    About Us: We use the guild panel to keep track of friends who are online while enjoying the benefits that go along with having a guild (almost level20). We're all new to DDO and MMO's for the most part. We do a group grind of free content every Friday night, paid content on Wednesday nights, group whenever any of the others are online and a few of us PUG from time to time. We have two parties one for levels 3-4 and a second at 6-7. When the second group hits 10-12'ish we'll start a new party at 1st.

    The guild name reflects our constant abuse of the term Frak (as opposed to the other F word) when we make mistakes - and we make plenty. We try to keep it clean (relatively), have fun and focus on the social aspect of DDO. As such, we're all voice capable and spend a good deal of time OOC talking about IRL stuff and having way too much fun abusing the Feather Fall spell and ganging up on the fighter in PvP areas. (We'll take him down... one day!)

  14. #234
    Community Member NinjaCereal's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Guild Type: Crazy
    Guild website:
    Guild Contacts: Myself, or most of the officers in the guild
    Recruiting status: Taking new members sometimes, but usually the person has to run some quests with us first. If they are a decent player they may get an invite. No random tells asking for an invite will be accepted.
    About us: That guild type was not an exaggeration. You never know what will get said in guild chat. Dancing in the middle of a quest is common, so is swinging random weapons at each other.

    Edit: We're on the Sarlona server.
    Last edited by NinjaCereal; 12-11-2010 at 04:34 PM.
    Sarlona ~ Lrenaj Mornaur ♦ Lrel Jayden ♦ WeepingAngel

  15. #235
    Community Member
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    Dec 2009

    Smile Griffon's Nest

    Greetings Citizen's
    Griffon's Nest Is a very active Guild that Follows 3 simple Rules. 1. Have Fun 2. Help Others and 3. Dont Be an Elitist Jerk.
    Contact Info
    Eibn Leader
    Goffaq Heir Apparent
    Shadowslay Recruiting Officer
    Good Tidings To All

  16. #236
    Community Member
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    Mar 2008

    Default Selous Scouts - For Fans of D&D (DDO Newbies Welcome)

    Guild Name: Selous Scouts

    Guild Size: Very Small - 6 permanent players (some with ALT-itis)

    Game Play: Moderate Frequency (currently no capped characters on the roster)

    Guild Focus: questing and adventuring in new areas

    Guild website:

    Guild Contacts: Khyrith, Uraquahrt, Padrik

    Recruiting status: Always Recruiting Candidates

    We believe in the integrity of "The Game". Maturity is paramount. Skill can be taught. The Guild is the connection to facilitate a renaissance of the youthful magic of many childhood hours spent pouring over dice, rulebooks, pencils and paper - from the redbox "Basic" set to AD&D to 2ed. Others of like mind are always welcome. We take pride in our diversity consisting of relationships spanning decades and formed by childhood, family, military service, college, and newly-acquired friendships. So let us ban together and fight; if we die, we will die with the blood of our enemies on our hands.

    Guild Laws:
    -Entry into the guild requires the permission of one of its Officers (obviously)
    -Applicants will be brought into an Officer-led party for trail run prior to submission for approval to the Guild’s Leader or designated representative. Voice communication capability is a must.
    -No divulging quest information unless requested.
    -No Spoilers (Be Creative).
    -No twinking (Passing significant amounts of higher level items and money to your character.)
    -Wait on others in case of game or PC "Lag" - no Zerging or Power Gaming!
    -If you acquire something significant you can’t use, share it via the Airship chest
    -Rules subject to change by Leaders and Officers ONLY.

    Come join us in steel, spell and song!

    Khyrith Vanidor
    Elven Bladesinger
    Guild Leader

  17. #237

    Default Couples Oriented Guild

    Guild Name: The Masonic Order of Sky Cake

    Guild Type: Casual-Almost-Elite Couples

    Guild website:

    Guild Contacts: In-Game Sarlona Only - Jakton, Jaelissa, Jaklin, Nephretia, Tolkolranon, Klemency

    Recruiting status: Yep.

    About you: We are a small guild focused on casual gaming with some elite runs now and again if we think we can do so without complete failure. Primarily we run two or three characters in quests as we have but five accounts comprised of our immediate family and friends. What we'd really enjoy are more couple teams looking for a smallish guild and fairly regular weekly playing hours. We have a small airship (Windsparrow class) for a few buffs and general loitering. The only raid we completed (or attempted for that matter) is The Chronoscope and that was at level 20 with two of us, so we're not hard core. We play to have some fun.

    One or more of us will be on-line most weekends from 9a-12p US Mountain time and a few nights during the week from 7p-9p. We have characters ranging from level 4-16 with two TRs at level 7 at the time of this post.

    So, there you go. We'd like to hear from somebody or two. Feel free to e-mail one of us in-game or PM my forum account.

    Happy Gaming!
    Last edited by sebastianosmith; 03-24-2011 at 06:42 PM.

  18. #238
    Community Member terribabe69's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    Guild Name: Tel Teukiira
    Guild Type: Casual, Laid Back
    Guild Size: Small 6-8 players
    Guild Contact: Cailie or Margorn
    Recruiting Status: All Day Everyday! =)

    We are looking for fun loving Mature people who enjoy the game for comradery and not just to advance the guild and yourselves. We are a guild that likes to have fun and hang out as friends. While we do enjoy gathering Heroic Deeds and Tales of Valor, this is NOT what this guild is about. Friendship and teamwork come first. We are more like family then anything else.

    We are currently setting our Leadership, so if you want to be on the ground floor for what will eventually be a GREAT guild, Please check us out. Before being accepted, we will have a trial period for new members. If you are interested, please send me a tell or mail. I look forward to meeting some new members of our guild soon!!

    We are also looking to merge with any other smaller Guilds if circumstances are right. Or if you are currently in a Guild where members are hardly on, then come and join us!

    Guild Leader of Tel Teukiira
    Cailie TR 16 Assassin Rouge ~ Maslyn 6 Arcane Archer/ 3 Rouge ~ SaerTess 8 Fighter/1 Wizard ~ Loala 8 Fighter

  19. #239
    Community Member Erynthnuul's Avatar
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    Jul 2010

    Default Guild name - Judges of Imperial Garth

    We are a currently a lv. 17 open officer guild. Anyone who wants a guild that is laid back and relaxed just come our way. Also check our our website at "".

  20. #240
    Community Member
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    Feb 2010


    Guild Name: Knights of Silverfire
    Guild Type: casual
    Guild Contacts: Korec Shodobane (leader), Aronion (officer), Dwezel (officer), Fyrenren (officer)
    Recruiting: we open to recruiting and have a from to fill out on our website
    about: We are a small, but fun, guild of loyal adventurers dedicated to having fun with friends in casual atmosphere. We have Guild Raid Night on Mondays from 7pm-10pm CST as well as other periodic events. If you are looking for a home for you and your characters to share your ideas and have some fun then you have come to the right place.
    Last edited by Soth13; 08-23-2011 at 07:01 PM. Reason: edited for current guild positions

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