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  1. #61
    Community Member DrawingGuy's Avatar
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    Since you are Aasimar with the past lives, we are in complete agreement that dropping Ninja Spy is worth it as Tier 4 Falconry abilities are strong as is Aasimar Ascendant Bond, which simply does not leave room for proper Ninja spy investment. I do try to break the pros/cons of both out, but no reason to just repeat agreements. The 3 points you have extra I would personally spend on Vistani. 25% negative absorb - especially as most neg spells are fort saves so you don't get Evasion reduction - along with 3 PRR and MRR is well worth the 3 AP spend imo. Henshin core 1 and animal form is also a good spend, but I lean toward the defensive boost, especially with how hard Reaper spells hit.

    A -50% fort debuff is the strongest in the game, only matched by Wrack, which is construct limited. Strike for the Eyes (t3 bird strike) is on a 10s CD, so would have the potential of maintaining it on a boss target. This also would go far for Tear stacking. So even if the skills currently underperform, it would still be a good idea to still load at least Strike for the Eyes for bosses as well as Deadly Instinct resets if it will be longer between shrines. It sucks to hear they are currently too clunky for regular use, but the last thing I need to know/determine is if Coordinated Strike's aoe blind is a helpless effect or not. If it is, Assassination would be a worthwhile investment as that would be an important AOE boost. If it is not, and the other bird attacks are too clunky, then Assassination can be dropped and really Ethereal being the only way to go unless you truly want to all-in on QP.

    As for holding off on WWA, I would say that would depend if you have Dire Charge or not. Dire Charge > WWA > Coordinated Strike would be the better combo. Doing WWA first would serve two purposes: First, and most important, is so that you can try to squeeze two WWAs into a single Dire Charge stun. Second as Coordinated Strike (calling it CS from now on) has a delayed effect anyways, your second WWA should be mostly off CD before it triggers, and you can fit two WWAs within the fort debuff even if you have to wait longer for WWA. If CS is indeed a Helpless trigger, that would cause you to want to delay CS possibly even longer so that you can have it fill in the gap between Dire Charge CDs (unless the trash killing is fast enough to not need a second Dire).

    As Dire Charge is on a short enough CD that it should always be ready to start a fight, it would only be lower levels I'd start the fight with Coordinated. And even then I'd question holding off on WWA until the bird triggers. As the window is 10s, you're still only going to fit 2 WWAs within the debuff whether you do CS > WWA > bird triggers > WWA ~3s into debuff > WWA ~8s into debuff or if you CS > wait 2s for bird > WWA after bird > WWA ~5s into debuff. If anything, you're losing DPS by waiting. This also poses the possibility of starting with a WWA first, especially if you need to gather mobs a bit to ensure the debuff hits everyone.
    Pinc Punch - Unarmed Monk (Uber Completionist) // Porc the Orc - Paladin // Thunderborn - Warlock // Imustbe Emo - PewPew Rogue // Aquamine Artifact - Crafting Artificer (shelved)

  2. #62
    Community Member Paisheng's Avatar
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    Yup yup. good point on using the 3 points vistani. I think I will switch those over from Henshin. I just got to 20 the second time with Falcon and haven't contemplated til now the epics and end game. But I like your theory on Dire--WW--CS -- WW. I suppose that would work with the timer as well in heroics WW-CS-WW, but the problem is that most of the trash is killed in heroics by the time bird goes off (at least up to around R3-4) in that format. But in higher reaper all three would be a good call.

    You have probably noticed but the bird does quite a wide aoe more than I it is often hitting targets others are working on. Not sure how to pin down the exact distance but it is impressive. So in heroics its been nice to lead with the CS to help out others fighting the other trash.

    Regarding QP --with Deadly Strikes I was reaching around 56 DC around level 16 (if memory serves). Bottom line -- never a problem hitting with QP from Levels 15 to 20 (pretty sure the only fails were on a 1) though I didn't usually go higher than r5. But it was very nice to have strong confidence in QP finally even with champs. Soon to test out the Epics and see how it performs there. I also prefer a DC build and see Astral as the likely choice at 30 for this reason. I used to want the best DPS, but the trade off of a reliable instant death equals in essence more dps. Bosses maybe slower, but thanks to the wisdom damage now, perhaps not so much.

  3. #63
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    I am running in GMoF to try it in preference to the typical LD I use.

