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  1. #1
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    Default Total number of reincarnations

    Hello, I have a few newbie questions about the total number of times you have to reincarnate.

    In heroic, do you have to reincarnate 3 times as each class to get maximum passive benefits? How does this work in epic? Do I have to do 3 lives a GMOF, 3 as a Dreadnaught etc... to get maximum stacking bonuses?

    Is it the same in every category, 3 lives each? Any help/explanation is appreciated. Sorry if I sound stupid, this just seems like a mind numbing grind especially with the quest ransack mechanic.

    Lastly if this is true how many total lives would be required to get max bonuses on everything?

    Thanks for the help.

  2. #2
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    All past lives (heroic, racial, iconic, epic) stack up to 3 times.
    There are 14 heroic past lives, 11 racial past lives, 6 iconic past lives, 12 epic past lives.
    In total there are 43 distinct past lives. To get 3x of every past life, you need 129 past lives.

    About reincarnations:
    Iconic past lives can be combined with heroic past lives in one "Iconic Reincarnation"
    Epic past lives can be combined with heroic or racial past lives in "Epic Reincarnation" + "Heroic/Racial Reincarnation"
    So, you need 6 iconic reincarnations and 12 epic reincarnations to cover iconic and epic lives. While covering those, you will get 6 heroic lives and 12 heroic or racial lives.
    This leaves 7 racial or heroic lives without an iconic/epic life pair.

    So, in total you need 6 lives from 15-30, 12 lives from 1-30 and 7 lives from 1-20.
    To get 3x everything, you need 18 lives from 15-30, 36 lives from 1-30 and 21 lives from 1-20. Total 75 lives or "times your character needs to end up in the character creation screen to choose a new life".

    P.S. Epic past lives only require karma (xp) in a sphere to gain any of the past lives of that sphere. So that means that you don't need to spend a life in GMOF or Dreadnaught if you don't wish to. You need to earn 6'000'000 karma in the martial sphere (being in any of the 3 destinies for 6'000'000 xp) and then reach level 30. At this point you spend that 6'000'000 martial karma and choose one of the 3 martial lives (whichever you like). Karma earned in other spheres remains (so you can earn that 6'000'000 karma over the course of many lives)
    Last edited by Faltout; 02-14-2018 at 12:51 PM.
    My main server is Khyber. Have toons in almost every server for favor purposes. The Faltouts

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by morrok73 View Post
    Hello, I have a few newbie questions about the total number of times you have to reincarnate.

    In heroic, do you have to reincarnate 3 times as each class to get maximum passive benefits? How does this work in epic? Do I have to do 3 lives a GMOF, 3 as a Dreadnaught etc... to get maximum stacking bonuses?

    Is it the same in every category, 3 lives each? Any help/explanation is appreciated. Sorry if I sound stupid, this just seems like a mind numbing grind especially with the quest ransack mechanic.

    Lastly if this is true how many total lives would be required to get max bonuses on everything?

    Thanks for the help.
    Also, your heroic, racial, and iconic past lives are directly linked to their respective race or class. However epic PLs operate a little differently. Each PL comes from a destiny within a given sphere. So you could use the same destiny, say draconic incarnation, to get each past life from the entire sphere.

  4. #4
    Community Member xCataluna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Faltout View Post
    All past lives (heroic, racial, iconic, epic) stack up to 3 times.
    There are 14 heroic past lives, 11 racial past lives, 6 iconic past lives, 12 epic past lives.
    In total there are 43 distinct past lives. To get 3x of every past life, you need 129 past lives.

    About reincarnations:
    Iconic past lives can be combined with heroic past lives in one "Iconic Reincarnation"
    Epic past lives can be combined with heroic or racial past lives in "Epic Reincarnation" + "Heroic/Racial Reincarnation"
    So, you need 6 iconic reincarnations and 12 epic reincarnations to cover iconic and epic lives. While covering those, you will get 6 heroic lives and 12 heroic or racial lives.
    This leaves 7 racial or heroic lives without an iconic/epic life pair.

    So, in total you need 6 lives from 15-30, 12 lives from 1-30 and 7 lives from 1-20.
    To get 3x everything, you need 18 lives from 15-30, 36 lives from 1-30 and 27 lives from 1-20. Total 81 lives or "times your character needs to end up in the character creation screen to choose a new life".
    That should be 21, not 27. For a total of 75, not 81.
    Which is still huge, by-the-by, but also still less.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by xCataluna View Post
    That should be 21, not 27. For a total of 75, not 81.
    Which is still huge, by-the-by, but also still less.
    True. I learn something new every day... 7 * 3 != 27
    My main server is Khyber. Have toons in almost every server for favor purposes. The Faltouts

  6. #6
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    As a point of clarity - You don't NEED past lives to play DDO, but having them does open up more options for building the character or in how you tackle quests especially if you prefer a more tactical or even a brute force play style

    As others have pointed out, with some planning you can combine some of the reincarnations together and knock out two in a single life.

