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  1. #1
    Community Member zehnvhex's Avatar
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    Apr 2010

    Default I'm going to try to be as constructive as I can here. Just for you Steelstar.

    After testing RM for a few hours I was ready to come to the forum and do my regular shtick of vitriol and angst but Lynn keeps harping on me to be a bit more jovial in my criticisms.

    Because Artificer is probably my second favorite class in DDO, possibly my most favorite in PnP, and I -really- want to see Renegade Mastermaker be awesome, I'm going to give the best feedback a boy can possibly give.


    I'm not a fan. It feels like robbing Peter to pay Paul.

    It's just...I get the intention behind the tree but it doesn't do any of the things it needs to do in any capacity that can be considered well done. I'm disappointed because I've seen the work Steelstar can do with classes and abilities and this just falls far short of what could be.

    RM is not ready for release. (Keep the orb graphics though, they're awesome. More on that later.)

    So, here are the problems:


    This tree has a -serious- identity crisis. As I'm going down it I'm thinking, "Is this a tanking tree? Melee? Healer? Caster? What?!" Stuff is just kinda all over the place. With the way this tree is designed it feels like it would have been better made as a generic tree like Harper that everybody can have access to. This would make more sense as a warforged racial tree than artificer-specific.

    There's simply no focus here and the tree suffers for it. Eldritch Knight suffers from the same crisis and is generally regarded as a trash tree outside of the one splash build that grabs it for the AC bonus.


    If this tree is meant to be a healing tree it needs to be a healing tree. Admixtures aren't affected by quicken. They're slow to cast, have a travel time, lag when exploding, can be blocked by enemies/terrain/other players, and will whiff completely if your target is moving.

    This makes it unreliable for normal healing duty. There's -one- enhancement in the entire tree that makes you a better party healer (+MCL on admixtures). An extra 30 seconds of Radiant Forcefield is also nice. That's...about it.

    31 AP to save yourself some spellpoints seems a bit steep. At the very least we could use some spellpower, crit chance, maybe crit multiplier? Get rid of some of the tanking stuff that will never see the light of day.


    The constructs are all just bad. The construct visually are pretty neat mind you. Combined with my elemental victory I now have 7 things floating around my head. But that's about it. It bears rehashing. You took bolstering construct which was a pretty OP ability and turned it into something that will never be taken. Please tell me you understand just how flat out bad +5 prr for 1 minute on a 3 min cooldown that doesn't stack with warlock bonus is bad, right?

    The healing construct is, again, bad. The saves one is also pretty much awful. I'd like to know the balance design around making it a 1/3rd uptime. And not "We made the decision for balance reasons." The -actual- balance reasons. Like in internal testing did +3 saves when we have 100+ saves at end game make or break a raid? What encounter was made significantly easier for the presence of +2 more PRR 33% of the time considering warlock can give +3 with 100% uptime?


    There is a ton of useless bloat in the tree. Why do we need 3 different abilities to make admixture/repairs slightly less terrible? Why are mastermaker, stronger admixture and conjure component three different abilities? They really should be one, at most.

    Why do we need 7 healing SLA's? You have two entire columns devoted to this plus a core plus an additional T5. It's insane.


    Thematically, and I'm speaking as someone who -loves- RM in PnP, this feels nothing like RM. I mean, absolutely nothing like it. The only thing remotely Renegade Mastermaker about the entire tree is Embed Component. Other than that it's a hodgepodge of random abilities that don't really fit. Too much bloat, no unifying theme.

    I get that you probably can't do Battlefist (which is kind of the core thing about RM) for licensing reasons or you would have been all over that. But the constructs are all weak to the point of being useless, there are simply far too many heals that all do too little, there's too much bloat to be a tanking tree and not enough incentive to dip on a DPS build.


    Thank you for your time.
    Last edited by zehnvhex; 03-13-2018 at 04:55 PM.
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