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  1. #61
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    I like the idea of a bear with improved Shillelagh using a 3[w] quarterstaff, picking up a couple of levels of rogue for dex to damage (if useful) and 15% extra attack speed with a staff. Not sure if it would work in practice, but I like the idea.

    (A) most of the newer staffs are not wood. Especially those with improved crit profiles
    (B) Unsure whether the Rogue's attack speed will work in animal form.
    (C) Imp Shillelagh doesn't currently do anything. (see
    (D) It's unclear to me whether "doing an extra 1[w] damage" means the [w] goes from [1d6] to [3d6] which would make a +2[w] Great Cleave do 9d6, or whether it stays at [w]=[1d6] and the Shillelagh damage goes on the end of the calculation, meaning a +2[w] Great Cleave would be doing 3d6+2d6. Also unsure how it goes with the crit multipliers. If it actually increases the definition of the [w] then a [2d4] staff would be doing 18d4 per target on a great cleave, which would be nice. If it just tacks another 4d4 damage on the end of whatever [w] calculation is done, then it's only as impactful as a poison. If it increases the multiplier from, say 4[w] to 6[w] then it's somewhere in between I guess.
    (E) It'd probably be more useful as a wolf, but I like the idea of a bear anyway. Flavoursome. And more cleaves.

    It'd be very nice if we could get a higher level version of something like the Staff of Inner Sight, which allows for WIS, CHA or INT to attack and damage, does [w]=[2d4] damage, and is wooden so it's affected by Shillelagh. But we don't have it, so this whole idea is probably not worth even fleshing out.
    Last edited by Kantia; 03-21-2018 at 12:40 AM.

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kantia View Post
    I like the idea of a bear with improved Shillelagh using a 3[w] quarterstaff, picking up a couple of levels of rogue for dex to damage (if useful) and 15% extra attack speed with a staff. Not sure if it would work in practice, but I like the idea.
    It won't and never did, because the staff attack speed increase is a shorter standing still staff animation sequence.
    Last edited by Tilomere; 03-21-2018 at 12:29 AM.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    It won't and never did, because the staff attack speed increase is a shorter standing still staff animation sequence.
    That makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the quick answer and clarification!

  4. #64
    Community Member edrein's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kantia View Post
    I like the idea of a bear with improved Shillelagh using a 3[w] quarterstaff, picking up a couple of levels of rogue for dex to damage (if useful) and 15% extra attack speed with a staff. Not sure if it would work in practice, but I like the idea.

    (D) It's unclear to me whether "doing an extra 1[w] damage" means the [w] goes from [1d6] to [3d6] which would make a +2[w] Great Cleave do 9d6, or whether it stays at [w]=[1d6] and the Shillelagh damage goes on the end of the calculation, meaning a +2[w] Great Cleave would be doing 3d6+2d6. Also unsure how it goes with the crit multipliers. If it actually increases the definition of the [w] then a [2d4] staff would be doing 18d4 per target on a great cleave, which would be nice. If it just tacks another 4d4 damage on the end of whatever [w] calculation is done, then it's only as impactful as a poison. If it increases the multiplier from, say 4[w] to 6[w] then it's somewhere in between I guess.
    (E) It'd probably be more useful as a wolf, but I like the idea of a bear anyway. Flavoursome. And more cleaves.
    First of all. The improved Shillelagh is only going to bump that by +2W AKA: The equivalent of running with a Dethek Runestone, however unlike the Dethek Runestone you won't get the 15/adamantine. If you're adamant on running a Shillelagh build as a bear; I suggest running an Ironwood Khopesh or Legendary Cranium Cracker and hoping we might see more wooden one handers soon. Combine Shillelagh and Dethek Runestone and a wooden one hander wins with +3W opposed to the +2W a two hander will get.

    D. It's not going to affect cleaves in the ways you postulate. It'll be like any other class using a cleave.
    E. Bears currently don't have a cleave 'feat tax' like Paladins got. While a few of their spells were applying AoE damage on Lamannia last preview, I'd consider and hold all of those spells as Non-WAI until stated otherwise by the devs.

  5. #65
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    Default one-time Shillelagh did not care what material a staff was made of, guess they fixed it?

    Could be wise to test out any new metal staff just in case.