  7. #7
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    As others have pointed out, with some planning you can combine some of the reincarnations together and knock out two in a single life.
    Yes, most agree that going to Level 30 and grabbing an Epic PL w/ an ER (back to Lvl 20), then (after log out/in, just for superstition) grab a Heroic TR (back to Level 1) is the way to go.


    There is a distinct benefit from just Heroic R'ing for your first 2 lives, to get to 36 build points (and grabbing benefits from whatever 2 Heroic PL's make the most sense to you, either re leveling or long-term planning). I've tried to level a 1st lifer to 30, and it's a slog. Once you've run the quests a couple times it seems to go faster, not only b/c your build is stronger, but b/c you're more familiar w/ the process as a whole and know where you're going. At least for the 1st alt you're reincarnating.*

    Either way, GL!

    (* And, yes, I'm one of the players who still plays several alts. That's not what the current game encourages, which is to focus on making just 1 as strong as possible - but I find a bit of both more fun for my time. ymmv, natch.)

  8. #8
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    In heroic, do you have to reincarnate 3 times as each class to get maximum passive benefits? How does this work in epic? Do I have to do 3 lives a GMOF, 3 as a Dreadnaught etc... to get maximum stacking bonuses?
    Just to clarify this, each class (Fighter, Rogue, Sorcerer, etc) would need 3 Heroic and/or Iconic reincarnations to get maximum past life benefit. An Iconic reincarnation gives you a Heroic past life for "free" along with the Iconic past life. Depending on how you want to end up, you can probably skip some past lives in some classes without missing it. If you're aiming to be a Fighter in your final life, then the +1 Conjuration DCs and +1 Turn Undead from the Cleric past life is not useful to you at all, and you can get by with only 1 Cleric life in order to qualify for the Completionist feat (assuming that's your goal...if it's not, then you could skip the Cleric life entirely)

    In Epic, it's different and a bit complicated. Each past life still maxes out benefit at +3, but the past lives are not dictated by your class. They are controlled by the Destiny Sphere and a sub-class within each Destiny Sphere. Using your example, GMoF and Dreadnaught are both Martial sphere. There are 3 subcategories of the Martial Sphere:

    Doublestrike: Each past life gives a toggleable Martial Past Life Stance which grants 3% Doublestrike per life (so max of +9%)
    Skill Mastery: Each past life gives a toggleable Martial Past Life Stance which grants +1 to all skills (so max of +3)
    Fortification: Each past life gives a toggleable Martial Past Life stance which grants +10% Fortification (so max of +30%)

    You can only have 1 Martial Past Life Stance active at any time...but you can have a past life stance active from Martial, Divine, Arcane, and Primal all at the same time.

    In addition to the toggleable Past Life Stance, each Martial past life also gives you a passive benefit. The passive benefit is the same for all three subcategories.

    +2 AC per past life (so 3 categories x 3 past lives x 2 ac = +18) and +1 for every 10 character levels.

    The last part I'm not 100% on how it is calculated - usually those "per every X levels" things includes the first level, but I'm not 100% sure on that. If you only get it at 10 levels, then at level 30 it would apply 3 times, which totals up to +5 AC per past life x 3 categories x 3 past lives = +45 AC with 9 past lives and level 30 in your current life.

    Each epic past life requires that you have 6 million karma before you can reincarnate. You can be in any of the destinies in that sphere and get Karma. You do not have to do 3 GMoF lives, 3 Dreadnaught lives, and 3 Shadow Dancer lives. You could do all 9 in Dreadnaught if you wanted.
    Last edited by Matuse; 02-16-2018 at 01:20 AM.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  9. #9
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    All this information is really helpful, thanks to everyone who replied

  10. #10
    Community Member BandVP's Avatar
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    all feats from reincarnating (all types) can be stacked upto three times. If you have 4 past lifes as a fighter you will only get the Benefit of three.
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  11. #11
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BandVP View Post
    all feats from reincarnating (all types) can be stacked upto three times.
    Except benefits from Racial Reincarnation.

