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I never tested, so didn't realize that Ins Deadly and KtA damage did not stack. I just assumed that since Ins Tactics from KtA stacked with Ins Tactics items, the damage would as well. Looking through the forums saw a post from you, so assuming you actually tested this.
I figured the Ins Deadly, Ins INT, and the Ref 16 is why Symbiont ran the ring (he didn't have the boots previously that also gave Ref). Even without the ins deadly, the Ins INT is still a good reason, though Perfect Pinnacle would be actively better. Perfect Pinnacle would allow you to slot Vertigo on your slavers for much more reliable Unbalancing Strike application along with auto-trip procs that can help in high reapers. The only real question is that worth needing to swap two items for KtA usage instead of one? Pre-swap nerf that would have been no issue... now? Though if you're willing to, there is the very good option of the second swap being a named main-hand with 7 INT filigrees and a LGS offhand with +7 Ins INT and +2 Exc INT. That would make the effort much more worthwhile as you would have 6 higher INT than the single swap option while gaining the use of Perfect Pinnacle. Or a "healery" option could be deathwarden ring for 29% pos crit chance -- give up Accuracy 28 on the Slavers and you could load 185 POS power. And as you can always clicky or pot haste, you could put the Accuracy on your goggles instead of melee alacrity. Though that is still giving up some DPS losing the LGS goggles. More food for thought.
As for gear flexibility for Adherent Set, it is Boots or Trinket. Ring does not have a dodge option, so to give it up for Prowess or something else while still going for the set bonus will cost you dodge... and that matters in Reaper. One of your rings needs to be Adherent if you want an effective set bonus as they have much better options than goggles for melee Monks.
As for gear options, this is what I am suggesting for a max DPS/DC option and is what I'll likely be going for:
Goggles: LGS Unconcious 128/Ins Hide 11/Ins Hide 6 - Good Weapons active augment
Helm: Legendary Executioner's Helm
Necklace: Fleetfoot Necklace
Trinket: CC - Dodge 15, Heal Amp 61, Ins WIS 7
Cloak: Legendary Shadowhail Cloak (Legendary Phasecloak swap for KtA)
Belt: Legendary Cutcord
Gloves: Molten Silver Gauntlets
Boots: Legendary Flightfoot Greaves
Bracers: Legendary Lore-Fueled Packbanner
Ring 1: Legendary Perfect Pinnacle
Ring 2: Slavers - CON 17, Accuracy 28, Vertigo 20, Qual WIS 4
Armor: Legendary Disciple of the Dawn
Main Weapon: Duality (Deconstructor and Endless Night slotted)
KtA swap: Whatever (haven't decided - dream would be if a proper INT/Qual INT mainhand was made so Phasecloak would be unneeded) with +7 INT Filigrees / LGS Int 15, Ins INT 7, Exc INT 2
A "tank mode" setup could be achieved by swapping to:
Goggles: CC - Concentration 22, Ins Concentration 11, Ins WIS 7
Trinket: CC - Dodge 15, Heal Amp 61, Ins PRR 18 (or DEX 7 for 3 AC, Reflex, accuracy, and damage)
Non-LGS setup:
Goggles: Cannith Crafted - Concentration 22, Accuracy 23, Ins WIS 7
Helm: Legendary Executioner's Helm
Necklace: Fleetfoot Necklace
Trinket: Echo of Ravenkind
Cloak: Legendary Shadowhail Cloak (Legendary Phasecloak swap for KtA)
Belt: Legendary Cutcord
Gloves: Molten Silver Gauntlets
Boots: CC - Dodge 15, STR 15, Ins DEX 7 (or Ins Combat Mastery if you're still struggling on tactics)
Bracers: Legendary Lore-Fueled Packbanner
Ring 1: Legendary Perfect Pinnacle
Ring 2: Slavers - False Life 68, Devotion 185, Vertigo 20, Qual WIS 4
Armor: Legendary Disciple of the Dawn
Main Weapon: Duality (Deconstructor and Endless Night slotted)
KtA swap: Whatever with +7 INT Filigrees / LGS Int 15, Ins INT 7, Exc INT 2
This setup loses 128 unconscious range making 1-shot death riskier, ~30 SA damage on a properly buffed toon, and 61 Heal Amp. It gains more powerful healing (which helps counter the hamp loss for self healing, and if you flip on a LGS, the 70 doesn't stack with the 61 anyways), more HP, passive good bypass, more Ki Shout without swapping, and DEX. The LGS option is stronger IMO, but those that don't have the LGS gear farmed or don't want to can use this to cover it. To me, Accuracy clearly wins over Melee Alacrity as alacrity can easily be covered by a buff whereas the Accuracy is not.
I do see two main points of contention with these gear setups:
- Nightfall Ring vs Perfect Pinnacle. Nightfall can save you a swap, which is important as the 1s nerf makes it clunky, but also costs you 1-2 KtA tactics, auto-trip, 2 stunning DCs (on top of the KtA tactics loss), and 20 Vertigo DCs.
- 4 Quality WIS vs 4 Quality CON. This is 2 DCs + 2 WILL + 2 AC vs 60 HP + 2 FORT. I would choose the WIS, but both are important, so up to you. A soul stone can't CC/QP.