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  1. #1
    DDOcast Host
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    Default DDOCast 510 - Endgame: Then & Now pt 1

    Our guest Arkat joins Patrick to discuss the coming balance changes to Henshin Mystic as well as the rest of this week’s game & community news. Then Asheras leads a new discussion on Endgame: Then and Now with Patrick & Warcane. This week is part 1, a look at how endgame has changed over the last 11 years!

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    Game News - 3:13
    Community News - 44:25
    Lightning Post - 48:52
    Stormreach Tours: Fresh Baked Dreams - 54:13
    Endgame: Then & Now pt 1 - 58:50

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  2. #2
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    I like the idea of having some more types of reaper that are specialised towards countering certain roles, meaning you'd need to change up your tactics to deal with them:
    - anti-melee reaper could have powerful guards, both damage & debilitating like the old greensteel ones, as well as reducing melee attack speed & damage.
    - anti-ranged reaper could have a higher degree of the new missile avoidance stat, potentially combining it with the older missile deflection plus ability to teleport straight to a target & run speed slowdown, making them more stand & fight than run & kite.
    - anti-spellcaster reapers could have effects that give a spell failure chance plus the vicious strike (take damage on spellcast) & arcane encumbrance (chance of being knocked down when you cast spells at them) abilities from barbarian occult slayer plus high (wisp-level) spell resistance.
    Then adjust the reaper spawn rates, making specialised reapers more common & have large vulnerabilities to the roles they're not specialised at countering, with the current reaper types changed to be less common & kept as more universal threats.
    Last edited by FuzzyDuck81; 03-14-2018 at 12:32 PM.
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

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