    One thing I have noticied is how well Drifiting Lotus now works. The tactical bonus from Deadly Instinct seems to add to Drifting Lotus making it work for me all the time in EE when in Water Stance. The tooltip for DL doesn't chance its DC as it does for Stunning Fist.

    It could be that I am imagining the improved effectiveness and that it is not adding the Deadly Instinct bonus. Not even sure if this would be WAI or not, always hard to tell with DDO.

    The short cooldown (15 secs) means I can enter the mob circle, Drift, then Whirl with everything appearing to take extra damage due to them being knocked down, though this isn't in the wiki list of things which do or do not grant helpless .

    How much of this am I imagining?
    Last edited by MaeveTuohy; 08-21-2018 at 11:32 AM.

  4. #64
    Community Member Jetrule's Avatar
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    I am not sure if you are imagining extra effectiveness of the GMOF attacks. But you are imagining that GMOF is a divine sphere epic destiny.
    Percivaul Dusol, BadRandall and Shortpact--The Silver Legion

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jetrule View Post
    I am not sure if you are imagining extra effectiveness of the GMOF attacks. But you are imagining that GMOF is a divine sphere epic destiny.

    Thanks, I will edit my post.

  6. #66
    Community Member Robbenklopper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaeveTuohy View Post
    I am running in GMoF to try it in preference to the typical LD I use.

    One thing I have noticied is how well Drifiting Lotus now works. The tactical bonus from Deadly Instinct seems to add to Drifting Lotus making it work for me all the time in EE when in Water Stance. The tooltip for DL doesn't chance its DC as it does for Stunning Fist.

    It could be that I am imagining the improved effectiveness and that it is not adding the Deadly Instinct bonus. Not even sure if this would be WAI or not, always hard to tell with DDO.

    The short cooldown (15 secs) means I can enter the mob circle, Drift, then Whirl with everything appearing to take extra damage due to them being knocked down, though this isn't in the wiki list of things which do or do not grant helpless .

    How much of this am I imagining?
    I can´t say how much.

    After Falconer was released I spend my AP, i also checked for alternatives to LD and went GmoF. Deadly instincs seems to (expected) leave Lotus in terms of DC and knock-downs untouched (also EIN). No kind of combat-mastery is added too.
    Is it better by something than before? Can´t say.
    Well, it anyway depends on your WIS, which is "now" probably better by SLC or RL gear (by higher stats) ? Do you wear the same staff like before Falconry?
    When i checked out GmoF with lotus, "my" DC for "their" reflex was about 80 (?). That was close to a no-fail for any casters etc. but a mostly-fail for grunts or the like. Not sure that i also saw helpless-boni. So i switched back to LD.

    If you can figure out or confirm some "change", i would love to read about and probably give GmoF another try.
    "It´s too late. Always has been - always will be. Too late"

  7. #67
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    Couple questions -

    Does this build still work today or was it nerfed into extinction?

    Does it have to be H-Orc or would Human also work or Aasimar?

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by supps2; 08-23-2018 at 07:05 AM.

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by supps2 View Post
    Couple questions -

    Does this build still work today or was it nerfed into extinction?

    Does it have to be H-Orc or would Human also work or Aasimar?

    Thanks in advance.
    Depends on how closely you want to copy paste the build, the core of the build with WWA, SF and GTWF is pretty standard stuff that has remained unchanged for a long time. The Henshin enhancements got nerfed to the ground and falconry got added as an option making it more appealing to go for a full wisdom investment. If you are looking at that list of fairly impressive stats and saying I want those stats, the henshin/shintao nerfs mean your MP won't end up quite as high but most of what is there is due to the gear setup you use and the past lives you have rather than the exact enhancement split so in that sense the build still works just fine.

    Edit: also no Horc is not required, Human and Aasimar are both solid monk race options.
    Last edited by Hamagawi; 08-23-2018 at 02:51 PM.

  9. #69
    Community Member DrawingGuy's Avatar
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    I admit that it has been a while since I've ran GMoF, but I'm 90% sure that Lotus does not give helpless. Between base 50% + No Mercy 30% + Sense Weakness 30%, it should be extremely obvious if you are. Even without Helpless damage, Lotus is definitely worth the investment as any AOE CC is useful. However it doesn't really carry in Reaper very well as even with extreme WIS investments, you're still looking at a DC in the 80s, which would only really work on low-reflex targets... which there are few of to balance against casters that can roll 100+ DCs. Legendary Dreadnought is better in every single way (you have to twist from LD for GMoF to beat it in DC boosting), but the game is about fun. GMoF gives you actual moves which indeed are more fun than the more passive nature of LD, so nothing wrong with running it if you enjoy it. I meta-game a little too much to suffer running it, and really hope some day it gets a serious pass.