    CitW weapons tend to has strange classification as exceptions, so I would not use those as proof of the pudding.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Torc View Post
    [INDENT]No combat style specific bonuses will function while in animal forms aside from Natural Fighting, and any bonuses native to the form (no dual wielding, shield bashes or single weapon attack speed).

    I don't think these are combat style bonuses, or they wouldn't function and stack with normal TWF feats which are combat style bonuses?

    Edit: Ahh, nvm.
    Last edited by Tilomere; 03-22-2018 at 11:42 AM.

  7. #67
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kantia View Post
    I like the idea of a bear with improved Shillelagh using a 3[w] quarterstaff, picking up a couple of levels of rogue for dex to damage (if useful) and 15% extra attack speed with a staff.
    The DEX to-hit and dmg will carry over to animal forms; the +15% attack speed will not. Quick Strike doesn't work in animal forms either. Which really put the kibosh on my staff / wolf build ideas.
    (A) most of the newer staffs are not wood. Especially those with improved crit profiles
    Also true which makes Shillelagh less useful. I toyed with wolf ideas using Cranium Cracker, but it's not that great of a weapon anymore.
    (D) It's unclear to me whether "doing an extra 1[w] damage" means the [w] goes from [1d6] to [3d6] which would make a +2[w] Great Cleave do 9d6, or whether it stays at [w]=[1d6] and the Shillelagh damage goes on the end of the calculation, meaning a +2[w] Great Cleave would be doing 3d6+2d6.
    The latter: +[W] bonuses always apply outside the "[W]".
    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    I don't think these are combat style bonuses, or they wouldn't function and stack with normal TWF feats which are combat style bonuses?
    You're splitting hairs again. It's clear the intent is that offhand procs no longer work in animal forms. Doesn't matter what the source actually is. Trying to rules-lawyer about what "should" be allowed because certain things aren't labeled "Combat Style bonus" is beside the point.

    Now, do I trust the devs to fix every animal-form bug they've identified without introducing new bugs? Umm. Magic 8-Ball says "outlook cloudy." But let's at least start from how things are supposed to work before we figure out all the exploits.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post

    You're splitting hairs again. It's clear the intent is that offhand procs no longer work in animal forms. Doesn't matter what the source actually is. Trying to rules-lawyer about what "should" be allowed because certain things aren't labeled "Combat Style bonus" is beside the point.

    You say I'm rules lawyering or splitting hairs, but actually finding out and keeping track of what does or does not work in animal or AoN form is a nightmare, not a search for exploits.
    Last edited by Tilomere; 03-22-2018 at 12:10 PM.

  9. #69
    Community Member edrein's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Also true which makes Shillelagh less useful. I toyed with wolf ideas using Cranium Cracker, but it's not that great of a weapon anymore.
    Actually, it's not a -great- weapon under normal circumstances. However; in the hands of an Improved Shillelagh druid who's also got a Dethek Runestone sitting around? That +3W is pretty attractive. Just to give a quick break down of why it's arguably the best wooden weapon (until we see another one) is the following. We'll use the non-existant Night Mother Club for comparision (as the club is caster based not combat based).

    Nightmother's (Each weapon type except club): One Handed: 5[W+2], +15 Enhancement Bonus, Human Bane 9d10, Evil 9d6, Chilling 9d6, Vampirism 4d2, Orange Augment Slot
    • Can be increased to 7W due to Dethek Runestone.

    Epic Cranium Cracker: 5[1d6] + 7. +7 Enhancement Bonus, Greater Elemental Bane, Vampirism, Hardened Spikes 4d6 piercing, Improved Destruction, Purple Augment Slot, and Mythic Bonus option.
    • Can be boosted by Improved Shillelagh for +1W for a total of +6W
    • Can be boosted by Dethek Runestone for +2W for a total of +7W
    • Total Potential Boost to +8W.
    • Possess both increased crit threat and multiplier. 19-20 and x3 respectively.
    • Additionally can be boosted further by Pulverizer threat range if running Legendary Dreadnaught. 18-20 threat range before improved critical.
    • Can now be used for Lightning Mace if running Legendary Dreadnaught. Lightning Mace: Active Ability: (Cooldown 12 seconds) Melee Attack On Hit 100 Electrical damage. On Critical Gain +15% enhancement bonus to melee doublestrike for 6 seconds. On Vorpal Target takes 10d100 Electrical damage.

