So the dev’s are “fixing” animal form druids, they are also “fixing” cleaving tree builds. So... this is the build to exploit them all before the fixes are in.
This is a primal avatar tree build that turns into a wolf to kill bosses. It cleaves, greater cleaves, whirling wind, and dire charge with strong deffences untill it gets to the boss. There it swiches into wolf form, equips spite the fractured shards and then attacks with stupid wolf attack speed to build up 100 stacks of bleeding really fast.
2 druid - wolf form attack speed is an expoit right?
6 warlocks - everyone says warlocks are total easymode aka exploiters. Also we nead the aura.
12 fighter - um.. gotta have something to build the toon on.
Purple dragon knight because YOU GOTTA BE A BIG TREE!! Seriously, your as big as wood woads, its amazing!
Feets: 1 PDK, 7 heroic, 7 fighter.
(5) whirlwind line
(3) cleave line
(2) shield mastery
(3) TWF line
Shurikin proficency.
IC: Blunt.
Epic stuff:
Overwhelming critical
Epic DR
Bulwark of deffence
Dire charge
Elusive target
20 melee power.
Walock ES: get the 3ed core arua and the thingy that gives temp hp every aura tick.
Fighter kensi: get some melee power and action boosts. The bonus dmg stuff doesnt work in animal form.
Fighter stalwart deffender: get 20% hp and other neat deffensive stuff.
Fighter vanguard: get 5-10% melee attack speed bonus.
The build sucks pre 20, is amazing at trash clearing from 20-28, and can open a can of wupass on bosses 29+. Use the prowess filigree because everyone knows thats an exploit to, look at the monks use it. Level ups into con because who cares about your str. Your damage comes from being a clealving tree which takes melee power and doublestrike. Or from being a wolf which only cares about haste boost and doublestrike.
Dont keep auto attack on with tree form, just dont even attack. Just cleave, cleave, cleave. Gather as many mobs as you can and MOW THEM DOWN! Also stomp all over them, your a freeken tree, its halrious!
PS. Spite is bugged, some mobs like reapers and kobolds have dr 550/magic. The spite dot does not break magic DR.
PPS. Thanks deves for breaking this non-overpowerd-fun build option.
PPPS. Have fun!
PPPPS. The title is to get lots of views!