    @supps2 - Most of this build would be fine following. The core of an unarmed monk, whirlwind attack, sets 10 feats in stone. That leaves no heroic feat flexibility unless you're Human or PDK, so no matter whom you look at, they will be pretty much the same. Epic feats is where you are flexible. Good feat choices:

    DPS Feats:
    - Precision: Note that this will come at the cost of Combat Expertise's survival boost, but gives a large accuracy boost and fort bypass.
    - Improved Martial Arts: Passive DPS boost by giving +1[W] if unarmed
    - Overwhelming Critical: Passive DPS boost by boosting 19-20 crits
    - Disciple of the Fist: Passive DPS boost by giving +0.5[W] if unarmed
    - Sneak of Shadows: Clicky that boosts SA damage, though only really worth it if you run Scion of Ethereal

    Utility Feats:
    - Completionist: +2 to all abilities and skills means a small boost to everything, and if you are building for QP, this becomes especially useful.
    - Vorpal Strikes: Only way to get Slashing Bypass while unarmed as they nerfed Morninglord wraps.
    - Blinding Speed: The OP takes this, though I consider it only a "convenience" feat. I personally never take it, preferring to fit speed/alacrity on my gear or using haste pots/clickies if a caster isn't available.

    Defensive Feats:
    - Epic Damage Reduction: 10 PRR is 10 PRR
    - Epic Reflexes: Not failing Reflex saves on a 1 makes a difference, though not really enough to outweigh a DPS feat IMO. And for mechanics where rapid reflex saves make this a big deal (such as Moiir), you can always just run GMoF.
    - Toughness/Epic Toughness: Every little bit of HP helps
    - Deflect Arrows: I do feel that this feat gets underestimated, but this is also available as a 6 AP spend in Vistani.

    Essentially pick 4 feats (or 5 if human/pdk, though you'll be limited to heroic feats for that extra) from that list of feats. What you pick is up to you, and is really the only piece that will vary between unarmed Monk build feats. I'd also suggest that defensive feats be bottom priority. My opinion is to always build for the minimum amount of defenses required -- anything more, and you're just giving up DPS/utility for nothing.

    For Enhancements: This can be freely changed with just a little plat. Experiment to see what fits your playstyle! I have discussion in this thread regarding how to split AP, and I'm still messing around with the Falconry tree myself. I've already changed how I spent my AP in the tree 4 times and have come to conclusions that paper crafting would not give me. I may post something at some time with final layouts, but still suggest people to experiment themselves. I will note, however, that I would not strictly follow the OPs original AP spread anymore. The 1s CD added to weapon/item swapping makes Quick Strike far too clunky to bother with for the Doublestrike buff, Henshin has been nerfed heavily, and there is now Falconry to consider.

    For Gear: I go back and forth on this thread as well for gear; U38 and U39 really have not changed it other than making Nightfall ring less useful. Here is a proposed setup:

    Goggles: LGS Unconcious 128/Ins Hide 11/Ins Hide 6 - Good Weapons active augment
    Helm: Legendary Executioner's Helm
    Necklace: Fleetfoot Necklace
    Trinket: CC - Dodge 15, Heal Amp 61, Ins WIS 7
    Cloak: Legendary Shadowhail Cloak (Legendary Phasecloak swap for KtA)
    Belt: Legendary Cutcord
    Gloves: Molten Silver Gauntlets
    Boots: Legendary Flightfoot Greaves
    Bracers: Legendary Lore-Fueled Packbanner
    Ring 1: Legendary Perfect Pinnacle
    Ring 2: Slavers - CON 17, Accuracy 28, Vertigo 20, Qual WIS 4
    Armor: Legendary Disciple of the Dawn
    Main Weapon: Duality (Deconstructor and Endless Night slotted)

    If you are not running in Scion of Ethereal, I'd suggest using "The Masque" for your goggles. As you don't need the hide, that will still let you grab the unconscious range while also snagging +7 Ins Deadly and Soundproof. You could also get +7 Ins Deadly by using Nightfall Ring instead of Perfect Pinnacle, but I personally see getting stance bonuses (such as auto-trip in Water) and Stunning 22 as outweighing getting only the +7 Ins Deadly from Nightfall as the Ins INT is no longer needed.

