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  1. #201
    Community Member KreepyKritter's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Unrepentant - Sarlona

    Guild Name: The Unrepentant
    Guild Type: Casual, friendly, (im)mature
    Guild website: Here
    Guild Contacts: Myself (Joshin), Ogeir, Teseus, Jarviis, Fenstrom, Carats, or sort by guilds on the 'WHO' list and pm anyone in 'Unrepentant'. Pip (Ogeir) forgot the word 'The' when he created the guild... that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
    Recruiting status: Usually... always interested in finding interesting people to share our gaming experience with.
    About you: I'm short, dorky, enjoy long walks on the beach and candle-lit... oh, right, the guild. Er, uhm, ahh... heh.

    We're a long standing multi-gaming community with branches and/or members in a dozen or so different MMO's and games. We have a history in various incarnations and a number of our members have been doing the MMO thing since EQ1. It's not unusual to find both an end-game raid group running at the same time as a mid-level 6-man group getting dirty in gianthold. We are populated by both F2P and VIP members, and welcome all commitment levels. Most of us value our RL and families just as much as our time spent gaming, so even those of you who might only get one or two nights a week are just as welcome as those of you who are on for several hours a night.

    All nations, timezones, and age groups (over 18) are welcome. Why the over 18 disclaimer? Because we're generally 23+, drink, smoke and curse fluently and with great skill and creativity. We also prefer not to be responsible for other people's delinquency because, quite frankly, it's too much extra work to warp other minds. We would rather your mind was warpped to begin with as it saves us the hassle and provides more amusement for all involved.

    We're more interested in finding fun and interesting PEOPLE to game with. Not recruiting a bunch of min-maxed rules-lawyers with some fun and interesting toons.

    ETA: There is a brief application process, but this is mostly to make sure those wishing to join are going to fit well with the guild, and get to know you a bit before removing your probie status.
    Last edited by KreepyKritter; 03-15-2010 at 06:37 PM.

    Definitive Guide to Bravery Bonuses You've got questions? We've got answers... and bacon.

  2. #202
    Community Member Vetrinous's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Trymsheim Guild Seeking members

    Guild Name: Trymsheim
    Guild Type: casual, fun-seeking, lite-rp
    Guild website: None
    Guild Contacts: Theladrion (guild Leader) Serghar (heir to the throne) pm in game for applications and questions
    Recruiting status: Currently accepting members
    About you:

    We are a newly started guild seeking people who wish to play the game for fun and leisure.
    We are mostly from Scandinavia atm, but it is not a requirement to be such.

    My hope is to have enough members from so many timezones, that there will allways be somebody online to quest with or talk to.

    NB: Sense of humor much appreciated, for all our sakes.

  3. #203
    Community Member DarthSolace's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Exclamation Guild of the Death Watch

    Guild Name: Death Watch
    Guild Type: casual
    Guild website: N/A
    Guild Contacts: Spiralz (Sarlona)
    Recruiting status: now accepting members
    About you: We are on the eastern standard time, and are open to all non-lawful classes and races...Rogues are a plus.
    New players are welcome...

  4. #204
    Community Member
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    Nov 2009

    Default Holger Danskes Helte [Danish / Dansk Guild]

    Guild Name: Holger Danskes Helte
    Guild Type: Casual, Fun
    Guild website: none yet
    Guild Contacts: Fairhand or Beleganu on Sarlona
    Recruiting status: Yes

    About you:
    We are a Danish only Guild. We aim to be the biggest danish guild on Sarlona.
    The one rule is that you need to speak danish. Newbies are more than welcome,
    and if you need help in danish to get "in to the game" don't be afraid to ask.
    Time Zone: CET > GMT +1

    Same text in Danish:

    Om Os:
    Vi er en udelukket Dansk Guild. Vi går efter at blive den største Danske Guild på Sarlone.
    Der er kun en regle for at blive medlem, og det er at du snakker dansk. Nybegynder er meget velkommen,
    og skulle du havde brug for hjælp til at komme igang med spillet, så skal du ikke værer bange for at spørge.
    Tidszone: Dansk Tid GMT +1
    Last edited by NanoDK; 04-06-2010 at 08:39 PM.