    Additional side note. Save a vistani dagger and dethek runestone combination, this is the highest potential one handed damage a druid can have. With the upside of not costing nearly as much AP.
    Last edited by edrein; 03-22-2018 at 12:08 PM.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by edrein View Post

    Epic Cranium Cracker: 5[1d6] + 7

    Additional side note. Save a vistani dagger and dethek runestone combination, this is the highest potential one handed damage a druid can have.
    Why not 41 AP VKF core 6 T4 for 40 melee power, and 31 AP kensai T5 for 40 more melee power, 8 AP KTA out of animal form. With 3 fighter feats spent on melee power, will end up at 86 melee power.

    VKF single dagger shouldn't work in animal form. It specifically states it requires single weapon style:
    Single Dagger: When fighting single weapon style with a dagger: +20 Melee Power

    VKF double daggers is specifically worded differently to indicate it doesn't require a fighting style.
    Double Daggers: When fighting with a dagger in each hand: +20% stacking chance to make off-hand attacks when dual wielding weapons.

    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    But if your focus is just on melee DPS, you're either gonna multiclass or use Vistani tree (or both).
    See, it's a nightmare. Even you are saying to use vistani, which is clearly exploiting when using single dagger. It's not just me that could use clarification.
    Last edited by Tilomere; 03-22-2018 at 01:19 PM.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    Why not 41 AP VKF core 6 T4 for 40 melee power, and 31 AP kensai T5 for 40 more melee power, 8 AP KTA out of animal form. With 3 fighter feats spent on melee power, will end up at 86 melee power.

    VKF single dagger shouldn't work in animal form. It specifically states it requires single weapon style:
    Single Dagger: When fighting single weapon style with a dagger: +20 Melee Power

    VKF double daggers is specifically worded differently to indicate it doesn't require a fighting style.
    Double Daggers: When fighting with a dagger in each hand: +20% stacking chance to make off-hand attacks when dual wielding weapons.

    See, it's a nightmare. Even you are saying to use vistani, which is exploiting when using single dagger. It's not just me that could use clarification.
    Actually, you're wrong. Single Dagger does work temporarily in animal form. Really they need to rework that ability in general. As it currently works with Runearms on live, yet doesn't work with any other offhand item. It needs to be a clear-cut all or nothing, or any offhand deal.

    And it doesn't require SWF to work at all. It merely requires you to wield a dagger in your main hand, the same as Double Dagger requires two daggers.
    Edit: I reread it. -If- the implication is SWF then orbs should work with this ability. However they don't.

    And I suggested the use of Vistani for Deadly Blades, AKA: +1W to daggers.
    Last edited by edrein; 03-22-2018 at 01:28 PM.

  12. #72
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    Ya I haven't tested the tree out. Just got RL a week ago.

    Is the dagger down animation faster? Imma make a swashy next life and test it out.

    Quote Originally Posted by edrein View Post
    Actually, you're wrong. Single Dagger does work temporarily in animal form.
    According to how it is worded, double daggers could be seen to work in animal form, but single dagger definitely should not work in animal form. I guess just wait till a few months after it hits live and find out what works then.
    Last edited by Tilomere; 03-22-2018 at 01:42 PM.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    Ya I haven't tested the tree out. Just got RL a week ago.

    Is the dagger down animation faster? Imma make a swashy next life and test it out.

    According to how it is worded, double daggers could be seen to work in animal form, but single dagger definitely should not work in animal form. I guess just wait till a few months after it hits live and find out what works then.
    I posted the results of that in my bug thread. It indeed does work with animal forms. Although 20% is rather paltry. Single Dagger breaks if you item swap for whatever reason (even to another dagger) while wildshaped. And I'm definitely against not allowing Single Dagger to work with animals. Right now it's the only potential thing making one handed weapons look viable for animal forms. If they fix it to work with all offhand items then druids are in a better spot as a whole (as shields are not as punitive with the combat style changes).

    If they don't then I don't see any reason to use any offhand unless you're running Double Daggers. You'd be better off slapping on something like Stout Oak Walking Stick and using the +2W shillelagh or frankly any other two handed build for 1.5x stat to damage.

  14. #74
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Dusting off an old flavor build: DEX-based TWF druid updated for Vistani.