    Lastly Race: This is also debated in the thread, and I break it down here:

    Hopefully that answers all your questions!
    Pinc Punch - Unarmed Monk (Uber Completionist) // Porc the Orc - Paladin // Thunderborn - Warlock // Imustbe Emo - PewPew Rogue // Aquamine Artifact - Crafting Artificer (shelved)

  10. #70
    Community Member Robbenklopper's Avatar
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    No doubt this is by far the best dps build, so i´m working on at least getting all the gear for.

    For my main, i´m still puzzeling on a gear-setup that includes insightful-combat-mastery, but i despair about finding a solution. In Terms of DC-boni, RL-gears appears inferior(?)
    Cowl of the Giant Warriors breaks cloak, pendant Focus breaks neck, many hooked greaves break boots. Rings and helm- anyway no. Probabably boots (or trinket?) remain exchangable for RL-sets. They don´t seem to support DC-builds, coz the "some better" stats on RL don´t make up a +7 from cowl.
    Can you imagine any Setup with quality+insight CM while covering everything neccessary while adherents or avenger set?
    Last edited by Robbenklopper; 08-27-2018 at 04:54 AM.
    "It´s too late. Always has been - always will be. Too late"

  11. #71
    Community Member DrawingGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robbenklopper View Post
    No doubt this is by far the best dps build, so i´m working on at least getting all the gear for.

    For my main, i´m still puzzeling on a gear-setup that includes insightful-combat-mastery, but i despair about finding a solution. In Terms of DC-boni, RL-gears appears inferior(?)
    Cowl of the Giant Warriors breaks cloak, pendant Focus breaks neck, many hooked greaves break boots. Rings and helm- anyway no. Probabably boots (or trinket?) remain exchangable for RL-sets. They don´t seem to support DC-builds, coz the "some better" stats on RL don´t make up a +7 from cowl.
    Can you imagine any Setup with quality+insight CM while covering everything neccessary while adherents or avenger set?
    You won't get the numbers this build did. They've nerfed the MP Monks get in both Henshin and Shintao cores, and nerfed the wraps by ~30% damage. He also uses some other buffs that either no longer work (such as still getting RL set bonuses without the gear, which was exploiting anyways), are too tedious to use due to nerfs (such as staff doublestrike bonus), or are questionable (such as carrying bonuses over from feats/destinies from previous lives). This coupled with the fact that he has every possible past life and millions of RXP are what people on the forums are using as the baseline of what Monks are and are calling the OP. It's just dumb, but whatever.

    Whether it is the best DPS build or not, I haven't really sat down to compare to recent changes with Falconry and post-nerf options. I'd venture that serious enhancement changes would be needed, as well as gear changes to get set bonuses, and some minor feat changes as well. He talks about it in the thread, and hasn't been back since Falconry. Though he certainly helps show the value of Helplessness damage, and why I suggest going pretty heavy into Falconry (28 or 31) as you can get that from the tree. It is possible to do the Half-Orc 19 (11 racial PL + 1 tome + 7 ap spend), 41 Shintao, 31 Falconry, 1 Henshin (drop the 1 Henshin if you don't have the tome), and would be the highest possible trash DPS. Though I still question if that is worth giving up the gains Aasimar gives you.

    As for fitting Insightful Combat Mastery, you can actually fit it in without losing any set bonuses, though I don't think it is needed. Items do NOT affect Quivering Palm, and the efforts to get QP DCs in line should have all of your other tactics sitting pretty. If you still would like to fit it in, you can simply change to Cannith Crafted goggles. That lets you put Ins WIS onto the goggles and then put Ins CM onto your trinket extra slot. This would also allow for you to put Accuracy on the goggles and free up Accuracy from the Slavers ring so you could either slot 14 Resistance (for +6 saves to Fort and Will over a +8 augment) or 185 Positive Spell Power to boost your FOL finisher and Rejuvination Cocoon. The latter I feel would do more for you than the Resistance. Note, however, that this will come at the cost of DPS, either from the loss of Hide value to your Ethereal stance or from the loss of Ins Deadly. The Masque or LGS goggles also essentially give you +128 HP as someone can heal you from down-state. Even forgoing all that, I'd go for Ins PRR or Ins Accuracy on the trinket before I'd go Ins CM. Now if items actually affected QP, that would be a different story.
    Pinc Punch - Unarmed Monk (Uber Completionist) // Porc the Orc - Paladin // Thunderborn - Warlock // Imustbe Emo - PewPew Rogue // Aquamine Artifact - Crafting Artificer (shelved)

