I have been gone for awhile. Quite a while actually. Long before legendary shroud. At the time Monkchers were pretty powerful and did some pretty amazing damage. After doing some reading on here it seems that there has been some changes to Many shot/TTS which at the time was the Monkchers bread and butter. Is it still? I'm just curious if I should try to get this toon up to speed if its possible by using a lesser heart or if they arent really worth it and I should just TR it.
This is my build currently
12 monk/6 ranger/2 pally 36 pt build Helf with max wis past lives are 2 monk and 1 ranger
Ive noticed some ppl are switching between shuriken and bow use. I never thought of that. I do have another build that uses only shurikens but never thought of using both weapons on the same toon, nor do I fully understand why. I like have weapons specific to certain toons but I would consider using both if it was really worth it.
So is it possible to use my current class and race combination and rebuild a viable toon? I tend to solo mainly because I have been gone so long I dont like being the weak link lol. I would like the toon to be able to handle the tougher content with a group tho eventually.
I think I mainly need help with feat and enhancement choices
Thanks in advance for your expertise