  5. #205
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Paladin View Post
    Introduce your guild here.

    Guild Name:House of Lasslynndar
    Guild Type: (Heavy, moderate, lite RP. casual, hardcore, whatever) casual
    Guild website:
    Guild Contacts: Jaleron, Sabol,
    Recruiting status: (is your guild currently accepting members) Yes
    About you: (talk about what makes your guild special, what timezones you mostly play on, whatever you think people who want to know about your guild, want to know!)
    Fun loving role playing bunch. EST time zone is our playtime mostly

  6. #206
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009

    Default East Coast US Late NIght Players

    Guild Name: Creeping Death( We like Metallica, what can I say!)

    Guild Type: Semi Serious/ Casual, All of us are old Pen and Paper types, but Love DDO! We play serious, but have fun doing it.

    Guild Website: None ATM, We could do it, BUt RL takes precedence, and myself and the founder are married with a child, so time building one is an issue. Would love to have someone join who can though!

    Guild Contacts: Myself, Vonyell in game. My wife is Ariesta, but I'm better at talking to newbies and recruiting.

    Recruiting Status: Yes, we are needing people. The 3 main members of our guild are VIP's, and are a Wizard, Rogue, and Rngr/Cleric/Rogue(Multied to provide backup healing and disabling skill). Would like to have a Pure Cleric, and Fighter, but all are welcome.

    About Us: Well to reiterate, The 3 core members are VIP's and old Pen and paper players. We play Daily and mostly at night:@ 10pm EST- 3/4am EST. We always have fun, use Voice Chat, and rib each other. Please, No minors and/or people who get offended by language. We don't curse alot, but it does happen, and as parents, we would rather not subject others kids to it. Ideal Candidates would be near lvl 10 or less and VIP, but we arent exclusive. When we have points available, we do buy passes for the non VIPS. We would like enough Full time people to be able to raid/ and do elite/epic quests. We do look for input, but remember, we are adults. Tantrums will not be tolerated. Seriously, we just like playing and would like others who do too. We are casual and help each other by swapping items and loaning money at times. We will take all levels if you will work with us. If interested please contact Vonyell in game or me by PM. There will be a 1 or 2 quest "interview" to make sure we can work together. See you in game!

  7. #207
    Community Member
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    May 2010

    Default Temple of Ashara

    Guild Name: Temple of Ashara
    Guild Type: Sociable, Light RP, Questing, XP/Loot/Favor.
    Guild website: Just on MyDDO
    Guild Contacts: Arsta, vArav, Veranga, Gealith, Bubblecrisis
    Recruiting status: Looking for prospective members to go on a run with before invite.
    About you:
    This guild was recently created. We share the same vision as Pay it Forward, however we are to remain reasonably small. (Max 50 members for now). We want good players who can respect and understand differences, who will not run away from the guild simply because they disagree with someone. Drama does happen on any game you play, and so we hope to foster an atmosphere of respect, courage, and honesty. We run in parties of 3 to 6, and we will accept anyone regardless of Character race, class or veteran status.
    We are looking for dedicated individuals who want to spend a reasonable amount of time to get to know the guild, give everyone a chance, and help with the guild's growth and events.
    We are not elitists, we are not 'hardcore'. We want to have fun and explore, while making friends and dealing with issues civilly and with respect.

  8. #208
    Community Member MetaSyn's Avatar
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    May 2006

    Default new guild, old members

    Name- Singularity
    Guild type- range from casual, new to hardcore
    Contacts- Metasin, Dethlee, Vyag

    We are looking for intelligent memebers, that can move and think fast.
    We are more than willling to take on new people and "train" them (show them the ropes). We are a muture guild and we use muture language and are not affraid to tell some they are an Arse when the need comes. We like to move fast, Raid and Epic Quest and again are willing to help any new players
    Last edited by MetaSyn; 05-20-2010 at 05:27 AM.