    Race: any, though the DEX races make most sense. I'll be using SDK but for Gamer Geoff use halfling.
    Class: druid 17 / rogue or monk 3

    • druid 17 is for lvl 9 spells + both elemental forms. This is not a caster-DPS build, though, so spells will mostly be for buffs & heals. As such, it's intended to run in fire-elemental form for the Positive Spellpower bonus, though water elemental will be an option too.
    • rogue or monk 3 is necessary for DEX to-hit & dmg with daggers. Obviously rogue gets you trap skills while monk gets you extra feats plus all the pros & cons of playing a centered toon these days. I'll be using the rogue option in this build.
    • druid 18 / rgr 2 would also work but you don't get free Evasion that way and I'm not spending enough APs in the druid trees to get any of the lvl 18 cores. Maybe I'll save that for an extra-flavorful version which also goes for Manyshot.

    Stats (36pt SDK): DEX 20 (+lvl-ups) / CON 16 / INT 16
    Feats: TWF/ITWF/GTWF, Precision, IC:Pierce+OC, Quicken, Emp Heal, Epic DR, PTWF - remaining feats season to taste
    Enhancements: 41 Vistani / 6-8 Harper / 9 Assassin or Ninja / 6 Nature's Protector / 8 NW / 4 SH / 4-6 <filler>

    • Vistani is primary tree for melee DPS. DEX to-hit and damage comes from 1st two cores of either Assassin or Ninja plus Melee Power Boost. Harper for Know the Angles. NP for defensive stance (+20 PRR/MRR). NW 1st two cores for extra 10% fort bypass and Prey on the Weak for +15% helpless damage. Season's Herald for Beguile plus the Positive Energy bonus in fire elemental form.

    Epic Destiny: any of the usual melee options, although Primal Avatar is getting a nice boost to Melee Power (24 -> 60), so for max flavor I would say stick with that.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  15. #75
    Community Member edrein's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Dusting off an old flavor build: DEX-based TWF druid updated for Vistani.
    • rogue or monk 3 is necessary for DEX to-hit & dmg with daggers. Obviously rogue gets you trap skills while monk gets you extra feats plus all the pros & cons of playing a centered toon these days. I'll be using the rogue option in this build.
    Monk is your best option DPS wise. Fire stance for the extra multiplier and twist A Dance of Flowers for an additional 1.5W. Being centered provides the highest dagger DPS.

  16. #76
    Eternally Mediocre Girl Maelodic's Avatar
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    Can confirm that Winter Hunt now works with BOGW and Energy Burst.

    No gear-
    200-300 damage normal, very rare crit for ~500
    Under winter hunt same damage, but far more frequent crits for ~700-800

    Energy Burst:
    2-3k damage normal - couldn't get any crits to pop
    2-3k damage normal - many crits for 5-7k

    With some cold spellpower investment you could do the situational nuke thing. With patched together (ie, little thought into it) ravenloft gear and no augments, energy burst was critting over 10k under winter hunt and crit often. Cold Breath was critting for around ~1100 - the only use I found for it at epic levels was stacking arcane warrior but Dire Charge would be a whole lot better.

    It makes the most sense to invest in Evocation as a hybrid druid over enchantment even though howl of terror is both good and enchantment. Due to my limited testing abilities at the moment I can't test if it's subject to spell resistance, but I'm sure it is. Given that Earthquake DC is a lot easier to obtain and Howl of Terror would be quite an investment for one spell, it's probably wise just to use it before stacking creeping cold/greater creeping cold and energy burst for maximum efficiency.

    As a side note, using snowslide more has made it my favorite movement ability by far.

    Dragonborn cold breath flat out doesn't work. Doesn't do damage. So I can't test the relentless breath idea from before.

    Currently, I'm looking at my previous gnome build - TRing my monkey into a deep gnome puppy beforehand because I won't need to pay for the +1 heart. Just need to finalize it before pulling the trigger on that TR.

