
Long story short, my friends and I are wrapping up our foray into epics soon, as such it's time to plan for the next heroic life.

I did a couple of heroic lives already, and I sort of outlined a 'priority list' based on the passive bonuses. Next up is Paladin.

I don't particularly enjoy melees, or non casters in general (yes a paladin has spells but not the kind I enjoy, really), but I am enjoying playing a warlock and thus started brainstorming on a warlock/paladin split to get me through heroics [in theory the plan is to do epics again as well, but with dailies and such it's much easier, even if I end up with a suboptimal build].

The idea was an even split, 10/10, going enlightened spirit. From what I understand I can use the aura while also hitting with weapons, which is good because apparently with only 10 levels the aura ticks every 4 seconds. So I thought, why not daggers? I sort of like them, plus there's the vistani tree which looks interesting. I'd need high DEX ( or int if I go harper tree) for to hit and damage, but then ES doesn't seem to need much CHA anyway, so I could sort of dump it, or at least give it less priority and focus on CON and DEX/INT.

So, that said:

-is the idea totally terrible or can we build something on this?
-if it's viable, should I go double dagger or dagger/shield?
-dex or int?
-what kind of feats should I plan on taking?

I'm not looking to be op, anything that's at least sort of decent could work, I suppose. Also, the 10/10 split is mostly because if I find myself hating playing melee I can sort of respec to cone warlock and pretend the other 10 levels are not there. My damage would suck compared to full warlock but at least I won't hate playing it.

Thanks in advance for your help!