  9. #209
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default TTH is back :)

    Guild Name: Ten Ton Hammer
    Guild Type: casual
    Guild website:
    Guild Contacts: visit our website
    Recruiting status: We will be guilding people during Head Start
    About you:

  10. #210
    Community Member
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    Nov 2009


    Guild Name: Crusaders of the Old School
    Guild Type: Mid missouri based Moderate roleplaying, lots of farming
    Guild Contacts: drehd, blysse, darrowe, reluctance, reluktance, revolateon, bigjad
    Recruiting status: Looking for prospective members preferably over the age of 24,
    About you:
    We are an easygoing helpful guild, me and the officers each keep several characters spaced out at different levels so we can offer assistance whenever however. Most of us are new to this game (6 months or so) but not new to D&D or online gaming. Before sending out an invite we would wanna party up and talk a bit just to make sure your our kind of people(most are). So if you want a fun active guild thats ready to go most nights from 7pm -2 am central time. and a little longer on the weekends shoot us a tell!

  11. #211
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    Apr 2006


    Guild Name: PA Boys
    Guild Type: Friends from Saskatchewan, Canada
    Guild website: No website, just Skype
    Guild Contacts: Any member
    Recruiting status: We don't recruit
    About you: We are special because we make the best characters that are the most useful and rack up the most kills every single adventure. If you play with a PA boy in your party, you will be just fine. As long as the rest of you don't screw up!
    Valkala, Paladin 2/Sorc 6
    Bulgyo, Thief 1/Cleric 9
    Grix, Fighter 12
    Song, Ranger 2, Bard 6
    Server: Aerenal

  12. #212
    Community Member valczir's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Tux Familiar

    Guild Name: Tux Familiar
    Guild Type: FOSS (we're a linux/open-source oriented guild), mild RP
    Guild website: Coming Soon (tm) (I've got a server in my appartment, but I have yet to install linux on it, and after that I still need to write the website and buy a domain name to bind to my static IP)
    Guild Contacts: Mostly just me (Valczir, Fleshling, Kezix, Blecoeth, Gallidrien); Charlayan is an officer, if you manage to catch her online
    Recruiting status: We're recruiting, although we're not gonna accept just anyone
    About you: Well, we're a group of linux geeks who play DDO. Many, if not most, of us play DDO on linux (see and search for Dungeons and Dragons Online), and we're all willing to help with linux/Wine-related issues and such. Due to our geeky nature, we're also very much aware of how to play a game, and we're very much aware of what the term "game" means (in other words, we're not going to get all ****y because things don't go right - it's a game, so no big deal). Most of us also very much enjoy a challenge. Etcetera, so on, and so forth. Seriously, we're geeks, what more do you want?

    There's a relatively recent thread with more details if you want 'em
    Disclaimer: I like to ignore the fact that this game is not D&D
    Yay for monks dual wielding their fists! Naysayers: D&D v3.5 FAQ! (bottom of page 19)
    DDO now works on linux! Link to the AppDB page for DDO on wine

  13. #213
    Community Member jwdaniels's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    Guild Name: Crate and Barrel Smashing, LLC
    Guild Type: Casual, Fun, Experienced Gamers
    Guild website: No website yet
    Guild Contacts: Rhymos, Taurent, Fyrryn, Anarod, Svaran, Frizzix, Kaziam, Heinlein or anyone else with our guild tag over their head
    Recruiting status: We're always looking for someone else to laugh with, but if you take yourself too seriously please look elsewhere
    About you: We have fun, help each other, and don't take things too seriously (it is a game, after all). The core of our officers have been gaming for a very long time and are very experienced with D&D from 1st ed. through every electronic incarnation. We're smart, fun, and an all around good group.
    Last edited by jwdaniels; 07-09-2010 at 02:24 PM.

  14. #214
    Community Member
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    Nov 2009


    Guild Name: the devils of time
    Guild Type: moderate,
    Guild website: (none)
    Guild Contacts: phoenixa,fora,devilia
    Recruiting status: (always recruting)
    About you: i am playing from sweden and mostly plays everyday betwen 18:00-23:00 sweden time +1 utc. and we often do guild runs around 21:00. we like to do quests in guild as often as we can. and we have 1 rule if anyone has any problems in guild they talk to me or any officer about it and we will discus it in next officer meeting.