  12. #72
    Community Member Paisheng's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrawingGuy View Post

    If you are not running in Scion of Ethereal, I'd suggest using "The Masque" for your goggles. As you don't need the hide, that will still let you grab the unconscious range while also snagging +7 Ins Deadly and Soundproof. You could also get +7 Ins Deadly by using Nightfall Ring instead of Perfect Pinnacle, but I personally see getting stance bonuses (such as auto-trip in Water) and Stunning 22 as outweighing getting only the +7 Ins Deadly from Nightfall as the Ins INT is no longer needed.

    Hopefully that answers all your questions!
    Isn't Insight Deadly on equipment meaningless if you are running with Falconry Deadly Instincts (or Know the Angles for the matter)? Is this equipment stacking with Deadly Instincts although they are both deadly Insight bonuses? Is it stacking with some equipment but not others (bug)? Has anybody tested it yet (my toon is too low currently for tha equipment test). Thanks for any info on this.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paisheng View Post
    Isn't Insight Deadly on equipment meaningless if you are running with Falconry Deadly Instincts (or Know the Angles for the matter)? Is this equipment stacking with Deadly Instincts although they are both deadly Insight bonuses? Is it stacking with some equipment but not others (bug)? Has anybody tested it yet (my toon is too low currently for tha equipment test). Thanks for any info on this.
    Yes, it has been tested. The Insightful damage and tactics bonuses of abilities (KtA, Divine Will, Divine Presence, Deadly Instincts) stack with the Insightful Damage and Insightful Tactics of equipment. This coding difference not only allows for the stacking, but allows for something extremely important: It allows for the Tactics bonus of abilities to work for Quivering Palm where all equipment bonuses do not. If they were coded as the same, QP would either accept or reject them equally.

    Divine Might is the only "trance" ability that does not stack with equipment as both sources of Insightful Strength are coded the same. While STR still has the highest stat potential so still easily competes for Tactics DCs, I do think that this should be changed to stack. I do think STR should continue to be the best DPS potential as STR does not have the advantage alternative stats do.
    Pinc Punch - Unarmed Monk (Uber Completionist) // Porc the Orc - Paladin // Thunderborn - Warlock // Imustbe Emo - PewPew Rogue // Aquamine Artifact - Crafting Artificer (shelved)

  14. #74
    Community Member Robbenklopper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrawingGuy View Post
    You won't get the numbers this build did. They've nerfed the MP Monks get in both Henshin and Shintao cores, and nerfed the wraps by ~30% damage. He also uses some other buffs that either no longer work (such as still getting RL set bonuses without the gear, which was exploiting anyways), are too tedious to use due to nerfs (such as staff doublestrike bonus), or are questionable (such as carrying bonuses over from feats/destinies from previous lives). This coupled with the fact that he has every possible past life and millions of RXP are what people on the forums are using as the baseline of what Monks are and are calling the OP. It's just dumb, but whatever.

    Whether it is the best DPS build or not, I haven't really sat down to compare to recent changes with Falconry and post-nerf options. I'd venture that serious enhancement changes would be needed, as well as gear changes to get set bonuses, and some minor feat changes as well. He talks about it in the thread, and hasn't been back since Falconry. Though he certainly helps show the value of Helplessness damage, and why I suggest going pretty heavy into Falconry (28 or 31) as you can get that from the tree. It is possible to do the Half-Orc 19 (11 racial PL + 1 tome + 7 ap spend), 41 Shintao, 31 Falconry, 1 Henshin (drop the 1 Henshin if you don't have the tome), and would be the highest possible trash DPS. Though I still question if that is worth giving up the gains Aasimar gives you.

