Tech question for someone with more know how than me.
I've been playing DDO on the same computer for ever. It's an old (really old) machine with XP as it's OS.
Despite it's advanced age, it runs the game pretty well. Admittedly my graphics settings are pretty bare bones - max draw distance as i play a few ranged toons - but things run smoothly.
I recently picked up Ravenloft,I can run into the mists with no problems, but, when i hit the gate to enter Barovia (i think it's Barovia), the game shuts down and gives me a "dndclient_awesomium has encountered a problem and needs to close" error. At this point i need to reboot the entire machine (and on my old rig, that can take a while).
On one occasion i got into Barovia but it crashed when i tried to zone into another area/quest - can't recall which.
Does anyone know if there are any settings/simple fixes i might be able to try to solve this?
Thanks for any thoughts.
Pixma/Omid - Loreseekers
PS - use small words - my tech know how is poor