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Sarlona: Seikojin, Toy
I do like this idea- one of my past suggestions...
Brutal Throw
Usage: Passive
Prerequisite: +1 Base Attack Bonus,
You can use your Strength bonus instead of Dexterity bonus to determine bonus to attack with Thrown weapons if it is higher.
For non-shuriken throwing weapons - knock down targets hit on a natural 20 + confirmation for 6 seconds without a saving throw (same as great Crossbow).
For non-shuriken throwing weapons - +1W
Last edited by Propane; 03-15-2018 at 10:32 AM.
Sarlona - Guildmaster - Brotherhood of Redemption - ddoborguild.com - 2016 & 2017 Players Council --- Alts: Acetylene, Antimematter, CNG, Dilithium Crystal, EMF, EMPulse, Exothermic, Geothermal, Hexane, Hexyne, Hydropower, JA, Kerosene, LPG, Natural Gas, Nuclearpower, Propane, Solarpannel, Tidalpower, WASOB, Waulter, Windpower, Woodpile
Its called the "nerf-buff-nerf syndrome. When monks ffirst came out, quivering palm worked wonders, then came the nerf. Fast forward many years later and in come the buffs to melee power in the H- core. Now, apparently some people started whining about monks doing well again, so here come the nerfs.... a way of life here in DDO
Stick builds are getting the proverbial shaft withe the MP nerf. handwraps will be fine. I play a handwrap build, but honestly, I don't believe will not see too much change.
The funny thing is, I tend to miss out on the over-powered monks, so I am naive to this. I took a few months off and I didn't buy RL when it came out initially, but when I came back, I realized that the new wraps were OP. There is a huge improvement even from the free RL morningtords over the epic scraps I used to run with. I will never have duality before it is nerfed, so I am not missing anything. That said, I do agree Henshin is getting the shaft. To me, its BAU. I enter a quest, I stun everything with Dire Charge, I hit stunning fist, quivering palm, tomb of jade, and attack repeatedly, and I tend to do very well with kills. I run in GMOF usually, so once I hit 25 on the counter, I hit EIN with a large mob...I am usually middle of the pack in kills...never too far behind the leader. I help the party win...this is a team game as far as I am concerned.
I really don't expect too much drop off as GMOF will get a boost in MP. In some cases I have the most kills(see slave lords), but this "nerf" will not affect my play-style. In fact, once I get the nerfed Duality, I will be more powerful that I am currently, but that's it. That's endgame for me. I may take another break after this update to let things sort themselves out, but first, I need a few more strahd runes
Please consider bumping Legendary Dreadnaught up from 3 Melee Power to at lest 5 or 6. I love that SSG is finally giving some love to melee characters, but why not make it universal instead of having LD lose ground to all of the other destinies by leaving it unchanged? The premise was most likely that LD receives enough Melee Power from blitzing, but please keep in mind that this will create imbalances between melee characters. LD is all about Melee Power, but now a rogue in Shadowdancer with great DPS via assassinate and execute can also get an extra 50 MP that is on all of the time while the fighter in LD stays pat? A fighter in LD gets 15 Melee Power from core abilities, and possibly 70 from Blitzing if he can keep blitz at max - which is almost impossible to do with Warlocks in the group (and when aren't there?)
So with the reduced MP in henshin, it seems to more or less preculde any staff wielding monk multiclass build that isn't taking 18 or 20 levels of monk in terms of build viability. The loss of build diversity (for staves in particular) is concerning as it is a nice feature that few mmo's can boast of. Was there a reason you did not wish to retain the prior core MP values but make them specific to staves, with reduced values for non staff weapons?
LD has a lot going for it which is why it's the most popular destiny for both ranged and melee. That popularity is also why everyone wants it buffed.
LD gets 100% action boost up time (now with no delay!), 50% helpless damage, and crit bonuses in addition to having the most melee power.
The one thing that LD needs to stop having blitz removed on zoning. That's obnoxious.
We have just opened up Lamannia with the first preview of U38!
Any plans on fixing the filigree that are still broken, such as Purity for example (disease immunity still non-operational), since Barovia was supposed to be a major thing?
Not sure if this is the proper place to make the suggestion, but given the bleed through with the systems changes in general. Might I make a suggestion for new Legendary feats?