    As for fitting Insightful Combat Mastery, you can actually fit it in without losing any set bonuses, though I don't think it is needed. Items do NOT affect Quivering Palm, and the efforts to get QP DCs in line should have all of your other tactics sitting pretty. If you still would like to fit it in, you can simply change to Cannith Crafted goggles. That lets you put Ins WIS onto the goggles and then put Ins CM onto your trinket extra slot. This would also allow for you to put Accuracy on the goggles and free up Accuracy from the Slavers ring so you could either slot 14 Resistance (for +6 saves to Fort and Will over a +8 augment) or 185 Positive Spell Power to boost your FOL finisher and Rejuvination Cocoon. The latter I feel would do more for you than the Resistance. Note, however, that this will come at the cost of DPS, either from the loss of Hide value to your Ethereal stance or from the loss of Ins Deadly. The Masque or LGS goggles also essentially give you +128 HP as someone can heal you from down-state. Even forgoing all that, I'd go for Ins PRR or Ins Accuracy on the trinket before I'd go Ins CM. Now if items actually affected QP, that would be a different story.
    Thank you for your Reply and offered solutions!
    Symbionts´s build serves for the Basics, never on earth i can aquire all that power he gathered, and certainly need to adapt thing to fit with falconry on my toon. I´m not sure to invest more than 26AP in it atm.
    The costs for going INS-CM appear to be not worthy like you explained. Neither to the loss of dps nor to the time to now start CCrafting up from Zero
    Ok, dropping that idea and sticking to cowl and SLC gear on this toon.
    "It´s too late. Always has been - always will be. Too late"

  15. #75
    Community Member Paisheng's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrawingGuy View Post
    Yes, it has been tested. The Insightful damage and tactics bonuses of abilities (KtA, Divine Will, Divine Presence, Deadly Instincts) stack with the Insightful Damage and Insightful Tactics of equipment. This coding difference not only allows for the stacking, but allows for something extremely important: It allows for the Tactics bonus of abilities to work for Quivering Palm where all equipment bonuses do not. If they were coded as the same, QP would either accept or reject them equally.

    Divine Might is the only "trance" ability that does not stack with equipment as both sources of Insightful Strength are coded the same. While STR still has the highest stat potential so still easily competes for Tactics DCs, I do think that this should be changed to stack. I do think STR should continue to be the best DPS potential as STR does not have the advantage alternative stats do.
    This is good news indeed. Thanks for the info; now back to the fun of optimizing equipment....

  16. #76
    Community Member DrawingGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robbenklopper View Post
    Thank you for your Reply and offered solutions!
    Symbionts´s build serves for the Basics, never on earth i can aquire all that power he gathered, and certainly need to adapt thing to fit with falconry on my toon. I´m not sure to invest more than 26AP in it atm.
    The costs for going INS-CM appear to be not worthy like you explained. Neither to the loss of dps nor to the time to now start CCrafting up from Zero
    Ok, dropping that idea and sticking to cowl and SLC gear on this toon.
    The thing is, all of the T4 abilities of Falconry are very strong -- other than Shared Vision, which is trash. I wouldn't take that at 1 AP, let alone 2 AP. That should be combined with Eyes of the Eagle and replaced with something new, or have something added to it. Possibly combining it with Nothing is Hidden, or a new version that can find secret doors using a Spot check instead of a Search check, but can't find traps. But I'm digressing here... back to why I suggest a 28+ point spend:

    20 points to unlock Tier 4, the best spending of which I'm still experimenting with.

    3 points into Deadly Instinct. I tried running this at 2 points - something I always did with KtA - but the rate at which the usages recover is too low to maintain a 1 minute DI. I was constantly running out, which is a huge hit to DCs. Your mileage may vary depending on how quick you're reaching shrines and how lucky you are getting on recovery procs, but I consider the 3 points into DI to be important.

    3 points into No Mercy. The OP shows you the value of helpless damage. Where I find it debatable in the Ninja Spy tree at 2 AP a pop (that should be changed imo), at 1 AP a pop, I'd take it over pretty much any other 3 AP that you would possibly spend elsewhere.

    1 point into Coordinated Strike. While the long CD takes it off the "you would be stupid to not take this" list, it is still definitely worth it. A 2[W] cleave for a single AP is strong on its own, and it can apply blind and Expose Weakness in a large AOE. It also seems to have the highest chance to give a DI counter, though I have not done any serious testing of this.

