Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
So use acid rain or ice storm scrolls. They also have no save, and do the same damage.

I'm just pointing out that there are no weapons better than scrolls in heroics. Even using the new VKF tree, you get to choose between using a paragon dagger at 1.5(1d4) + 6d6 non-scaling damage single target effects or a scroll of say acid rain that does 1 single damage + 48d4 AoE damage scaling with 75 spell power from W&S mastery.

One weapon hits for 25 damage single target, the other hits 1 damage single target plus a 200 damage AoE.

It's almost like we are playing real D&D. Hahahahahah!
Of course this does not correspond to my experience in the game. I think you're twisting arguments to adjust them to your convenience. And the worst is that anyone can see that they are not true. Do you think anyone knows how much damage is done in melee, and how much with spells?