    For those, there are 3 tiers of benefit - your 1st, 2nd and 3rd reincarnation for that race gives you the 1st (+1 to a Skill), 2nd (+1 to a Stat), and 3rd tier (+1 Racial AP), but you only ever get 1 of each tier no matter how many more RR's you do with that race. Only the Tier 3 benefit, the bonus +1 Racial AP, stacks, and that stacks up to (currently) 11 times, once for each race you have reincarnated 3x with.

    Just to be perfectly clear.

    I'll also say that, for those looking long-term, Racial Reincarnation provides a better overall reward (the Racial Completionist Feat is free, taking no Feat slot), but requires 33* reincarnations (one for each* race, 3x each). The Heroic (class) Reincarnation does require a slot, but only requires 14* reincarnations (one for each* class). But the side benefits from RR completionist are far greater as well. Note that this also assumes you have access to all those classes/races.

    (* currently: 11 races, 14 classes)

    So opinions justifiably differ as to which is "best" to do first with that.

    Quote Originally Posted by morrok73 View Post
    In heroic, do you have to reincarnate 3 times as each class to get maximum passive benefits?
    Technically, yes, but be conscious of the fact that many "benefits" are just not helpful to a future build, depending. Unlike Racial Completionist, you only need 1 of each for Heroic Completionist feat. The rest (if they do not, in fact, help your build), are just for bragging rights. I'm thinking of spell-casting benefits for PL's when your current build is non-caster, and vice-versa. So, for example, a Rogue or Barbarian that has +3 to the DC's and +3 Penetration for every spell he casts, but also a Caster w/ Fighter PL's that has +3 to the DC of tactical feats - yay.

    Most all other Heroic PL's will help ~some~ with every build, altho' sometimes very small/niche contributions. But it all adds up.
    Last edited by C-Dog; 02-18-2018 at 03:58 PM.

  12. #12
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    I would say after you lock up the heroic past lives you would want (say paladin for the Healing Amp, etc...) then Epic past lives are the most important for pure power though.

    Each destiny tree when you Epic TR offers 3 different stances (so three different ones for Divine, Martial, etc) and you can use one stance from each destiny tree AT THE same time. Also, you get great passives from each epic past life as well.

  13. #13
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    Cool True 3x Completionist Bragging Rights

    Quote Originally Posted by morrok73 View Post
    Hello, I have a few newbie questions about the total number of times you have to reincarnate.

    In heroic, do you have to reincarnate 3 times as each class to get maximum passive benefits? How does this work in epic? Do I have to do 3 lives a GMOF, 3 as a Dreadnaught etc... to get maximum stacking bonuses?

    Is it the same in every category, 3 lives each? Any help/explanation is appreciated. Sorry if I sound stupid, this just seems like a mind numbing grind especially with the quest ransack mechanic.

    Lastly if this is true how many total lives would be required to get max bonuses on everything?

    Thanks for the help.

    I Know This A Old Post But Not Wanting To Add To The Pile. I Figured I Would Post A More Up To Date List For Bragging 3x Completionist Rights
    Some Of The Info Is Repetitive, But It Helped Me In The Calculations So I Figured I Would Show My Work. The TLDR 78 Lives To Get A Total 3x Completionist.

    -----Feats---------------3x Going To 30-------------------------------------------
    1. 9 iconic Classes = 27 Iconic Past Lives Will Give 27 Heroic Class Past Lives As Well
    2. 15 Heroic Classes = 45 PLF Feats
    3. 11 Racial = 33 Past Live Feats Go To 30....Get 33 Epic Feats
    4. 17 Epic Feats = 51 Epic Past Life Feats

    --Lives-----------Go To Level 30
    27 Iconic Lives + 27 Heroic/Class Feats
    Still Need 18 Heroic But Can Already Have Completionist After 1st 15
    33 Racial Go To 30 + 33 Epic Past Lives
    Still Need 18 Epic Past Lives After 12 Get Epic Completionist And 1 Point Every 4 After
    18 Heroic To 30 +18 Epic Past Lives
    True 3x Completionist
    78 Lives
    33 Racial +11 Skill/+11 Stat/+11 Racial Ap/ +33 Epic Past Lives/ +8 Epic Points
    27 Iconic +27 Iconic/+27 Heroic Feats/+Heroic Completionist
    18 Heroic +18 Heroic/+18 Epic/+4 Epic Points

    Pls Let Me Know If My Calculations Are Incorrect
    Last edited by zoultar; 08-06-2022 at 04:37 PM.

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