    I had considered switching out the cleaves for natural fighting but everything natural fighting gives are not unique stats - you can find them somwehere else. All other combat feats give something that is either difficult or impossible to find elsewhere. You can't replace cleaves. I'm not sure even with the doublestrike the feats are worth it for a hybrid who will be spamming cleaves and using spells. I'd grab them on a rage bear, or a a pure melee wolf though. Probably.
    Last edited by Maelodic; 03-28-2018 at 11:33 AM.
    Maelodic - Soundblaster| | Kinsys - Cookie Cutter Monk

  17. #77
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    Race ~ any possibly one with self-heals

    Stats ~ push Int, good Con, some Wis, some Cha

    Class Order?

    Wizard 12 -> Arch Mage tier 5/core 12
    Favored Soul 4 -> +8 force crit chance
    Druid 4 -> +8 force crit chance

    Heroic Feats ~

    Mental Toughness
    Improved Mental Toughness
    Heighten / Skill Focus (Spellcraft)

    Epic Feats ~

    21) Well Spring of Power
    24) Master of Knowledge
    26ED) Epic Spellpower (Force)
    27) Ruin
    28ED) Epic Skill Focus (Spellcraft) / Hellball
    29ED) Arcane Pulse
    30) Great Ruin
    30L) Scion of the Plane of Fire

    Epic Destiny Shirdai?


    Season's Herald Tree --> 22 points for tier four Wax and Wane
    Angel of Vengeance Tree --> 24 points for tier four Smiting & Intense Faith
    Archmage Tree --> 34 points for Arcane Blast & Arcane Supremacy

  18. #78
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Couple of ideas for specific alts of mine. First, WIS-based melee wolf / caster hybrid:
    Druid 20
    True Neutral Purple Dragon Knight
                   34pt     Tome     Level Up
                   ----     ----     --------
    Strength        14       +2       4: WIS
    Dexterity       10       +3       8: WIS
    Constitution    16       +2      12: WIS
    Intelligence     8       +2      16: WIS
    Wisdom          18       +2      20: WIS
    Charisma         8       +2      24: WIS
                                     28: WIS
     1        : Quicken Spell
     1 PDK    : Maximize Spell
     3        : Precision
     6        : Martial Weapon: Falchion
     9        : Empower Spell
    12        : Improved Critical: Slashing
    15        : Heighten Spell OR Empower Healing Spell
    18        : Spell Focus: Evocation
    21 Epic   : Overwhelming Critical
    24 Epic   : Burst of Glacial Wrath
    26 Destiny: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
    27 Epic   : Epic Damage Reduction
    28 Destiny: Mass Frog
    29 Destiny: Dire Charge OR Deific Warding
    30 Epic   : Intensify Spell OR Empower Healing Spell
    30 Legend : Scion of: Plane of Fire
     2 Druid  : Wild Shape 1: Wolf
     5 Druid  : Wild Shape 1: Bear
     8 Druid  : Wild Shape 2: Winter Wolf
    11 Druid  : Wild Shape 2: Dire Bear
    13 Druid  : Wild Shape 3: Water Elemental
    17 Druid  : Wild Shape 3: Fire Elemental
    Listed tomes are what I think are on this particular alt. PDK just for the extra feat and to start at level 15. Specced to use falchions, obviously.

    Enhancements: 41 NW / 31 SH (Storm of Vengeance SLA) / 6 NP (defensive stance) / 1 PDK (Melee Power Boost) with 1 AP filler.

    Next: HO STR build
    HO Wolf
    Druid 20
    True Neutral Half-Orc
                   28pt     32pt     34pt     36pt     Tome     Level Up
                   ----     ----     ----     ----     ----     --------
    Strength        20       20       20       20       +2       4: STR
    Dexterity        8        8        8        8       +2       8: STR
    Constitution    14       16       15       16       +2      12: STR
    Intelligence    12       12       14       14       +2      16: STR
    Wisdom           8        8        8        8       +2      20: STR
    Charisma         6        6        6        6       +2      24: STR
                                                                28: STR
     1        : Power Attack
     3        : Cleave
     6        : Martial Weapon: Falchion
     9        : Quicken Spell
    12        : Improved Critical: Slashing
    15        : Great Cleave
    18        : Natural Fighting
    21 Epic   : Overwhelming Critical
    24 Epic   : Natural Fighting
    26 Destiny: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
    27 Epic   : Epic Damage Reduction
    28 Destiny: First Blood OR Elusive Target
    29 Destiny: Dire Charge OR Deific Warding
    30 Epic   : Natural Fighting
    30 Legend : Scion of: Arborea OR Plane of Water
     2 Druid  : Wild Shape 1: Wolf
     5 Druid  : Wild Shape 1: Bear
     8 Druid  : Wild Shape 2: Winter Wolf
    11 Druid  : Wild Shape 2: Dire Bear
    13 Druid  : Wild Shape 3: Water Elemental
    17 Druid  : Wild Shape 3: Fire Elemental
    Again specced for falchions, though I'd actually use SOS for heroics - yay, 10th anniversary party gift! Did anyone test if Orcish Rage by itself triggers Rage of the Beast bonuses?

