My most requested video lately has been about sentient weapons. Now that Ravenloft is available in the DDO Store I figured this is the perfect time to do it!

This video is designed for people who are new to or just getting started with sentient weapons. I go over the basics of what sentient weapons are, where to get sentient jewels, how to level them, what filigrees are, how it all works mechanically and I offer tips for leveling up your sentient weapons.

If you haven't used sentient weapons yet or you're just getting started with them, check out my Beginner's Guide to Sentient Weapons below!

In other videos, I recently did a live stream of a couple lowbie quests on Gingerspyce to give an update of what I've been working on after the Aasimar Project ended. I'm getting so close to racial completionist and soon I'll start working on Voodu's racial past lives. Get caught up with Gingerspyce in R1 Butchers Path + Sunken Sewer and post-Aasimar Project update.

And finally, teaching raids are going great on Sarlona! We've been live streaming the events and it's been a lot of fun to have folks from other servers join us and learn right along with us. If you're on Sarlona and you're new to raiding and want to learn in a fun, friendly and low-stress environment then keep an eye on the Sarlona forum for information on each week's event. This Saturday's teaching raid is The Titan Awakes in Restless Isles!

Last week we hosted a double feature in Gianthold with Reaver's Fate and Fall of Truth. You can watch the live stream below.

The sentient weapons guide has already seen a lot of positive response since I posted it last night. I'm glad to hear that it's been helpful and thank you for all the great comments!

Much love,
Gingerspyce of Sarlona

Older updates:
3/4/18 Gingerspyce's Review, Tips, Picks and Walkthrough of the 12th Anniversary Party
2/1/18 Gingerspyce's week in videos: Aasimar Project, Midwinter Race and Teaching Raid Live Streams
1/3/18 Gingerspyce's week in videos: Best of 2017
11/14/17 Introducing the Gingerspyce Aasimar Project