  15. #215
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    May 2010


    Guild Name: Nightfall
    Guild Type: Casual
    Guild website: None at the moment
    Guild Contacts: Anemi, Rojass
    Recruiting status: Open for all
    About you: Nightfall is created with casual players in mind. Our perpuse is to have a guild that even players who want to solo or just like to talk most of the times can feel home and gain the benefits of guild leveling, so the bigger we become the faster we can all enjoy ship rides, among other things, with out hardcore gaming.
    We are open to all levels/classes and for anyone no matter his/hers time zone. the only thing we ask is common sense and respect to other peopple's believes and cultures.
    Last edited by Rochala; 06-29-2010 at 11:17 AM.

  16. #216
    Community Member Zhiel's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    Guild Name: Invictus Maneo
    Guild Type: Casual, with emphasis on team tactics
    Guild Website:
    Guild Contacts: Theogard (me), Darkrobe or Azkend
    Recruiting Status: Open
    About Us: The core of our guild comes from progression raiding guilds in World of Warcraft. We understand how important teamwork, correct knowledge and united application of effort are to accomplish objectives successfully. Willingness to learn, work as a team, and be kind professionals are what we value most about our members.

    Concerning the application process, we like to do a few runs with folks (preferentially on coms, but not required) so we can make sure IM is a mutual fit before extending a guild invite.

    Apply now, and you too can Stand Unconquered!

  17. 07-06-2010, 11:15 AM

    Not recruiting anymore

  18. #217
    Community Member Sinsyne's Avatar
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    Jun 2010

    Default Hungarian Asylum

    Guild Name: Hungarian Asylum
    Guild Type: local guild, new players exploring DDO
    Guild website: n/a
    Guild Contacts: Sinsyne Trickster, Nhina
    Recruiting status: accepting only Hungarian members
    About you: we don't intend to grow over the size of 12

    Olyan játékosokat szeretnénk toborozni, akik szintben is kb. velünk egyezőek (ez úgyse sikerül), ha lehet (nem kötelező) premium/VIP tagok.

    Zergelők kÃ*méljenek, szeretjük aránylag lassan, alaposan megismerni a kalandokat.

    PozitÃ*vum, ha már kinőttél az XD életkorból. (Ha nem tudod, mi az az XD, az is pozitÃ*vum. )

  19. #218
    Community Member Fire_Godd's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Default Shadow Marshalls

    Guild Name: Shadow Marshalls
    Guild Type: Moderate / Casual / Friendly
    Guild website: None yet.
    Guild Contacts: Dhamian ; Dranrok ; Funkmaestro ; Archest ; Tripinium ; Cureitall
    Recruiting status: Accepts all / weeds out bad.
    About you: We're a friendly bunch that gets together for PvP and runs, love to have you!

  20. #219
    Community Member
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    Jul 2010

    Exclamation My Guild

    [QUOTE=Lord_Paladin;2912]The Chosen of Eberron

    [b]Guild Name: The Chosen of Ebberon
    [b]Guild Type: Questing and PvP
    [b]Guild website:None
    [b]Guild Contacts:Maxman328
    [b]Recruiting status:We are accepting any members that want to join.
    [b]About you: We are a guild that likes doing just about anything you can think offf. We mostly do quests but we will eventually do some big PvP battles. and we are also trying to get a guild airship.

  21. #220
    Community Member ~shane38's Avatar
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    Jul 2010

    Default Paladin Gorlios

    Guild Name:Gorlios Knights
    Guild Type: Questing,Raiding,PvP and helping those that need help
    Guild website: In the making
    Guild Contacts:
    Recruiting status: Active players for Officers and Members.
    Send a "TELL" via game for invite from one of our Officers or Myself,"Gorlios Duke".
    About you: Our GOAL is to become ONE of the best and strongest Guilds THROUGH OUR Members and Officers.
    Questions? Please contact me directly
    Last edited by shane38; 08-04-2010 at 08:04 PM.

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