Scion of Shavarath:
- You gain +2 Healing Hands charges if you are an Aasimar.
- Add 2d20 Evil damage to weapon and unarmed attacks (Scales with Spell Power)
- Gain; Blade Barrier SLA.
Scion of Irian:
- You gain +2 Healing Hands charges if you are an Aasimar.
- Add 1d20 Light damage to weapon and unarmed attacks (Scales with Spell Power)
- Melee, ranged, and offensive spell damage have a chance to proc a burst of blinding light. (Similar to Brazen Brilliance on Echo of The Sunsword.)
Scion of Lamannia:
- You gain +1W when in a wildshape form.
- Druid Mantle spells are doubled in effect.
- Melee, ranged, and offensive spell damage deal 1d10 random elemental damage and have a chance to proc an AoE burst of random elemental damage. (Scales with the appropriate Spell Power)
Additionally a level 24 Master feat for Shapeshifting would be nice as well.
Master of Wildshapes:
- You gain +1W when in a wildshape form.
- If you are in a bear form; gain the effects of +20 PRR and MRR, +10 natural armor, and +15 melee power.
- If you are in a wolf form; gain the effects of +2 sneak attack die, +10 reflex saves, and improved deception effect on attacks.
Last edited by edrein; 03-16-2018 at 05:22 AM.
I can't tell if you're being silly, if I'm not making that connection, or what.
That being said; Shadowfell and Feywild are both present in Eberron and Faerun.
The entire point of the proposed feats were to add flavor and bonuses associated with those Planes of Eberron. They add gaps in the power structure as is (AKA: druids) and give a new place for Aasimar Healing Hands, which the devs have mentioned adding ways to add to that ability with time. Shavarath is definitely the most appropriate place to put a Blade Barrier SLA for anyone to use, slap on the evil or perhaps slashing damage proc and boom. You've got a thematic fit for all of the sources.
Edit: I actually looked it up. They seem to be named as a mix of Planes from the various worlds and settings of 3.5E.
Double Edit: For reference..
Greyhawk: Arborea, Celestia, Elysium, Mechanus, and Limbo.
Faerun/FR: Astral, Shadowfell, Feywild and Elemental Planes.
Eberron: Technically none. Mabar and Shadowfell are coterminous during Night Revels. And Thelanis is a form/splinter of the Feywilds.
Last edited by edrein; 03-16-2018 at 07:04 AM.
Thank you all for coming out to the first U38 Preview! We are working towards putting out a second preview which will include changes to Druid and Artificer based on feedback here as well as both the new adventure pack and named loot coming in U38. We expect this second preview to be coming be going live in the week of the 27th-29th but that could change based on schedule interruptions (Who knows, maybe we'll have 5 more storms that bring 2 feet of snow and 50 mph winds between now and then)
Astreya the Unturning
It's always a shame when the hammer of poor design choices smashes the fun of player tactical adaptation.
We don't only build for the builds that exist.
We don't only build for the builds that are good right now.
The fact that some changes are necessary is not diminished by the fact that other necessary changes have not happened yet.
Are you saying that stick builds are better than people are claiming, and the changes simply keep the same power curve in relation to handwraps builds? For example:
Current power levels -
Handwraps Monks>>>Stick Monks>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Most Other DPS>>>THF Builds
New power levels -
Handwraps Monks>=Most Other DPS>>>Stick Monks>=THF Builds
If you keep the Henshin MP for Qstaffs only, then when you make adjustments to THF in general later on to bring them up to par, Henshin stick builds will get pushed too far ahead?
Astreya the Unturning
It's always a shame when the hammer of poor design choices smashes the fun of player tactical adaptation.
Something that's been bothering me here. Where's the Warpriest changes? They didn't make it with domains, despite a few discussions on the PC forums. Now granted I'm no longer on the PC to see anything else, but is there going to be any news or smaller changes (Such as making Divine Might a divine bonus so it stacks) in the meanwhile?
I'm kind of curious if Warpriest got set on the backburner while you all chip away at a third FVS tree. Which is kind of disappointing as both Clerics and FVS could use the Warpriest/War Soul changes now before we get to this melee pass you're talking about.