    1 point into Expose Weakness. It may only have a 10s duration, but it is also the strongest fort debuff in the game having no qualifier (other than having to physically hit the target with the bird attack first) and no build up. When coupled with Coordinated Strike, it can easily increase party DPS against high fort trash like undead/constructs/champs as it will apply to everything, or help against boss targets when coupled with Strike for the Eyes as it can be maintained with that move. Unless you are almost always running with someone that has this ability (as they don't stack with each other), this is well worth the 1 AP.

    So while I'm sure it is the latter two that you are giving up for a 26 point spread, I do think you are likely gaining more with the 28. Though don't let my arguments detract you from trying whatever it is that you are looking to do. You may have a spread I didn't think of, or you can have your own playstyle that would work better for you. Enhancements I don't consider as what defines a build as they can be changed at any time to fit a specific quest or need or just for fun.

    As for gear, I do admit the Drow Sage's Cowl is drool worthy, especially as it would let me make some useful gear shifting, but the Executioner's Helm is a serious DPS item to have. Seeker is something you want and isn't part of any of the RL sets used; Insightful Deception is +11 SA damage before 1.5x MP scaling, can't be crafted so is tough to fit elsewhere; So while I said there are better options than squeezing in Insightful CM, Quality CM is still useful; Relentless Fury is a 5% DPS boost for trash killing, and this helm is the only end-game item that has it. In short, Legendary Executioner's helm is one of the best DPS helm for any non-caster in the game, and I'd only drop it if you have serious gear deficiencies you need to cover instead.
    Pinc Punch - Unarmed Monk (Uber Completionist) // Porc the Orc - Paladin // Thunderborn - Warlock // Imustbe Emo - PewPew Rogue // Aquamine Artifact - Crafting Artificer (shelved)

  17. #77
    Community Member Paisheng's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrawingGuy View Post
    Yes, it has been tested. The Insightful damage and tactics bonuses of abilities (KtA, Divine Will, Divine Presence, Deadly Instincts) stack with the Insightful Damage and Insightful Tactics of equipment. This coding difference not only allows for the stacking, but allows for something extremely important: It allows for the Tactics bonus of abilities to work for Quivering Palm where all equipment bonuses do not. If they were coded as the same, QP would either accept or reject them equally.

    Divine Might is the only "trance" ability that does not stack with equipment as both sources of Insightful Strength are coded the same. While STR still has the highest stat potential so still easily competes for Tactics DCs, I do think that this should be changed to stack. I do think STR should continue to be the best DPS potential as STR does not have the advantage alternative stats do.
    Wait, experiencing confusion....i just crafted (cc) some insightful combat mastery to some boots but it did not reflect any change in my QP dc value. What equipment are you referring to that gives insightful tactics that will stack onto my QP values?

  18. #78
    Community Member DrawingGuy's Avatar
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    You didn't read it right:

    Quote Originally Posted by DrawingGuy View Post
    It allows for the Tactics bonus of abilities to work for Quivering Palm where all equipment bonuses do not.
    No tactics equipment of any type affects QP.
    Pinc Punch - Unarmed Monk (Uber Completionist) // Porc the Orc - Paladin // Thunderborn - Warlock // Imustbe Emo - PewPew Rogue // Aquamine Artifact - Crafting Artificer (shelved)

  19. #79
    Community Member Paisheng's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrawingGuy View Post
    You didn't read it right:

    No tactics equipment of any type affects QP.
    I think I did read it right. You earlier wrote: The Insightful damage and tactics bonuses of abilities (KtA, Divine Will, Divine Presence, Deadly Instincts) stack with the Insightful Damage and Insightful Tactics of equipment.


    But at this point I am understanding that Deadly Instincts insightful tactic bonuses do not stack with any Insightful tactic bonuses from equipment. However Insightful Damage from KTA, Deadly Instincts, etc. do stack with insightful damage from equipment.

  20. #80
    Community Member Vish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paisheng View Post
    I think I did read it right. You earlier wrote: The Insightful damage and tactics bonuses of abilities (KtA, Divine Will, Divine Presence, Deadly Instincts) stack with the Insightful Damage and Insightful Tactics of equipment.


    But at this point I am understanding that Deadly Instincts insightful tactic bonuses do not stack with any Insightful tactic bonuses from equipment. However Insightful Damage from KTA, Deadly Instincts, etc. do stack with insightful damage from equipment.
    They stack, but not for qp
    It will stack for your dire charge tho, and stunning fist
    Kil Glory
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