DDO has so many facets, it can seem impossible to figure it out. After build options, I think figuring out past lives may be next most complex given the heroics, iconics, racials, epics, destinies, passive, stances...you get my point. And while I know that there can be uncountable paths to take, I thought I'd attempt to figure out A guide (or two).
Let me be the first to say I'm probably the last person that should be doing this - I'm only on my third life for two characters and second epic past life for one of them. But I've been reading EVERYTHING I can to try to understand the system (wiki, forums, reddit, tarot cards, tea leaves, etc.). So these are as much a learning tool for me as a teaching tool for someone else - I'm hoping I can modify and improve them with your comments.
I have two versions, which I'm calling the Path of the Wolf and the Path of the Chameleon. Wolf because it focuses solely on efficiency - getting the maximum number of past lives and completionists in the fewest lives possible. The cost is that it limits some build options - primarily, removes some pure build options in iconics. Chameleon because it focuses on efficiency but allows for more build options - namely, all iconics are their base class.
For both paths, I have two epic past lives per life. Some say 1, some say 3 or more. I chose this because I'm finding on my second ePL in a row, I'm ready for a change and true reincarnation. One last point - each of these is for the player that wants to do everything for a single character. If you know "this is only a caster toon" or "this is my bard toon" then the path will be much simpler and mostly lay itself out for you. But this may still help inform some choices.
Path of the Wolf: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BQt...ew?usp=sharing
Path of the Chameleon: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17SD...ew?usp=sharing