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  1. #1
    Community Member Graskitch's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default ghallanda - heroic abbot raid (reaper difficulty)

    We will be trying a reaper heroic abbot this Tuesday March 6th at 9pm est - open to level range 15-19.

    (we still generally try to run heroic abbot open to level ranges 15-30 twice a week, but we decided this Tuesday to just give reaper a try again and see if we can get enough people).

    not sure if everyone is aware but the (permanent) Completed Sigil that you get from Sir Rohine for turning in a complete sigil frame is bugged. If you have TR'd, it flags you for running Litany of the Dead, but it will not advance unless you destroy the Completed Sigil and turn in a complete set for a new sigil. You can read about it more at this forum thread:

  2. #2
    Community Member Wh070aa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Be aware that the flagging is bugged at the minute, and the sigil requires lengthy workaround.

  3. #3
    Community Member Graskitch's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    it took us about 2 hours to complete with about 5 failed attempts on reaper 1 skull, and we managed to get a full party!

    Bladekitten (misfit reaper)
    Charnamarge (Gyga FTW)
    Sylvinite (from Spellforce)
    Maiyk (Ascema)
    Carmmy (aka IThinkAmSoCute)
    Franburble (Gyga FTW)
    Metalline (Helitha/Letic)
    Kapitolina (Kozha)

    (we decided that if any of the puzzles failed, we would not bother doing an abbot round to get the portals to re-spawn; we felt it would just be easier to recall and restart)

    round 1: our scout mistakenly went into the wrong portal
    round 2: asteroids failed
    round 3: tiles failed
    round 4: I messed up in ice puzzle room (we forgot to break the first sarcophagus, made islands back towards the beginning and I fell one too many times in the water and died) *choke*
    round 5: tiles failed

    but we finally completed on the next attempt. After the puzzles were done, we stepped out and started the final beatdown on the abbot - it took quite a long time, but fortunately there were only 1 or 2 infernos, and the assigned ice wand casters were ready. There were only about 2 or 3 reapers as well, which sort of surprised me. I remember when we tried a reaper abbot a while back, there were about 6 or 7 reapers waiting for us.

    nothing significant dropped, and nothing with a reaper bonus.

    we are going to try another reaper ascension chamber raid this Saturday at around 9pm est, max level 19 as usual.

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