We are still moving forward with the planned changes to bring the overall DPS of the Monk class closer to analogous builds in other classes, yes. Which does include Henshin Mystic.
We've been looking at feedback posts and Lamannia play + build data, talking through peoples' points and various edge cases. We've also been playing through content on Lamannia using specific builds and combinations that people have raised concerns about.
So far, the adjustments appear to be working as expected and bringing Melee Monks in their various forms closer to similar builds in other classes. While it's certainly still possible to make an underperforming Monk build (it was before these changes as well), everything we've seen so far suggests that Monk builds that are presently useful will continue to be so (Which, again, does include Henshin Mystic).
We'll be keeping an eye on further feedback on the Forums and (especially) in the remainder of U38 Lamannia Previews, and as we've stated before we intend to take a more focused look at Two Handed Fighting sometime after U38. We've discussed (and will continue discussing) various proposed alternatives (making HM's melee power staff-only, etc.). At the moment, though, we believe that our proposed changes are effective at bringing us closer to our overall goal of a better-balanced Melee ecosystem and are still planning on moving forward with them.
If people are interested in providing further focused feedback, we'd be most interested in seeing feedback from Lamannia play (now or in our second Preview coming soon) and in-depth comparisons of Henshin Mystic and Thief-Acrobat. (Ideally,
Lamannia play feedback comparing those two, which would be the MOST useful, but that's a taller order.