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    Default Gingerspyce's Review, Tips, Picks and Walkthrough of the 12th Anniversary Party!

    Right now I'm zombified, having run almost nothing but the anniversary party for the past week! There's lots of cool stuff this year, including an incredible heroic weapon, some nice caster sticks, a fun new kobold sentient jewel, a great sentient food farm and some funny NPCs and flavor additions to the event. If you haven't looked at the new items yet or you're dragging your feet on learning how the Anniversary Party works, check out my video below!

    In other videos, I recently discussed my feelings about and compare Dusk, the Light Descends vs. a Legendary Green Steel Radiance weapon for Voodu while running R3 Wrath of the Earth twice, once with each weapon in Dusk vs. LGS Radiance in R3 Wrath of the Earth x2.

    I also recently completed the Aasimar Project series, so if you missed, watch the final episode where I wrap it all up in Aasimar Project episode 31: solo R4 Eye of the Titan.

    And finally, the 2018 teaching raid series is in full effect! If you're new to or still learning raids and you're on Sarlona, check out the Sarlona forum for details of each week's events! If you're not on sarlona, you can join us in the live stream to watch, learn and ask questions right along with us!

    Here are some of the teaching raid live streams since my last update...

    Thank you for all the great video comments. I am looking forward to update 38 and the druid enhancement pass and sharing videos with you about those in the upcoming weeks!

    Much love,
    Gingerspyce of Sarlona

    Older updates:
    2/1/18 Gingerspyce's week in videos: Aasimar Project, Midwinter Race and Teaching Raid Live Streams
    1/3/18 Gingerspyce's week in videos: Best of 2017
    11/14/17 Introducing the Gingerspyce Aasimar Project
    10/27/17 Gingerspyce's week in videos: Resurrection Chamber in under 3 minutes?
    Last edited by Nachomammashouse; 03-04-2018 at 07:42 AM.

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