    Enhancements: 41 NW / 18 HO (Brutality) / 13 NP / 8 Harper
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Couple of ideas for specific alts of mine. Next: HO STR build
    HO Wolf
    Druid 20
    True Neutral Half-Orc
                   28pt     32pt     34pt     36pt     Tome     Level Up
                   ----     ----     ----     ----     ----     --------
    Strength        20       20       20       20       +2       4: STR
    Dexterity        8        8        8        8       +2       8: STR
    Constitution    14       16       15       16       +2      12: STR
    Intelligence    12       12       14       14       +2      16: STR
    Wisdom           8        8        8        8       +2      20: STR
    Charisma         6        6        6        6       +2      24: STR
                                                                28: STR
     1        : Power Attack
     3        : Cleave
     6        : Martial Weapon: Falchion
     9        : Quicken Spell
    12        : Improved Critical: Slashing
    15        : Great Cleave
    18        : Natural Fighting
    21 Epic   : Overwhelming Critical
    24 Epic   : Natural Fighting
    26 Destiny: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
    27 Epic   : Epic Damage Reduction
    28 Destiny: First Blood OR Elusive Target
    29 Destiny: Dire Charge OR Deific Warding
    30 Epic   : Natural Fighting
    30 Legend : Scion of: Arborea OR Plane of Water
     2 Druid  : Wild Shape 1: Wolf
     5 Druid  : Wild Shape 1: Bear
     8 Druid  : Wild Shape 2: Winter Wolf
    11 Druid  : Wild Shape 2: Dire Bear
    13 Druid  : Wild Shape 3: Water Elemental
    17 Druid  : Wild Shape 3: Fire Elemental
    Again specced for falchions, though I'd actually use SOS for heroics - yay, 10th anniversary party gift! Did anyone test if Orcish Rage by itself triggers Rage of the Beast bonuses?

    Enhancements: 41 NW / 18 HO (Brutality) / 13 NP / 8 Harper
    Similar what I came up with.

    Enhancements: 41 NW / 20 HO (Brutality / Raging Crush ) / 11 NP / 8 Harper
    I also took Natural fighting instead of cleave and great cleave feats.
    ( I am curious why you are taking intelligence and dumping wisdom )

    1) Currently all NW attacks ( alpha strike, throat strike, go for kill, and ghost pack ) all strike multiple targets. Not sure if this is WAI for two of them.

    2) while the spell point cost right now is double the description for NW attacks ( and prohibitive for a melee attack clicky ) I don't think that is WAI. If spell point cost is fixed to match description then they fall into sustainable DPS territory.

    3) combined with cheap to cast wolf innate spells ( takedown and baiting bite ) and the half-orc crushing blow the hot bar is going get pretty full.

    4) And at +1 Tactics, +4 double strike, +4 PRR, +4 melee power the Natural Fighting feats are no longer so easy to ignore.
    Last edited by elvesunited; 03-30-2018 at 10:47 AM.

  20. #80
    Eternally Mediocre Girl Maelodic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Couple of ideas for specific alts of mine. First, WIS-based melee wolf / caster hybrid:
    Druid 20
    True Neutral Purple Dragon Knight
    You take Falcion proficiency- why not go half elf with Fighter dilly for the effective same amount of feats and then opens you up to weapons like SoS and Carnifex while leveling- and then gives you freedom to use whatever weapon you want at endgame? I know you lose out on the damage boost but IMO it's worth it.

    Enhancements: 41 NW / 31 SH (Storm of Vengeance SLA) / 6 NP (defensive stance)
    I've considered this split - do you think the storm/SLAs will make up for losing the Cleave line?
    Maelodic - Soundblaster| | Kinsys - Cookie Cutter Monk

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